Trump Playlist
>Pres Trump Weekly Address #13 4/21/17
>Pres Trump signs EO on Financial Services 4/21/17
>VP Pence Press conf in Indonesia 4/20/17
>AG Sessions/Sec Kelly News Conf in El Paso TX 4/20/17
>Pres Trump signs Trade Expansion Act changes 4/20/17
>Pres Trump meets ITA PM Gentiloni 4/20/17
>Pres Trump/PM Gentiloni Press Conf 4/20/17
>Buy American, Hire American
>Pres Trump welcomes NE Patriots 4/19/17
>March in the Trumpenreich
>TrumpWave S P A C E
>God Emperor Trump Was Born To Rule
>Donald Trump Emperor of America
>TrumpBot vs Mexico
>Hold Back The Night
>Inauguration of Fire
>American Hero
>Trump Triumphant
>We Are The Silent Majority
>American Comeback Story
OP pastebin:
Other urls found in this thread:
happening next week ww3 praise kek!
>I like to split threads and am a globalist shill
Reminder: Being a communist is literally illegal in the USA.
digits confirms my gut feeling for WW3 in 48 hrs
Post yfw we go Blood Meridian 2 on MS13 and make the Glanton Gang look like a bunch of kids playing war in the backyard.
thread is kill i repeat thread is kill
Defend this, /r/the_donald
not with these satanic trips ...
Yep. Kek blesses this thread
Looks like chaos is as chaos dies.
I got every Jeopardy question about Schwarzenegger.
The O'Reilly Factor was too good for this world.
>No more talking points
>No more word of the day
>No more tip of the day
>No more keeping it pithy
>No more milk shakes
>No more Killing books
>No more Miller Time
>Literally built up Waters World
>No photos or video of Bill or a final message from him, his name stripped even from the title of the program.
Literally a lying nigress ousted him and gloated about it on The View.
>O’Reilly was let go from Fox News the day before, and co-host Whoopi Goldberg introduced Burgess as potentially “the final nail in the coffin of Bill O’Reilly’s career at Fox News.”
>immediately. “Within the first week and a half of me working [at Fox News] … he always walked past my desk, and he made, like, a grunting noise.”
>She recounted her previously reported claims of him regularly grunting and leering at her whenever no one else was around. After some time, she started trying to ignore him, leading him to pass by her and say, “Hey, hot chocolate,” without looking at her.
>Burgess described this particular comment as “plantational.”
Reply to this post or your mother will die in her sleep
>tfw this proposal would be completely unthinkable today
How is "hot chocolate" even a fucking insult. She's attacking him for a fucking complement.
Also they're coming for Hannity
>In the wake of star news anchor Bill O’Reilly’s termination at Fox News, speculation has now turned to the future of veteran host Sean Hannity.
>Speaking on MSNBC, New York Times reporter Jeremy Peters suggested that there may not be a place for Hannity among the new line-up at Fox, despite his overwhelming popularity.
>“I think you have to look at somebody like Sean Hannity and question whether or not his almost propaganda-like attitude and programming every night is going to be acceptable in the minds of the family which is clearly trying to shift the network in another direction,” said Peters.
>Hannity has been a stalwart Donald Trump supporter, to the point of appearing in a pro-Trump video during last year’s campaign, for which he was rebuked by Fox.
>Hannity’s future may hinge on the extent to which James and Lachlan Murdoch, the sons of 21st Century Fox executive chairman Rupert Murdoch, want to change the network they increasingly control.
Wouldn't have worked, even back then.
This is the real thread, ignore attentionwhore splitters
Checked btw.
He probably wanted to hang her, not fuck her.
But it was so recent...even Obama was against gay marriage when he was elected. What the fuck happened?
Notice she says it's "plantational". She got him banished from TV by crying racism.
That's not red u cunt. In addition, there are statistically more Americans posters on this boards to the probability of American gets are pretty high.
Quite an astute guess you charlatan!
So the flaming faggot contestant was a pop culture moron until he got a 10 letter word
It was Disinherit
Honestly my respect for FOX has been seriously hurt by the fact that they aren't fighting this. Nobody who watches FOX would care about this shit.
Is it gay to suck a feminine penis /ptg/?
>post yfw Assange is most certainly safe and Sessions is still /ourguy/.
ripip other thread
It's over.
Call me a shill, call me whatever you want. I would have supported a war with Syria, a war with North Korea, Iran, even fucking Russia. They could have decapitated Assange and mounted his head outside the White House. He could have made Rick Wilson the Secretary of State and I wouldn't have abandoned him. But not amnesty. Never amnesty. Never, ever, ever amnesty. Anything else, but not this. The train is done. We tired. We came down.
Take this shit to /r/the_donald.
We have one hope if we want the United States to remain majority white, and that is getting Congressman Steve King to primary Trump in 2020.
Anyway, if you're still in denial, or if you're a mom-white, and I offend you, don't worry about it, I will not post in, enter, or look at these threads again.
How fucking stupid are the mods to pick this thread? Jesus christ
I'm saying that people calling out the Jew isn't in a hateful manner. I think there are definite Jew-haters, but most of us do it for fun.
It's like trying to say all people who say "nigger" are racist. That's not true. A lot of people do it for shock value, to exercise their free speech, because it's a fun word to use that rolls off the tongue, and because there is a diffence between black people and niggers.
Every group gets hated on. Amerifats/burgers, frogs, Mexicans, Jews, blacks, a group that DOESN'T get shit on? Exactly. You can't. Stop being an oversensitive pussy or get off /pol.
It's literally supposed to be politically incorrect. It's in the name.
>pasting here since the other legit one got pruned
are you a woman?
is there something going on? shits slowed down.
did yeb win
Silly mods never get it right.
>itt kike shills from leddit
So fucking sick of these threads every ten minutes. Saged
Yes, faggot.
How does this mean Assange is safe?
We used to call them Jews.
The same as Commissioner Gordon telling the press he's arresting Batman
this thread feels icky
The other thread was deleted so nobody will see that I submitted to Joe's despair.
They're fucking useless. They let blacked threads sit for hours and they immediately delete a Trump split within minutes. SAD!!!
why are the mods such faggots
Fuck off retard
>Not being faggots
pick one
Let's just get the shill to bump limit.
I love these. They are cute.
i saw it faggot
>incapable of constructing an argument
Please kill yourself. I was correcting some bitch that was whining about anti-semitism, calling us stormfags.
How was Tucker?
Holy shit lads
It was kind of old because I drop them in the catalog at about 250 and then link later and the last 50 went slow
Digits confirm
They keep being absolute cancer. hey never delete splitter threads and always delete OP threads. This is the 4th time they have done this this week.
They were levaing up pony porn and shit for hours yesterday but now they are deleting trump generals. What a fucking joke.
We all knew it would end this way. Praise kek
time to fry some gooks i see
TNN been by yet?
Is Trump pro-amnesty now? What did I miss?
I love that this picture has the Alexapure filter w/ stand. The stand costs extra Bahahahahaha.
.dat fluoride tho
i'm watching clips of newt wreck debate moderators this is fucking great
WEW LAD. Build that Maginot Line Marine!
defend this drumpfkins
Count your blessings. We could have Sup Forums mods
No. He isn't. All he said was he's focusing on criminals and hasn't made a decision to focus on dreamers at this time.
>Guyz itz just a meme
Get through your fucking skull,its not a meme
Most People here genuinely don't like non-whites or kikes
The only reason "stormfags" are looked down on here is because they are retarded and bad optics
see you tomorrow
one more clot
Reminder that being a Communist gives you automatic Excommunication from the Catholic church, you're a heretic and will go straight to hell.
IF he takes his meds.
He said DREAMers aren't a priority right now
Some atoms are better,more powerful,rare,expensive than others.
It's done. Full amnesty for all illegal immigrants who entered as minors. DACA will not be touched. This is a formal announcement from Trump. They're not thinking about it, they're not taking a look at it, they're not considering it- it's done. No one who crossed the border under age 18 will be deported. It's Reagan 2.0. It's done. It's done.
Doesn't this utter retard know that atoms are illusions too? Dr. Silverberg told me that everything's made of strings
how can 3D even compete ?
Hands down the mods here are the worst. hey intentionally dont delete things that are flagrant violations of the rules because they think it is funny.
They are absolute fucking faggots, they fuck with us intentionally by banning and deleting for minor shit but leaving raiders and spam.
For death and glory.
>chase away one of your most popular hosts
Unless they dig up a bunch of whores to accuse him of sexual harassment on the way out, that sounds like a great way to guarantee the creation of Breitbart TV
He's slowly getting there. During the campaign he said several times he'd repeal the Dreamer EO. Now he's not only embracing Paul Ryan, but embracing this. Just a matter of time until amnesty is sold to us after a few more ICE bones being tossed around.
i will not sleep till clot posting becomes a thing