How do we make Mexico great again?
How do we make Mexico great again?
Get rid of the beaners
Superpower 2 was based
You've got to go back, Juan.
Ally with germany and attack, they should have sent you a telegram.
We have to keep sending the brown people to USA. We will be great soon. Just a matter of time
what game is this
yo play some superpower 2 with me, i've been waiting for ages for someone to play it.
By Annexing the waste of space
make it Spain again
nuclear fire
Kekistan must bow to President Trump. All traitors must die. ANTIFA shall be dismantled and mainstream media shall be exposed
We use drug cartels as an excuse to invade parts of Mexico to:
1) eradicate drug cartels
2) seize said land from Mexico as they are unable to safely govern parts of their own country
the we build the wall further down.
Nuke the south.
finish what the spanish started
super easy, quit working for a month devalue the whole place then buy it back for nothing, make daddy proud!
Full scale war with Mexico. Annihilate the government, the military, and the cartels.
For all the (((nation building))) we've been doing for the last 15+ years, there is not a country besides Mexico where it would be more beneficial to the US.
>be a bong
>uh....should we tell the Americans?
Make it a Jewish sanctuary and send them $35 billion dollars per year multiplied by the landmass ratio of Israel divided by Mexico. They'll first-world real quick with more Jews running the show.
indio extermination
butthurt mexilards think that wyoming was mexico
Delicious satan trips. Kek wills it
I honestly wouldn't mind mexico taking all of that except California. California is our economic power house.
This guy right here though.
Notice how there are almost no Jews in Congress. Well time to change that
Again? Kek
>allow civilian gun ownership
>restrict voting rights
>right wing death squads
>send me a qt taco gf
its porn, shit movies, shit music, and tech that is little more than distraction , and a large amount of vidya is also produced, it might generate money for certain (((people))), but it causes more damage than its worth
Get rid of the beaners
Annex the entire country and exterminate all Mestizos
They got oil somebody tell Trump
nuke central america (believe it or not their immigration problems are worst than ours. central americans actually DO rape and steal, not just use up food stamps and play loud music)
there's no easy way to get rid of the corruption
Mexico is NOT poor
a small percentage of the Mexico's wealth makes it's way back to the people, the other percentage is part of some politician's salary who claims to be either fighting drug lords or fixing the same street for 10 years straight
Mexico declares on the US
The US steamrolls
Mexico becomes the greater US
it'll never be great. if usa collapses so will mexico.
Release a plague.
go down there and colonize their women. are mexican women receptive to the big gringo cock?
Fucking nuke this place
stop buying drugs
show me