What should I know about Western Esotericism?

What should I know about Western Esotericism?

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The world worships a false god, the material world is created by him to fool mortals, we should spend our lives focusing on spiritual matters and not matters of the physical world

Daphne was hotter





Daphne/Velma is just the Western version of Asuka/Rei.
Guaranteed that preferring Daphne is highly correlated with preferring Asuka, and likewise Velma/Rei.

If you're serious, this is a book worth reading on the subject. Really cool stuff.


yes and that was how it was intended. Velma looked like a fat nerd back then and looks like an annoying feminist whore today.


Whats that hand gesture she's making?

it's the Jews

Yeah, and Obama was a good president.


>wanting a short dyke gf

These radio broadcasts "The Hour of The Time" are a good starting point on that sort of thing. You can also check the bibliography video if you want some books on it as well. This guy focuses a lot on freemasonry but he opened my eyes up to a lot of things of the sort


You're in luck, a recent Red Ice show on it:


'cept he claims it's universal - dharma = dao = natural order, all the ancient religions respected it except for the Abrahamic ones. Jesus broke through, back to 'dharma' somewhat, Paul took Christianity back to Abrahamic. Was an interesting interview if nothing else.


that playlist is missing some videos including the important ones on sun worship and lucifer worship. Here's a playlist with out the missing videos idk about the crap at the end though

Yeah, and YHWH would've gotten away with it to, if weren't for those meddling kids and their stupid drugs.


So what is it actually? mysticism?

its jewish garbage

The only one I know is some half Dominican that takes dandy selfies of himself in a kilt and a jean jacket with a black sun patch outside his house in the projects. His name is literally Damien or Domingo or some shit.

In other words, sheer cuckery.

I can't find Velma hot because she looks like my mum

Western Paganism.
all that mystic medieval hocus pocus is gibberish
jewish hebrew syncretisms.

The Freemasons are being conned by the Hebrews. The symbology is rooted in Neo-Platonism which Hassidism has claimed as their original teaching even though it was merely co-opted and embellished.

I think he means theosophy sort of stuff

>In those days, in those distant days, in those nights, in those remote nights, in those years, in those distant years; in days of yore, when the necessary things had been brought into manifest existence, in days of yore, when the necessary things had been for the first time properly cared for, when bread had been tasted for the first time in the shrines of the Land, when the ovens of the Land had been made to work, when the heavens had been separated from the earth, when the earth had been delimited from the heavens, when the fame of mankind had been established...

Those are the opening lines to the oldest poem we've found in human existence. The absolute oldest lines of poetry we're aware of. And what do they open with?

"In those days, in those distant days, in those nights, in those remote nights..."

The most ancient words we know today in the year 2017, BEGIN by talking about the ancient times that came before themselves...


Read Evola (pol's favorite) and Jung and Guenon and Schuon and Corbin and Campbell and Crowley and Waite and Levi

Only couple of things can be brought upon genuine Light about theosophy.
that kabbalistic concepts aswell the "ascended masters" quiet gibberish and hebrew.
Not even the theories of root races are accurate.
There much better and genuine material about western" mysticism" not hebrewish

Which poem are you refering to? I study comparrative literature and all we've been told is that Gilgamesh is the oldest story?

Thumbs up for Campbell and Evola.
I wish Herders text weren't shit, because his philosophy is genius and I know with certainty that Sup Forums would love him.

western and eastern mysticism leads to the same thing.
eastern i believe is more to the point though.

look up non-dualism.

once humans became aware of death, they began dividing everything into either good or bad and that is when we began to suffer.

this explains the garden of eden.
when we were in the garden of eden, everything was perfect.
we were kicked out of paradise once we ate from the tree of knowledge of good and evil.

when you become enlightened, you see the world again through a lens of non-duality.
there is no more you and them.
there is no more good and bad.

everything is one.

Honestly I was told that Evola can only be understood by serious students of philosophy

Do you have any specific recommendations? I don't know a lot personally I was just trying to give the guy a thread to go off of.

That's the Akkadian poem of Gilgamesh, not the Sumerian. The Sumerian is more of a narrative. The Akkadian one is more poem.


that's exactly why she's hot

Empirically false.


inbred white bois wanting to fuck their own mothers, what else is new???? lmao

>this fucking guy


>What should I know about Western Esotericism?

It's a bunch of LARPing faggots and "Sekrit club" nonsense.

Guenon was a Muslim and Evola ate his own cum to restore his vitality.

Read "The Jewish Revolutionary Spirit" by E. Michael Jones instead. Most occultism/illumiism is the product of subversive Jewish influence on secret societies.


^ aaaahhahaha THIS GUY

fuck off worthless brazilian faggot

Sorry for not buying into your Hocus Pocus New Age Good Goy scheme.



Tantric conservation of Bindu is the next stage of NoFap, every true esotericist did it

Sufism was the heir to the Platonic schools when Christianity and Mohammedism pushed the esotericists of the Perennial Philosophy underground

Hej! I am selling ehhh the things of my people far north! Raided Roman temples? Noooo! I know nothing about this! All good item from Norrvegr! if you buy I throw in secret rune that will make women love you!

>It's a bunch of LARPing faggots and "Sekrit club" nonsense.

Your whole religion is product of that "nonsense" transmitted in such way to morons like you could understand (and pratice) something metaphysical. All religious expression are, by design, encoded messages through symbolism, rituals, scriptures, chants and so on.

That kind of "eternal truth" is a recycled message through all ages and cultures to keep common people "in line" because, for a lack of better term, they arent responsible for themselves.

That's why even Christ said "Forgive them, for they don't know what they are doing"

no. none of your god damn retroactive hyper-sexualization of Velma. she was fucking plain.

Post yer mum.

now, this bitch right here ... Daphne's where it's at.

And Platonism by the time of Christianity was nothing but a mishmash of superstitions.

This is what I was talking about. Everything's a fucking secret message but only you and some faggots in turbans have figured it out.

you can get a masters degree in it at exeter univ

i nearly did it just for yuks

steer clear from crowleyniggers
hint: they form an umbrella over anglo occultism, but they're just a little shit island in an ocean

>based bill
his whole HOTT archive has been released ten years after his passing

Daphne looked like a ginger drag queen.


>when the ovens of the Land had been made to work


>Crowley and Waite and Levi

They're a bunch of edgy cuck faggots tryin to be "rebellious" and act like anit-Christianity is tough and hardcore.


what was it?


and then there's this faggot

>t. Brazilian Catholic apologist who wants to ignore that all the relevant Church fathers were Platonists (who never understood it as well as the Gnostics, anyways)

Classical Platonism =/= Neo-Platonism.

And the Gnostics were the first to be subverted by the Jews.

>Basically the heresy was Jewish; this seems clear from the place which it gave to legal ordinances, circumcision, food regulations, the Sabbath, new moon and other prescriptions of the Jewish calendar. But on the Jewish foundation there had been erected a philosophical superstructure which was non–Jewish in origin—an early and simple form of what later came to be known as Gnosticism. In this part of Asia Minor the barriers between the Jewish communities and their pagan neighbors were not very effective. Social intermingling led to religious fusion, and the Colossian heresy may be described as a Jewish–Hellenistic syncretism which had made room for some Christian elements in its system so as to attract the young churches of the area.


From the source material I'd actually agree, though Velma has tremendous fan art

only a loser who watched the old series would have that kind of shitty fucking opinion
remove yourself

This thread is about Western Esotericism

Christianity as Lesser Mystery is a nonsense of primitive Jewish Messianic superstitions worshipping a deified man without the transcendent aspect bequeathed by the Gnostics, who viewed the Greater Mystery of the new revelation in the light of the ancient truths of the Egyptian mysteries of Isis as Sophia, with the Jewish god as a mere Demiourgos

It's based on the idea that people need to learn and appreciate basics before being able to learn and understand more complicated things.