What do?
I have infiltrated my local antifa
seduce their women
Dont make a thread about it
Revenge porn
Also realize about 60 percent of pol has
legit produce documentary footage about how fucking crazy they are
o'keef style
Kill them. Kill them all. Every last one of them.
record their crazy shit with a itty bitty camera
Start a twitter account in their name.
Get names and tru to get photos to match them. Write down rally times, numbers of members, weapons, tactics and locations them share it with 8 Sup Forums and let them do the rest.
Many many Pepe's
loool you think this is news?
They're the stupidest people alive
I've been "in" antifa for a few years because of my gfs dumb friends
They mostly talk alot of shit about doing petty terrorism, the second they actually do I'm reporting them to the police
Get moldylocks to ass rape you.
get them to adopt pic related as their motto
Sixty six
Dox them.
discreetly dump their info you know where and let nature take it's course
Steal the BMW mommy and daddy bought them.
get some of that hairy pussy my nigga
Make Antifa Afraid Again
Yes. Post it on wheelchairchan.
We need photos, videos, plans. Anything to help stop their actions.
Get to know everyone so you can assist in the dox.
Spread defeatism, encourage drug use and alcohol, be the Jew.
Leave stinkbombs at every meeting.
Execute order 66
Pull a Hitler say you are socialist but then go full fascist. Slowly redpill them.
Get as many names and as much personal data as possable and dox their members.
Op is not looking to get stds user
Read FBI COINTELPRO project documents.
Reproduce it
rile them up until they do something so dumb they cause an international incident
Record all conversations and meetings. Send to all friendly rightist media. Make sure to inform at least 2 people with no ties to Antifa where you are with any meetings; if you don't report in at a certain time, your mates must call 911. You must have an exit strategy. Be safe.
This could be legal soon.
Convince them to buy one way ticket to africa and be happy.
Don't get caught honkey
Suicide bombing
this but instead post them here
Lead them into an ambush.
You know what to do, OP. You know what to do!
Quietly earn trust, get to be in charge of snacks at next meet, make most delicious cookies and punch ever, next month you are appointed again. Word has spread many more people attend, now Jim Jones the punch
Remember, to not let them taint your mind OP
spit in their starbucks coffee.
Learn from the Frankfurt School. Only instead of spreading lies, preach the truth. Then repeat the tactic to Churches,universities, Hollywood, and eventually the government.
Record things of interest.
Make general notes of things.
Find names, places and times.
Post results here.
Don't do anything other than take information.
place drugs and weapons. then report them to the police
encourage them to incorporate shitting into their "protest"
start preaching diversity, they need more muslim members
you need to download a copy of a Maltego casefile or similar software and start filling in details of connections within the organization. Contact names, phone numbers, and any other details you can. try to stay undercover for as long as possible and don't do anything stupid
sell them heroin. get them involved with heroin. this is dirty, sure, but this is how it's done. introduce heroin into your meetings with antifa. go now
here in america we poo in loo.
This and this.
Or doxxx them but do not be suspicious, put them against each other with doubt.
Gather information.
Record everything compromizing.
Contact you local Anticom group and inform them you're infiltrated. Conspire with them.
Encourage all the white males to kill themselves.
You are within their ranks comrade, kek will guide you. These antifa heathens are dumb, but they are deadly. Be calm, be discrete. Learn of their ways. Do not be discovered. May kek protect you user
>fart loudly
Yes, and take this user.
Steal their weed.
>Trump gotcha down? Yeah, me too comrade, but know what I do? I relax with some of this. It completely clears your mind, and soul.
take a big shit in their base
Leak their Berkeley plans and any dirty laundry they might have on that cuck mayor, Jesse Arreguin. He's connected to these fuckwit leftist groups.
THIS please
Convert to Islam
Ass rape Moldylocks
take information
push them to do some really crazy shit that will make them look bad and get them in a ton of trouble. Also give us some advice on infiltrating these fags, do they quiz you on marxism or some shit?
turn all their toilet paper rolls the other way
Information on their rallies, tactics, (I know this sounds retarded) leaders names heard they where pondering the idea of making leaders.
Gather intelligence. Build rapport by helping out and helping them do whatever bullshit. Anonymously tip off cops about things. Sabotage their plans. Their MO of all wearing masks and stuff will make it easy for a group of people to infiltrate them and then join in the fighting on the side of the people they're counter protesting and then scatter. It'll create chaos in their ranks. They may even start beating each other up. They'll never know if they're safe or if they're dealing with people who could attack them at any moment.
>fat brown goblin
Color me surprised.
Hahaha, wonderwobble
shave their nasty hairy snatches
youre a monster
run them over with a truck of peace
Be careful OP, these are terrorists, you can't let them get on to you otherwise they'll kill or maim you without a second thought. You're the lowest most despicable thing to them, a Sup Forumsitical troll.
Get faces and names, then when they make their move rat on every single one of them. To your local police, to the FBI, even to ICE if there a few illegals. But do not let them on to you.
Play heavily read: heavily into their distaste for what Israel is doing to oppress the working class Palestine. Turn them full bore-anti semetic.
Rev up your inner kike and apply subversion tictacs.
Heroine, from what I hear
May kek be with you, make them fear Seal Team Kek
do a barrel roll
Get photos, names, personal information, addresses, contacts, etc. Sup Forums redwatch nao!
I frequently speak with and keep an eye on a number of people who I know are in ANTIFA, who I know through the brother of a friend of mine.
Obviously, this only works because I keep my power level hidden. Anyway they're a bunch of assholes for the most part but two or three of the guys seem like they could be a little more dangerous. I chat to them the most and they're always encouraging me to come along for 'marches' in various cities.
With everything taking place now, I might decide to brave our guys' counter-protests against them, hide among them and record them in case they do something illegal under the guise of recording the march.
Sure I might get bashed over the head for wearing black and red, but I might catch those fuckers and get them put away.
Kill yourself.
No, really, kill yourself.
accuse the head guy of being a shill publicly and loudly dont back off.
he looks like a gay Hispanic man
Fuck off fagget. Shill mods will delete anything posted here.
Go with them to a rally.
Hang out in the back and act a little timid.
When they attack kick them in the back of the knee.
They will at least fall on their face and if you get the angle right you will blow out their ACL and they'll be out for months.
invite them over and offer them a coke but give them pepsi instead.
I've read fucked up shit, like one girl was rapefugeed in Germany and her antifa buddies semi violently pressured her into being silent about it to not "hurt the cause".
If OP is any wise he should plant distrust and seed havoc and then get out of there as fast as possible before his brain rots away.
Throw poo
>free speech
never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake
Secretly record shit and upload it. Try to tarnish their reputation.
sunlight is the best disinfectant.
expose their ideas to direct scrutiny by the public eye.
watch them crumble.
make them scared to take off their masks
dox dox dox dox dox dox, and don't interrupt their shit, we want them to get busted
Behind the Enemy Lines
Holy shit kek is that you??
What are you implying leaf?
You know their contact user meaning you could have easier access to have a dump list about them