Gift of Gab

Is Sup Forums on Gab?

quick rundown pls

Almost. I'm 48502745th in the queue

Gab is like Twitter but doesn't delete shit and is total free speech or something.

yeah i have like a bunch of OG names reserved because I'm a fag

I'm on gab. I asked this last night and no one replied, fucking faggots are replying today i see because it's not me posting. Fucking assholes

gib free invites plox

Free invites? what u mean

How do I login, it just says I'm on the wait list. I heard there will be free invites, Eggman

gab is like twitter except useless because twitter was only good as an aggregator and most things you want to aggregate aren't on gab

I like it better than being spied, manipulated and ultimately banned from it.

you wait man. lots of people wanting an acct. you'll get an email i'm p sure. might take a day or two

actually lil German boy i do have invites

you'll need to give me an email tho. high key weird

Sup Forums is better than Gab. Prove me wrong.

protip: you can't

it's been 3 weeks though, never got an email from them

My deegits confirm that I'm telling truth

invites work. you can give me a shit spam email if u want to use that to make ur acct


Okay, so to those who were white enough to get in... is it good?

its still in beta so its shit tier rn. stick to Sup Forums but don't forget to get in line for gab.

>phone app
Yeah fuck off

no, its a bunch of normie boomer trump supporters

[email protected]

It's a twitter competitor that's trying to capitalize on the community upset over the companies interference with political discussion through censorship and banning.

While OP is probably shill, Gab catching on would keep twitter on a leash.

excuse me

right now it is the island of misfit toys, will likely get better as twitter gets more draconian

Here's a (you). (You) seem like you need it.

invite sent

From what I've seen its just right wing people on there. It's way too much of an echo chamber for me. Part of the reason why twitter is good is because you can shit talk liberals and push your agenda to a wider audience. I don't think liberals will ever adopt the platform


No problem, msg me if u need any help with refugees

I thought Gab was shill proof since it's a non-safe space with actual people with actual ideas?

Liberals won't leave twitter because twitter isn't censoring them, so a hugbox effect is bound to happen for Gab.