What was your political ideology before you came to Sup Forums and what is it now?
Before: pretty far right (I was a fan of Sargon, Milo, shoeonhead), supported brexit, and thought illegal immigrants should be deported
After: slightly left wing (Chomsky, Wolff, Sympathetic to Lenin, critical theory explains a lot of societies ills) pro EU, pro comprehensive immigration reform,
Unchanged. Still pro-America. Still vote for whichever party candidate will help the most domestically.
Dominic Thompson
Standard cuckservative centrist that liked to make fun of sjws and feminists
white nationalist, traditionalist
im not a huge fan of big govt in the case of fascism or natsoc, but theyre not half bad either. i would like american style conservatism with WN tenets
Noah Reyes
Good for you. You've turned to your natural state of being a cuck
Lucas Perry
Before: typical cuckservative
Now: full-blown natsoc
Dominic Rivera
Before: Left-wing Capitalist
Now: Fascist
Bentley Evans
before: typical mainstream liberal after: more authoritarian liberal, advocate of eugenic policies, etc.
Charles Harris
What the fuck?
Anyway, I started as a left-of-centre normie. Not into SJW bullshit, though. Now a National Socialist.
Grayson Thomas
before Sup Forums : anti-war conservative libertarian.
after Sup Forums: Monarchist
Samuel Hall
Before: Mainstream Conservatism (The polite, moderate kind, not the Tea Party kind)
I don't really know anymore. I keep trying to write what I think here but I can't. I was happy when Trump won of course but I don't really know what I seriously want to happen to this nation
Nathaniel Ramirez
lol what a shitty bait post
Carter Long
Before: coiled up snake After: attacking snake
Benjamin Robinson
Total NWO is real and chemtrailling us. Really I think that the whole Jewish aspect is one sub division of a larger whole and that for whatever reason it gained popularity here because it's the most edgy topic to discuss.
Cooper Bell
I had none. I believed all elections were rigged by (((special interests))).
But now, I believe elections are rigged by neckbeards that worship a cartoon frog.
Easton Russell
Then: Paleoconservative Now: Increasingly Hitler
Adam Hill
>Before Left leaning, thought Communism was a good idea but mostly apathetic and wanting to be left alone >After Right leaning. Democracy was a mistake, women were a mistake, nationalism is the right way to go. Free helicopter rides for Commies. And the realization that libertarianism will not work with rampant Jewish degeneracy. We need order and truth, not liberty
Ayden Harris
Before Sup Forums: Member of CPUSA, shifted to an-com After Sup Forums: Hoppean-ish. Liberty and order must be defended from Rousseau's hordes.
Luke Edwards
Authoritarianism is the answer regardless of race. Humans don't deserve freedom and aren't smart enough to use it correctly.
Landon Brown
Search your heart user, you know what you really want
Lincoln Martinez
Before: libertarian
After: slightly more libertarian
Angel Jackson
7/10, made me chuckle.
But really,
Before: Quasi-libertarian, culturally moderate right
After: Natsoc sympathizer, cultural far right, unashamed racialist
Leo Morales
>All of these "I was a liberal" comments. Damn you all were a bunch of bluepilled cucks. I'm just a brainlet millennial in his late 20's, but read the creature from jekyll island thanks to my jewish dad giving it to me when I was 15. I remember watching "Road to Tyranny". I remember listening to William Cooper. I remember watching Fritz Springmeier videos in 240p.
Apparently you all are still on baby's first redpill. Let me tell you something kid, the rabbit hole goes deeper than you can even imagine. Stay sleepy niggers.
Brody Smith
Owen Cook
right wing before, right wing after. probably less authoritarian tho
Daniel Martinez
libertarian, but had sympathies to white nationalists
It's dumb to care about stuff you can't control. Marry within your race, focus on yourself, and don't get caught up in ideology
Cooper Long
>this homo
Why would you need to read anything to awaken your inner white man?
Nolan Jackson
before: ancap
after: natsoc
Colton Reed
Libertarian, but really hated niggers and Muslims. Was neutral towards Jews. Still kind of constrained by a left-wing world view so I wasn't very good at dismantling liberal arguments even though I distinctively distrusted them.
I was a liberal before then, but 4 years of anti-white and anti-American rhetoric during college sort of forced me to seek out a different point of view out of desperation, cuz even though I was blue pilled I just couldn't be a self flaggelating cuck.
It was a weird journey. Went from Penn and Teller's Bullshit to Pat Condell to Discover the Networks, took the occasional dip into stormfront articles even though I legitimately wasn't aware that they were neo nazis. Then I just checked out Sup Forums by chance in 2012 one night when I was drunk because I wanted to see some gore pics, thought the board was gay af, noticed Sup Forums had a bunch of other boards, saw Sup Forums and clicked it. Even though I was shocked at the extremes I found here, I felt at home because it was essentially just a more hardline version of the views I had already been developing.
Jeremiah Nelson
>before centrist >after ascended, i feel as if I've outgrown the internet
Noah Nelson
bu-bu-but user that's not true!!! I'm doing Starting Strength and have a haircut just like Richard Spencer! I'm Iron pill user! I've been no fap for 6.4 days! Y-y-yo-yo-youuu just wait! I'll have a redpilled virgin white wife who will err take my virginity and we will procreate for the white race user!!!! I promise anooooooonnnnnnnn
Nazis are a temporary solution to an otherwise unfixable problem. Why do wars happen? Because agreements couldn't be made, generally.
Colton Allen
Jackson Hill
Damn I'm impressed, this is actually a pretty good meme
Hunter Russell
Before: left populist Now: I just like seeing the lies and cover ups get exposed. I don't think there will be coherent politics anymore until the blatant lies and Bizarro-world conventions are swept away. That so many people get "red pilled"so easily just by coming to a place like this shows how ripe the culture for a change
Gavin Garcia
I was a leftie anarchst IWW organizer who spent the previous decade doing stupid lefty shit, starting with the anti-globalization stuff in the late '90s. I started browsing /new/ around all of the Occupy Wall Street horseshit, and realized that leftism is a garbage ideology. Since then I've become a right-wing nationalist, stopped being vegan, got fit, got married, and started my own successful business. This sounds like a LARP, but it's 100% true.
Zachary Brooks
I used to be a die-hard liberal. Now I'm a libertarian socialist who's become alienated from the mainstream left.
Michael Edwards
T-t-t-t-hh-the holocaust never happened, but I'll oven you! I know how ovens work! I made my tendies in the oven last night instead of the microwave. Y-y-y--yy-ooo-you'reeeee done for user! Right Wing Anime Squads!!!
Lincoln Murphy
I hope you have your proxies
This thread is just another CIA intel trawl
James Myers
before: enlightened centrist after: still the most superior ideology
Adam Ortiz
centrist, now center rightish
Juan Kelly
Before.....against illegals ever since Jimmy Ryce, 11 yo was molested and chopped up into pieces, added to concrete and made into a flower planter by the Cuban immigrant
Now....after seeing and reading what is occurring, totally against illegals. They are a lose/lose for Americans...cost money, commit crimes, make things shittier and more expensive (rent, cars, etc)
Matthew Price
Before: Minarchist After: Cultural libertarian with weekend helicopter rides
Aiden Hill
B. Natatsoc A. Libertarian
Nicholas Stewart
Before: center-left After: National Transhumanism
Leo Hernandez
>Libertarian socialist Elaborate please
Cameron Wilson
Before Pol: Right of Center
After Pol: More socially progressive. More sensitive to the plight of minorities in general, lgbtq2 in particular. The transgender Red Pill was the big one.
Ian Foster
before: extreme lefty and Maoist; pol pot dindu nuthin wrong
now: critical of Hitler's leftist tendencies
Cameron Price
Before Sup Forums: Ron Paul libertarian
After Sup Forums: Further cemented Ron Paul libertarian.
Central control doesn't work and those in power always turn against their libertarian talk whenever they get in power. They start believing the state can fix things outside of its distinct set of roles.
I was gung-ho Trump for two years. The dream is over. I still hold hope he turns things around, but this is pretty much a disaster. Which is cool too, because I love chaos.
I accept racial differences and holocaust revisionism, but they haven't affected my politics.
The fact that so little of Sup Forums mentions that masterpiece means the nat soc edgelords on this Bruneian caning procedure forum aren't a tenth as redpilled as they think they are. You read "A History of the World in our Time" user?
Levi Gomez
before: post-avant jazzcore supremacist
now: anime NAZBOL
Nicholas Jackson
Before: Democrat
After: Savage Pizzagate loving Democrat. Go get em, Podesta! I love you, Hillary-senpai!
Jonathan Richardson
>then progressive
now >progressive
Oliver Gray
Before: Leftist After: Anti-Leftist
Gabriel Smith
Before: Cuckservative civic nationalist; didn't question the Holocaust or any mass shootings, tolerated gay marriage, didn't want kids, etc. After: Conservative ethnic nationalist with fascist leanings (not a full-blown NatSoc); the Holocaust's figures were heavily exaggerated and many mass shootings are shown to be obvious fakes to further the gun control agenda, fags are degenerate and shouldn't be allowed to marry, look forward to continuing my bloodline by having white children, etc.
Nolan Johnson
Kind of embarrassed about this one:
Before pol: never watched porn After pol: getting slightly turned on by pictures of interracial sexual intercourse.
Asher Jenkins
before Sup Forums lukewarm sadist
after Sup Forums genocidal maniac
for politics capitalism and facsism making babies after all non whites r dead.
Jace Baker
Then: Liberal Now: Nazi I'm not lying I've been here for 6 months since my move from Sup Forums. >Oh, and traps are gay.
Jacob Phillips
Then: protonationalist, interested in history, liked glorious battles and history
Now: transcendal globalist
Wish I was kidding
Evan Miller
> Before pol, left leaning monarchist with severe authoritarian and facist tendencies >After pol, right win monarchist
Carson Moore
Economically market socialist for the most part (e.g. voluntary co-ops or worker-run businesses in a market economy) but libertarian on civil liberties and social issues.
Colton Turner
Kayden Richardson
Came as a libertarian
Turned conservative now believe in accelerationism
We're doomed
Jaxson Wilson
>It's dumb to care about stuff you can't control. It's still good to recognize the threat that such things pose, which requires thinking about them and interpreting their actions. Jews want you to not see them or care about them.
Jackson Phillips
Another thread inquiring about the political leanings of Sup Forums. The 2016 election shattered convention and data is needed to adapt.
Jaxon Gutierrez
Before: "classical liberal"
After: radical reactionary
Connor Ross
Cuckservative --> Lolbertarian --> Fascist
Michael Kelly
I came here as a hard Strasserite and now I'm a member of the local pirate party.
Before Center right economic left everything else Now Fascist
Austin Phillips
Only if you're a fucking nigger.
Whites and Asians can operate perfectly fine.
Jordan Gutierrez
Before: Skeptical JFK-lite 'Democrat' After: Hard Buchanon-tier Paleocon Fuck the Frankfurt School and everything spilled over from its cup of cultural and social poison
Noah Sanchez
Before: Far left hippie. Thought communism wasn't that bad. Guns aren't a problem. Islam isn't that bad.
Now: Total individualist. Believes small armed city states is ideal. Self-sustaining. Still left leaning, but against Islam, Feminism, and other cultural marxism. Pretty much libertarian like the old Shaolin monks who lived on their own but defended their territory to the death.
Chase Thomas
>Before Libertarian >After To the right of Heinrich Himmler
Connor Bailey
>plebbit spacing >all caps OUT OUT OUT
Hunter Cruz
>What was your political ideology before you came to Sup Forums
only idiots that haven't read any economics believe in libertarian principles, why not move to Kansas
Jose Jones
Then: liberal Now: liberal conservative
Hudson Morales
before: liberal after: fatalist
Lincoln King
Before Sup Forums democratic socialist After Sup Forums Trad Fascist
Charles Torres
>i would like american style conservatism with WN tenets isnt that essentially paleo cons ?
Nicholas Martinez
Jacob Cox
>Pro welfare state. Absolutely retarded
Luke Cruz
Before using L'oreal: Right-Centrist After using L'oreal: Neo-Conservative
Josiah Gutierrez
before Sup Forums monarchist after Sup Forums monarchist
Aaron Smith
No the only accurate version of this is the one with the fat neckbeard sitting in a chair growing angry eyebrows.
Matthew Richardson
(I know you're fake bait, but this is an interesting thread)
Before: Liberal -- Socialist Economics and I was already kinda against Feminism and the Atheist movement's toleration of Islam pissed me off to no end. I still believed race was a social construct.
After: Right-Wing Conservative/Libertarian. My Liberal views have evolved into Libertarian politics, but I'm now pro-tradition, pro-culture, pro-white identity.
Luke Torres
before Sup Forums Libertarian after Sup Forums Libertarian
Jose Rivera
Before: Commie bastard in denial Later: Hippie know-it-all centrist After: classical liberal or libertarian Odd how classic liberals are now on the right. It's almost as if modern liberals have gone off the deep end but that would be implying liberals are capable of introspection without calling it a buzzword like "gas lighting" :^)