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not my problem
Converting to the JW faith and serving jesus
kill yourself, because your debt not being payed is hurting the economy. Enjoy your death, tons of fun.
Get a job?
Maybe it should have picked a degree with actual career prospects.
There is a simple reason why. The (((government))) created gov funded student loans, which let poor people get into university with having the money, universities then saw this as an opportunity to raise tuition, and here we are today.
Investing in yourself is a big mistake if you're a lazy piece of shit.
Antifa - is a terrorist organization. Even a leaf knows that. Go Le Pen.
Prostitute yourself.
dont choose gender studies. prolly would have a job then
By getting a job
It reminds me of comic book text where random words are bold
Gee i'm not sure maybe you should have thought of that before you willingly took out the loan
Cutting government loans and just investing in a nations internet and public libraries would fix everything.
Well NOW is a fucked up time to ask that question! That's one entitled sociology major.
Deal drugs
Alternatively dont take retard tier courses
Also alternatively, stop fucking voting for people who will bring in droves of people willing to work for less than standard pay for jobs that you could have
Suicide solution.
Should have gotten a real degree, cunt.
If you can't figure out how to get a five-figure sum in twenty years, you are not part of the educated class.
Shouldnt have gone to college than tard
Shouldn't have wasted all that money on something useless.
Fuck that, I don't want to live with my bad life choice that'll keep me in debt until death
How do you even get $80,000 in student loans? Did they attend college for 13years? wtf
>A useless goy dies
>(((Bankers))) cant collect debt
That's a double kill
Maybe it shouldn't have wasted all that money on a Gender Studies major?
get a job
5$ per blowjob. That's 16000 blowjobs, or about 16,000 teaspoons of cum. That's only around 21 gallons of hot load. Just think, you're 21 milk jugs away from being debt free you fucking filthy debt slave. Start sucking!
Rolled that dorm rent into the loan too probably. Bad move.
>work in public sector
>10 years income based repayments
Remaining debt erased after 10 years! No taxes on forgiven amount. Pretty sweet deal. :^)
If you got a job in Electrical Engineering instead of Feminist-European dance study you would be making $80,000 a year.
>d-digits checked.
"Smarts" =/= Degrees
suck 8000 dicks a hundred bucks a pop boom bills pain
Guys, whose going to pay for its invaluable women's studies degree?
Why do these retards take on these loans in the first place if they're just going to complain that they can't pay it off?
Fucking dumbasses.
gulags for leftists that try to avoid paying off their loans
take responsibility
Get a job. My house is worth 3 times that and I can pay it in a single lifetime.
Thank you bill Clinton for siding with bankers and making student loans immune from bankruptcy!
i have a buddy who complains about it and i always bring this up. and he's a smart guy but it's like he didn't think it was a loan or something.
maybe you should have gotten a degree is something that make you a stable income instead of fucking art appreciation or woman's studies.
Why isn't econ and finance 101 taught in schools but Marxist ideology is?
Spring break, nice clothes and weekend parties are expensive. That's usually where all of this debt comes from.
8000 @ $100 would put them an order of magnitude higher. Hell, at $100 a pop, they could be done with the debt for 3 slobberknobs a day in less than a year.
what is that, it looks delicious
>HOW can I EVER pay that back now?
Well, you could enlist in the military, sit in an air-conditioned office for a few years and have the government pay for all that debt racked up by your lesbian dance therapy degree. But that'd actually require effort, wouldn't it?
by just paying for it? what the fuck is wrong with these people? how am I supposed to pay off my $16k car and my $300k house? hello?
Pretty easy fucknutz. They send you a tiny bill every month, mine was $50. You pay that, plus a little more, every month. In a few years they send you a piece of paper saying your debt is paid.
debt is preferable, JWs are life ruiners and take a childs potential and completely neutralize it
t. former JW
>can't pay back 80k
by paying your debt over time you lazy cunt, jesus christ saving money isn't hard.
Was saying it years ago that it was to easy for dumbasses to get huge suns of money.
I, like an idiot, took out about 10k in student loan debt. It was gone within 6 months because I was way to immature and financially retarded to spend it correctly.
Paid it all back myself, without whatever "forgiveness" that some got (wtf is that anyways??).
Moral of the story, don't take loans if you have no clue what you are going to go to school for. If you do take loans, pay it back and don't whine about borrowed money not becoming free money.
Man up and pay your debts!
It should be paid for when she gets in the discipline she studied for. Make that the rule without taking money she earned in the meantime and you'll see pic related go away real fucking quick.
she can become my personal cum toilet
Jesus is God, not Michael the Archangel.
Isn't there a cap on how much student loans you can take out?
Part of me sees the benefit of free college, but at the same time I know shitheads like pic related would squander the gift on some shitty degree that doesn't contribute to anything but their self esteem.
I know two really dumb women who took out student loans for housing and food and buying shitty cars over and over again instead of financing one decent car, then taking out more loans to actually pay for school.
One didn't even finish, is like 6 credits away but for a worthless degree. She's 100K in debt because of the aforementioned decision making and the absurdly high interest rates which are causing the debt to explode at this point. She got worked
>I bought something I can't afford. What do?
Might I recommend getting a job instead of standing in the street holding a sign? I could have gone to a state university and racked up $60 grand in debt. But I knew the debt would be untenable. So I spent a fraction of that to go to trade school and learn actually employable skills. Now I have no student loans and am financially stable and independent. Some of those jobs I got weren't fun or glamorous. Some of them sucked. Some days I had to get up at 2 AM and go do physical labor until I couldn't lift my hands above my waist. And if iPhones had existed then, I would not have been able to afford one. But I struggled through it.
tl;dr: if you've got time to go march in a protest, you've got time to flip a burger, mop a floor, or stock a shelf. Get to work, faggot.
Time to force that shiksa into some porn
(not a shitskin, but that seems to be how you do it in 2017)
or suck a dick
work bitch
>Earn 40k a year
>Pay back 20K a year
>After 4 years you're debt free
Am I missing something? Or did the Jews put some ridiculous interest rate on it?
Good on ya, man. Respect.
how can you protest if you have a job you stupid aussie fuck
>6 years studying feminist birdhouse building
>minor in womens creative hair emoval
>muh bills muh debt
What if we id these student loan protesters with dollar amout signs, then call up acting like a credit repair company. Then we expose them for blowing their debt out of proportion, because im sure a lot of them are.
I know this doesnt expose any great secret or crime. But it further breaks down the lefts credibility.
Maybe if universities didn't have to hire 6 people to work at a diversity office your tuition wouldn't be so expensive you fat cunt
Drumptards actually watch this self-admitted "performance artist" un-ironically...
Truly low intellect folks.
I left with a $70,000 debt. It's been a year and it's down to $50,000.
Student loans suck but if you actually do a useful major as well as apply yourself to more than piercings and screaming at people it really isn't that bad.
Sounds like she deserved it
shouldve been a winner like me and dropped out of school and took a trade job. kids who do good in school and fuck themselves like this deserve exactly what they get
Why do they have no personal responsibility?
jesus christ people pay back mortgages no problem, why the fuck cant this cunt.
End government funding to the barista degrees and the far left wing projects that are driving up costs and providing opportunities for idiots like the one holding that sign to waste their money. For example, the diversity office needs to be shut down, and the humanities need to be downsized significantly.
The solution is certainly not to force the tax payer to take on the bottomless pit of debt created by naive kids and the retarded pretty-sounding words of their parents and teachers ("you should do what you love"). Those kids need to be getting qualifications that will turn them into productive members of society instead.
Are you fucking crazy or something? If I have a job I can't spend all day at protests and fighting the patriarchy.
On mine I had a shit huge interest rate at 11%.
I don't know but the Jews are the ones who set up this loan system.
Why do people think they have the right to a luxury degree? I guess food stamps should buy steak dinners then too.
Consider getting a degree in something useful next time.
And by "end funding of the barista degrees", I mean make them ineligible for FAFSA, on top of cutting out any more direct financial support that they might receive.
thank god im rich, college and grad school paid for, will never go into debt
if you're getting student loans to major in womens studies or philosophy, even majoring in STEM but getting middle of the road grades, youre doing it wrong
Only $80,000?
Actually a good question. Why did she get a credit that big if it wasnt clear how she would ever pay it back? Maybe its a dumb idea to just hand out money to 18 year olds willy nilly.
To be fair, they got jewed into believing they could make massive money if they just went to college. They're stupid but also got scammed by people who were deemed trustworthy by society. 2 evils.
Wtf I love parasites now.
Maybe don't buy things you can't afford to pay for.
What's even more pathetic is these whores will look for male partners, suck their dicks and do whatever, to get them to pay off their debt.
Fucking disgusting.
Work camps to pay back loan debts.
Ten years labor, all loan debt forgiven.
Time to get some callouses on those soft, pink hands murica.
You didn't have to run up $80,000 student loan debt.
Yep, it's called the MRS degree
>get them to pay off their debt
guys can't be that stupid...can they?
I agree with this in principle, the problem is that humanities and social sciences departments actually subsidise the departments that aren't trash. A humanities class costs nothing to the university but the professor's time. STEM classes have labs with expensive equipment, chemicals, computers, etc. etc. But the tuition for each is the same. So the university pulls a big profit on humanities and social sciences and uses it to cover the expenses from STEM.
A better solution might be to dissociate humanities/social sciences from STEM entirely and teach them at totally separate institutions, while maintaining the same government funding for each. Humanities tuition would go down, so graduates would have less debt, which is good because they can't get jobs. STEM tuition would go up, but STEM graduates are more likely to actually be able to pay off their debt
Student loans are expensive. I was just at the university for 3 years. I bought no books. Lived off savings and still had $40,000 for just tuition. That includes interest.
>get pussy for first time in 6 years
>hand over life savings on the chance youll get to fuck pussy again
>Tfw you finally realize how the jew plans to destroy the white woman