Prove me wrong christfags
There is no god
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Wut b8
You exist
I am the Light you always seek.
I am God
No you're not, this is blasphemy! I would sentence you to 100 lashes for this comment
absolut haram
My mom and dad made me buddy. Not some fake shit in the sky. Why doesn't god do anything besides "stay in heaven" and watch the havoc that's going on around the world? Why does isis exist? Fuck god he's a bitch ass nigger and can suck my dick just like Jesus did
Fuck you. If you want to believe that then go believe it, stop forcing your opinion in others face unless you can prove your claims bitch
Who made your mom and dad? You made their mom and dad? And so on. God made man and woman and today, 6,000 years later you're here. Amazing isn't it?
I bet you live in the red zone you shit
It's because of people like you that this planet frequently turns into a hellhole.
>Big Bang
>Nothing turned into something...spontaneously
Now, prove ME wrong.
Do you actually want to be proven or are you just going to refute all proof as religious and shouldn't be considered factual. We need to know your perogative before answering any questions.
Atheism ruined our planet, look at every country that wasn't Anglo all backwards countries.
Are you implying there is a lucifer
Agreed. OP is probably like the rest of the delusionalites on this board, they don't want to hear any proof unless it agrees with their warped spiritual discernment.
Can't prove you wrong. There is no God for you. For the rest of us, in God we trust.
Christians aren't the only ones who believe in God. Stupid goym, when will you learn.
Absolut I Am
You still can search the Light yet not touch on my Divinity.
May light guide your path. Not be blinded.
If there's no God, then what are you talking about?
>prove my negative
Another one of these threads...
The proof is in reading the King James Bible. But OP won't do that because he/she is a superior intellectual.
no light in the kuffar path
>do you not understand you're a human and have dominion over animals and all things and you control your destiny.
Seriously. Quit beating around the bush and pick up a Bible and read it.
We can't but you cannot prove religion wrong either.
i Am the goD OF FuCk
God is symbolic for a universal experience of humanity, and the sacred texts are ancient sources of other people's interpretation of that experience. Only a dense, egotistical m'ladyfag would have the audacity to deny the reality of unknown, subconscious dimensions of knowledge and information concerning our metaphysical reality. To make the claim that God doesn't exist is to claim that you have a perspective that can analyze this dimension, which you can't.
You may not believe in the Christian God, but society under Christianity was decent.
Because under Christianity women were kept in check
They were traditional, no premarital sex, almost no divorce, no excessive drinking and they dressed modestly
After the fall of Christianity we got feminism, the sexual revolution and moral relativism
Christians are out there having families, marrying, and having several white children
While secular people in general barely reproduce, they have the lowest birth rates
They immerse themselves in anime, vydia, and other useless hobbies
good goy like you destroyed our civilization.
Kekistan must bow to President Trump. All traitors must die.
ANTIFA shall be dismantled and mainstream media shall be exposed.
Look at what your country used to be with Christianity.
The 50s you love so much wasn't atheist my friend.
>unironically being a fedora
Back to plebbit
Nice sigil of Lucifer user. We might could be friends.
If you can even produce a legitimate definition for "God" and use your own words/ideas...I'll take you seriously and prove you wrong. If not, 6/10 I replied.
Go back to /x/ with you.
Banished in the Name of Jesus.
>i don't understand physics the post
You could try reading rudimentary cosmology but I don't you won't because muh jebus.
jesus ... nice jewish trickster, oh water in wine, thats how you fool the pleb ..with wine
Hail Satan
Forget about one thing m8
Christians voted overwhelmingly Donald Trump
While secular people in general (atheists, agnostics) voted Hillary Clinton
Secularism and leftism goes hand by hand, care to answer for this.?
>there's no God
>but satan is real guize
Liberialism =/= leftism
Marxists et al. do not recognise middle class or """academics""".
Hope you find it.
no light without the darkness of the enemy
Why haven't you answered this:
Is the truth too painful? Did you realize you're a tool of the Jew that aided the destruction of a decent society?
Through the absence of Light you found your struggle.
Prove yourself right.
If you are Christian you should know that Jesus died and was never resurrected .
So if you want light stop living in darkness and fake religion
>there is no god
>poast satanist nigger rune
That is your struggle not mine... read my wise words do not formulate deviateted thoughts or implying onto me concepts beyond what that words truly mean.
did jesus truly existed?
The proof is in your existence.
God exists. Accept it.
Love Jesus with all your heart.
I know thread is dead. Dead thread is dead. But I struggle with this myself.
1) Time before the big bang. Didn't exists. Physicists got nothing.
2) Cause of big bang. Physicists got zilch here.
3) Universe is 13.7 Bln years old, but could be arbitrarily big, we only know how big it is from slow ass light, which suggest the universe expanded faster than light, and is accelerating expansion. You know nothing, Jon.
4) Dark matter. Dark not because we're not detecting dust and planets, dark because we don't know wtf our calculations mean. We don't know wtf it is. Dark matter is mental fudge.
5) General relativity and special relativity fight fight fight. No unified theory of everything.
So, in a nutshell,
We don't know.
But a being behind it all is not all that weird.
no struggle lol and words are a manipulated form of comunication
of course he existed he is one of the most well know characters of human species
These guys get it. We worship God to keep our shit together as a society.
There is no empirical proof for the existence of God because God is a transcendent being which cannot be perceived by current scientific means.
The problem is with dipshits who fuel the atheist fire by taking the physical claims of the Bible seriously instead of just focussing on the metaphysical truth within it.
>We worship God to keep our shit together as a society.
working great human apes
You know what's funny?
Atheists pick mostly on Christians and barely on Muslims
They know Muslims would simply behead them
They're cowards.
You cant prove that something does not exist
I'm God AMA
god is just a word invented by man , like ham or sausage and cucumber , and you fall for it at large , anyways there is only one god... if you gonna play the game
Universe is too complex and things that are so elaborate like DNA structure and evolution are impossible to be made without a higher being aka a "god"
anything is possible given enough time and even more probable than inventing it as it only requires a single variable of spontaneous creation through the entropy of chaos.
anything is possible given enough time and even more probable than inventing it as it only requires a single variable of spontaneous creation through the entropy of > DREAMS.
God is metaphysically necessary. The universe can not be past eternal because the past is made up of actual events. An actual infinity is impossible. Say a genie granted your wish to live forever. You could never actually do it. No matter how long you live you still have forever to go. That's the difference between a potential infinity and an actual infinity. Also, all scientific evidence shows that our universe began at a certain point in time in the past and is temporally and spatially finite, as it must be. Finally, check out all the various "anthropic coincidences." Our universe is finely tuned for life.
just because 0 + 1 = 1 doesn't mean 0 was never in the equation
How could anyone believe this garbage
Wow hehe that sure is funny desu
I prove god exists with these digits.