Care to explain?
Well Sup Forums
guess it's fine for a nigger to break in and sit in my living room as he's only occupying 1 square meter in my whole house so it's ok
Red is Palestine green is not Palestine
I hope you don't mind me taking a few of my friends, slaughtering everyone who lives in Berlin, and declaring the creation of the nation of Cockistan.
Except the nigger bought most of the space from you, and then took a little more after you and a handful of your friends attacked him and got your asses kicked.
whats the problem with the jewish man having some land
God gave him that spot in your house.
If you had 10 million jews taking over your contry, you'd be complaining too.
Thanks uncle Adolf for that and stop being a jewfag
KEK, this.
>took a little more
Hitler took a little more too, see how that turned out?
Christian land
degenerate sodomite kikes and nimrod worshipping mongrel kikes do not belong
Israel has the right to exist. We need to find a place to move the Palestinians too. I think Germany would be a good spot for New Palestine?
If Israel and China made a pact to take over all that land, ethnically cleanse out all locals repopulate with Gooks and white skin jews
>I would be perfectly ok with it
Maybe we can find some place for the jews in the Artic
There needs to be an Israel to deport all the Jews to, that way we can't have another "6 gorillion" lie pushed down our throats
The sandniggers can screw their goats
There is absolutely nothing wrong with Zionism. Fuck Arabs. I only dislike Jews who seek supremacy over goyim, and not Jews who seek their own homeland. If Palestinian shits can't hold onto their land, they don't deserve it.
They've been fighting over that land for over 1000 years. Jews could've had a home in Madagascar. Why is that small peace of Earth so important to them?
>map shows israel directly in the centre of arab land
seems like the arabs might have a point desu ?
>niggers know no limits
>another Russia
>dislike Jews who seek supremacy over goyim
that's just about all of them
>Jews who seek their homeland
the Palestinians there are more Jewish than the mongrels who settled there
this shit again?
if you understood the basics of geopolitics you'd see why israel is a fucking huge problem to the islamic world
So it's okay to occupy someone else's land as long as you're only occupying 0.4% of it?
Seems like a pretty reasonable percentage tbqwhfam
What percentage of London would you say is occupied by """refugees"""
Man, this is literally not an argument.
The only argument that matters is power. Israel can defend their land, that is the reality of the situation.
I actually live in the arctic we would be blessed to have Jews here but they mostly live in big cities in southern Canada. I say we find a homeland for the Palestinians maybe in south america like Argentina or something?
If we deport all Jews to Israel, we wouldn't have this problem.
IDGAF if Palestinians lived there long before: they don't anymore. There is nothing wrong with a country conquering another either by cunning or by force. That's how my nation England was formed, that's how your nation Australia was formed, and that's how pretty much every European nation was formed at one point or another. If they can't hold onto their own country, the deserve nothing at all.
Columbus found America in 1492.
Just a little settlement guys, look at all this land you have, here have some blankets and shit. Yeah we'll give you fair price for your land, even offer you guys some jobs we're such great people.
Oh shit look at this the whole continent is ours a few hundred years later. Now you have to pay interest just to live.
Regardless of their antisemitism,
>A tiny country backed by the entire fucking western world that has on countless occasions wiped its ass with you
>A country genociding/displacing innocent natives on your land
>A country that quite often proclaims its religious beliefs and 'god-given rights' in the most pretentious, sideways of manners
>A country with a nuclear program that it refuses to admit to having, and the western world just smiles and ignores this
>A country that has destroyed US property and spat in their face multiple times- and STILL owns the US like a fucking lapdog, save for some vague mumbled threats from Obama
No, the nigger in the house analogy isn't enough. This is if a nigger broke into your house, starts pissing on the carpet, and the police won't fucking do anything even as it's raping your cousin because 'muh holocaust, muh greatest ally'.
What fucking value does a tiny state occupying some dead, historically-important cities have? 'Dur history'- do you REALLY think the US government, and any other western government, has THAT in mind when they proclaim Israel is their greatest ally?
No, I fucking hate arabs too. But to support Israel is fucking ridiculous, even when you take out race and religious matters. It's a liability to defend, it destabilises all of Levant and more with its passive-aggressive expansion and interventionism.
but could they do it without us?
would they even have what they do if they hadnt pulled sixty gorrilian out their ass?
>We need to find a place to move the Palestinians too. I think Germany would be a good spot for New Palestine?
But then where would all the North African Muslims live?
Does it interest you in the slightest to know that the image you posted was likely made by an Israeli hired by his government to shape international opinion in regards to their Fifth Reich?
>have some blankets
Stop believing this meme. How could people before knowledge of germ theory devise this. Also small pox is a virus which couldn't really be spread through blankets.
Fuck the sand niggers. If the Jews fuck their shit up, I couldn't care less. The more who go to Israel and kill more of them the better.
Western Jews are basically all commies trying to destroy us from within, but when they go over there, there's something about being surrounded by a billion primitives who hate you that makes them pull their heads of their asses and become considerably more right wing.
Nice. Germany can welcome both!
You're a jew?
Honestly nations belong to whoever can hold them by force.
>>ITT: A bunch of faggots posturing themselves as morally superior while downing blue pills.
But what about the 6 gojirrion?
Literally this. Law of nature. I honestly don't blame Kikes for controlling us because it's what we do to weaker nations. Sure, I'd like to see the Jewish supremacists out of my country, but there is nothing wrong with them seeking dominance, regardless of whether or not you are on the receiving end of it.
These are the words of a sad, defeated man. Or jewish tricks.
I'm not a defeatist. I would gladly shed blood to get them out of my country. But I cannot blame them for doing what we have done for centuries. It is the law of nature.
They don't 'seek' supremacy, they think it is already their privilege as God's butt buddies. Even the atheists jews change nothing about their life other than they don't follow as many of the religious rules. They always look at you as something to be managed. This is why they themselves are fine with multiculturalism because they look at all other cultures as equally pathetic.
The real outrage is that Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya Egypt, Israel, Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Iran and Turkey all used to be considered European land 2000 years ago.
No shit.
It's a cancerous entity that does not belong in that sea of green and you know it.
You had one job, Fritz, and you screwed it and screwed us all
oy vey the poor jews :((((((((
So you would let a nigger buy a seat in your living room, take some more and then kick your friends asses?
That used to be Roman land. That said fuck the Arabs and the Jews.
lol no Europe didn't exist 2K years ago. Modern Europe identity began forming over 5 centuries ago. Try again m8.
>tfw you conquer Sinai, effectively doubling the size of your country, then give it back in the interest of peace and mutual respect of sovereignty, and the arabs still want to fucking drown you in the Mediterranean
>I honestly don't blame Kikes
Naw you can blame them. It is Christians who fall for this notion that we're all just human and there's just one god that loves everyone and wants everyone to get along even if you have to make some sacrifices. Because Christians have fallen back on that "Well if you just believe in Christ then whatever other differences we have we can overlook" and can get along among a diverse group of Christians, but that just doesn't work when you start mixing in non-Christians, even if they are Abrahamic monotheists.
A lot of American customs just seem totally wack unless you either don't believe in morality or you believe in a personal God who forgives people on the fly. If you don't believe in that stuff then you don't understand how people get away with doing stuff to each other without resorting to acid attacks and beheadings and shit. And the people who do believe in it aren't tolerating attempted beheadings as appropriate responses to shit they see as minor, and they aren't changing their behavior to placate invaders.
The Israelis are occupying Palestine, not fucking Sudan.
Israel has claimed its birthright and we need to find a homeland for the Palestinians because the place they live belongs to free citizens of Israel!
Estimates are at 7.4-8.9 million now as nazi were not loggin kids retards or the women they had deemed pretty enough to rape and use as sex slaves.
>jewing so hard that even other jews wont back this up
you listen to jews on the internet and israel literally offered to gas itself but the Palestinians rejected the offer because they wanted to kill all the jews themselves, that's how against the peace process they are. This is part of the reason people are so tired with Israel over Palestine because the jews refuse to accept any responsibility whatsoever for the failure of peace. If jews could just say ya maybe we shouldn't bomb the mud huts with our space ships we get for free. Or maybe living here just really isn't worth it and we could be much happier living elsewhere even though it wouldn't be guaranteed to be the trade capital of the world if there's ever a one world government.
>When another leaf responds to your post
Move all the Palestinians to Britain and they can share with the Pakis. See how brits like their home being given away.
I think Kansas is ok, there is nothing there anyway
"Israelites" aren't even Semitic you stupid goy.
Only small norther parts of it. Before that is was "somebody elses". Kek.
Most of those countries aren't middle eastern
Why do the Jews think it's a good idea to try to live in the middle of a bunch of people who hate them? I thought they were supposed to be smart.
Who /Christian for Israel/ here?
t. Middle Easterner
Tbf he has a point. 'Middle Eastern" is a vague term cooked up by the CIA under the Bush administration. So they could pursue their objectives while having an ambiguous geographical location for the American public.Either it should be called North-East Africa, the Arabian peninsula, or South-West Asia. Cheers, & don't let the Emus win.