>Bacon, eggs, toast and a bullet to wash it all down
Good choice
>Eating each meal like it's last and in perpetual threat of the RAPTURE
No wonder Burgers are fat
would say majority dont even eat breakfest or just a bowl of cheerio's but you arnt wrong about other meals
so what... youre just not planning for the day of judgement?
>not covering the bacon in syrup
the pistol mug really completes this picture
Is that coffe milk!?
What are you?
>something is wrong with this?
I'm getting salt-thirst just looking at that.
Besides the bacon there is absolutely nothing wrong with this breakfast
>non black coffee
>only one egg
>months supply of bacon
>2/10 would not pursue for happiness
>not putting a napkin under your gun
This guy isn't american, that or he's one slovenly motherfucker.
>Besides the bacon
Kike pls.
Is superior
We know
you dumb fucking cuck
>Getting the emu's cock twisted in your anus because, of bacon.
If you don't like bacon. You are officially not white.
Why do people eat a bunch of fat and protein for breakfast? Eat some carbs baka
I can't eat more then five strips desu
Nice. Too much toast, but still nice.
Looks good.
>eating beans with every thing because your shit island is to shit to provide any real god damn food for your yellow tooth faggoty ass
neck your self mudshitbrit before a shitskin blows you up
>Cream in coffee
>Only one egg
Shit tier
>Putting queer cream and sugar in coffee
you god damn right
Truly the pinnacle of British cuisine
thats just your husbands cum your tasting
>eu breakfast
>suck it down goyim
drink could be kiwicha, dont need any more energy :P
Damn right, and don't you forget it bioch, you missing a big tub of country style butter, ass hole!.
that's a lot of bacon, champ
That's some paki-british food and you know it faggot.
what the hell kinda fucking faggot would willing choose black coffee, i bet you chose black cock to ya bitchboi
followed by a delicious *SNIFF* of a THICCC white woman's BRAAAAAAAAAAAAP
Don't eat out of a plastic container, are you a fucking bum? there is no excuse for that shit.
Looks good to me. What the fuck is your problem you sheep fucking faggot?
I never claimed it was American, I was trying to show how shitty British "food" is.
sweet, sweet digits
Not him, but you're a fag. Black coffee is the best thing in the world and you're a bitchboy if you need to water that down. I bet you stop at starbucks every morning and buy some kiddie shit sugar drink.
Rekt & Czech'd
My apologies then, Post that webm of all the barbicued goods.
Let it be known, Kek loves bacon.
>yfw no emus in auckland
At least we keep Muslims away.
American lunch.
>Beans on toast
>With brown bread
>be food photographer
>get too lazy to photograph 7 layer burger with fries
>photoshop 4 different old burger photoshoots together with picture of french fries on stock image of plate
breakfast is for lazy faggots, americans
have work to do, why so lazy rest of world?
Yah paki
neck your self fucking hunchback cuck
Have a picture instead
That supposed to be bad? Keep trying to shitpost from your insignificant rape island.
My fellow American, if I could have that for lunch everyday, I would be satisfied.
OP confirmed as Mudslime.
You live on an island. Your flag is an island's flag.
>springfield and Sig 1911s
>replica vietnam era mags
>magpul grip
>flip up irons with a scope mounted over them
/k/ checking in to laugh at you. That's the most fudd tier shit I've seen in a long time.
What gun is that?
we all live in a island user
you just live in a big one
>that timestamp
you're an idiot
so fucking disgusting
Looks good to me. seems to be outing some goat fuckers! I guess gargling a goat dick is Kosher.
how good is this
Fucking noice.
Leave me out of the screencap.
DO IT!!!
Burn the bridge behind you
Leave no retreat
That brisket was way too charred and would have to be scraped, but the ribs were nicely done. Overall, I'd give it a 7/10.
What no daily burger to go with that bacon you shitposters? Can't even get out fucking meals right
damn right
places sig on table... "american"
Technically so do you.
he probably let all this get cold for the pic
places Merkel in front of you... "german"
You have to admit that is a great platter and could use some of it right now,
Hellz yeah my nigger you don't even know I just ordered me some Heinz back beans off amazon I'm going to have a godlike brekky tomorrow
>all that cholestrol from the bacon
Last and the only famine i know was during Stalin reign. Well, I don't expect from burger to know anything about history, so you can just let that sink in.
What kind of lamer faggot drinks coffee with ¨*•cream and sugar¨*• like a girl?
The last famine I knew was when the McRib went away. Those were hard times, comrade.
Fucking gross.
...I bet it's in .45GAP too, huh?
For you
thanks for the cultural marxism and the Jews
Needs more bacon, which is best grilled. Eggs ought to poached.
Tell that to germans you cuck. And also thanks for the degenerate nigger-SJW culture you're spreading worldwide.
After years of eating bacon, sausage, and pork chops, I've recently come to the conclusion that eating pigs is wrong. They're just too damn smart for that to be okay. They solve puzzles, love their friends, remember things, the whole deal. I'll kill a cow with a fucking sledgehammer if I get to take the meat home. I'll snap a chicken's neck with my bare hands- I don't give a fuck. They're practically walking meat potatoes. Pigs are different, though, and I can't keep denying it's not right to eat them. Not a hippie. Not a vegetarian. Just tired of making excuses. Take the piggy redpill, Sup Forums.
>God damn New Zealanders and their emus
>Sig Sauer
>Not glorious 1911 chambered in .45 ACP
Has a better idea. The Sig still fucks it up, though.
95% of /k/ couldn't afford the Springfield
Thanks for the cold war commie
That's a big plate of bacon
What the fuck does it matter?