Where were you when Sledgehammer saved gaming?
Where were you when Sledgehammer saved gaming?
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Very disappointed that it's an American soldier, yet again. It'd be nice to play as literally anyone else just for once
>more WW2 shooters
its like im back in 2008 all over again
>posting this shit on Sup Forums
OK whatever, they are gonna ruin it just like they have done with all other cod games.
>Inb4 pink skin for your mp40
saving private chaim
WTF? Why would they make a Call of Duty game set in WWII?
They should just stick with their original genre.
fuckin kys
>not a nigger in the cover
What the FUCK
Also, very surprised the soldier on the cover isn't black.
I can't believe the cover is a white guy with GREEN EYES. This was the perfect opportunity to have the cover be a nigger with a BLM tattoo across his forehead, since we all know that President Roosevigga created the Black Lives Matter Act of 1940 to combat whitey b'n rayciss n shit
>paying attention to any CoD made after MW2
Do normies even care anymore?
>green eyes
What did they mean with this?
I was flying a nazi jetpack
dude weed 2020 usa? Trudeau is coming to save us from Quampf
you sound like you hate America goy :^)
Hope they let you blow up Hitler's Berlin wall and have lots of allusions to how our current leader is literally a nazi
>Inb4 pink skin for your mp40
i laughed
Literally every COD WW2 game features a good goy American killing big bad Nazis
there is no original genre for cod lamo
who the fuck
I fucking loved waw. glad they are making this
wait..the title is Call of Duty: WWII
That't lame.
Link to trailer or anything showing the game?
Proper WW2 game should include the Eastern front, western front at least. Bonus for pacific and north african theaters and other areas where fighting occurred that aren't usually covered.
Cod is shit
world wide trailer release on the 24th
Literally every COD WW2 game had more than americans, what are you talking about.
niggers should have done Call of Duty: Vietnam. I wanted to kill GOOKS!! Not people who did nothing wrong.
that game is trash too.
the original genre is ww2.
See: Call of Duty: Black Ops
okay kiddo
Wait for Rising Storm 2:Vietnam
Proper fucking fps
kiddo, your playing babies first WW2 strategy game. at least play hoi3 instead.
I think it would be a million times more hilarious if they made him stereotypically Jewish. I'm so surprise no WW2 game hasn't gone that angle yet of trying to spin being Jewish as cool, noble, heroic and avenging
Why the fuck can't we play as Nazis for once?
Black Ops already had Vietnam setting, and I highly doubt they can make a game that makes riceniggers the bad guys since the hippie and libfags painted the Vietnam war as a baby killing operation, so any depiction of it being what it really is would cause backlash. The most you'd get is Russia fucking around in Vietnam and you just so happen to take the war there to stop them.
not giving a shit about shitty video games to know. so probably doing something better than play video games.
A dedicated game, not a couple of levels
pretty much
The story in this game will be about how a band of nyc jewish-italian brothers singlehandedly won the war and stopped the bigotry of a few racist bigoted goyim bad seeds along the way
Tbh the should make a game in korea
World at War. You could play as Nazis in multiplayer.
Hes right. Its the cod of grand strategy games.
How can they make a ww2 game withou nazis my hope is that you can as member of both allies and axis
>hippie and libfags painted the Vietnam war as a baby killing operation, so any depiction of it being what it really is would cause backlash.
god damn it, now I really want Call of Duty: Vietnam.
Their most popular character is a British op. Their second popular one (arguably) is also British.
Stop being a faggot.
HoI4 is for retards
Is that really the official cover? It looks like a stock photo.
Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. It was the Wehrmacht. But in the last mission on the Russian front you killed Nazis in the Reichstag.
the first cod game that sledgehammer solely developed is the worst cod game ever made. they are untrustworthy at best
>inb4 an alternate timeline where nazi's perfected the jetpack and everyone still slides and jet packs around like a retard
you probably will be able too. Battlefield 1942 was the best vidya of all time, i look forward to landing on the beaches of Normandy. I just hope theyinclude some vehicles, that's what made 1942 so fun
The very first CoD game had American, British and Soviet campaigns.
What game is that?
What is blops?
fuck off Sup Forumsedditors
Medal of Honor: Frontline had a pretty good simulation of Normandy landing for it's time. And World at War had very balanced tanks on some multiplayer maps so don't count it out that there will be vehicles.
That wasn't really Vietnam that was more of cold war
Heart of Iron 4 with a modern mod
you know I never got around that game. Had more fun with Vic2.
Advanced warfare? Didn't That shit started the jumping
Vic 2 is a great game
I thought mw3 was sledgehammer first cod?
but will it have nazi blacks?
I don't mind, CoD:UO and CoD2 (PC) were my favorites of the series. I also enjoyed WoW quite a bit I hope there is a good German campaign.
and supply drop rng jewing. but it was also just a poorly-made, janky game
that was infinity ward. sledgehammer tagged along for help. advanced warfare was their first
I also enjoyed World of Warcraft quite a bit
>tfw was about to conquer the whole of Americas before my game ended because I reached the modern age
It's not fair.
Goddammit, I fucked that up. I've never played WoW though, I was playing FFXI at the time.
America is gay. I want a Stalingrad shooter or something. Real warfare, not American bubble wrap pansy shit.
>Call of Doody
>having a normie's taste in videogames
Absolutely disgusting.
Go play RO and RO2.
>more WWII
A large portion of the game was around nam.
But I guess I would also love to see them make one all about it.
Let's us kill and take all of their land using the africans
When will they make a fucking Vietnam game
Do what he says
RO2 is trash, RO and RO:OF 41-45 were great
WWII had people fighting with quasi-modern military equipment through beautiful architecture and landscape.
It's a breddy good setting for videogames. I know it was overused as fuck in 1999 - 2007, but it has been a while.
>not playing superior Project reality for free on Grozny
wew lad
Yea, put the white guy on the front line for (((them))) the game
Fuck I miss when wow was good.
Don't you only play as Reds and krauts in that?
Would you prefer a black man on the cover instead?
>(((them))) the game
>he thinks absolutely anything short of "the nazis were the good guys" is part of the jewspiracy
Nothing wrong with recognizing the war-time greatness of the Anglosphere, lad.
I can't wait to kill a bunch of Nazis and make the world free for liberal values
Is it still alive? I haven't played BF2 in over a decade.
Nip and yanks too. The Pacific campaign is fun but I prefer the German vs. Soviet.
WoW was never good, MMOs as a genre as a whole are shit.
This isn't meant to come across as a passive aggressive comment but there's actually no one ITT that could beat me 1v1 at this game.
I average a 4.2 k.d. and the only reason I don't play pro is because I'm a normie.