WWII Risk! This is my first time OPing so go easy on me

WWII Risk! This is my first time OPing so go easy on me.

ill take syria

Libya please

Estonia Plz

Is it also your first time being a faggot?

I've sucked some dicks in my time.

Are we starting some time this year?

Mupdate 1.

Roll for turkey

Claim Soviet Union, invade Finland

Adding bonus, include in roll

You need to join a faction in order to declare war.

Join Commintern
Declare War on Latvia

Mupdate 2.

Expand, invade WESTWARD!

Join Axis, invade Turkey

Finish Finland, invade Poland.

Sorry, pal. But you gotta align with a faction to invade.

Join Allies. Invade Germany!!!

Pali 4D

Keep Killing Latvia

Okay. you'll send marines to German coast because there is no other way.

Forgot name

Mupdate 3

Invade Germany FFS why aren't you moving me?!

...do you not see the green at the top of Germany?

Invade Lithuania and Bits of Poland, The Baltic Workers Shall be free!!!

Continue filling Poland.

You are invading Germany. Marines landed on the north western coast because that's the only way.

ill be Germany

Mupdate 5

push lybia out of German lands

Continue filling Poland

Continue southward drive into Germany. Slaughter swinefuckers show no mercREEEE

Help the Soviets take Poland

Sorry, guys. It's late in the night and I'm tired. I can't OP anymore, but maybe you anons can continue this in another thread. Thanks for fighting the good fight.

Its ok, I was in another thread anyway.
>plus, this one was kill.
Start saging.