So explain to me why you don't have a conservative gf yet.
So explain to me why you don't have a conservative gf yet
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Because i love my gf even though she is a leftist.
At least she's the good kind of nationalist leftie that hates neocons and stuff, already redpilled her about Soros Hillary and the globalists.
She supports Assad too.
Women don't do politics. They just LARP whatever is socially acceptable until they find a man, and then they take on whatever he believes.
I hate everything but I hate women the most
I live in a city full of liberals
Because I wanted to date an actual person.
Is this what you consider a "white" girl? She seems Lebanese.
She's Irish.
I wish that were true.
Must all white people look be blond vikings?
Europeans from different parts of Europe look different. Are you aware if this?
I do.
Stop replying to d&c jews.
>name is ciara horan
>not white
>conservative gf
Fucking HOW?
slow and steady user.. slow and steady.
She would only get in the way of my work and my work is very important, much more important than militant vaginas whining around every were when I have very important to do all the time.
women are just as, if not more, susceptible to memes as men are. they just need a good, hard dick to make them forget all that silly stuff and start being normal (warning: does not not work for whores and niggerlovers)
>he posts pics of an underage girl on Sup Forums
top kek maga awoo inshallah my brothers
>tfw living in San Francisco
Fucking HOW?
Most big cities are liberal.
If your wife/GF doesn't share your political views a year after getting together, you are a failure as a man and need to grow up.
Hate to break it to you bro, but she is no way european. Just looks persian with the dark circles underneath eyes. You need to be a little more nuanced in identifying races.
its a living hell
Yeah right retard. She does not have red hair.
>tfw California
Does going to church work?
who is that semen demon? i'd like to wrap my foreskin around her clitoris
>all Irish people are gingers
Fucking Burgerpeople, I swear.
Any conservative church will have a surplus of unmarried women
Shhh there's no pain now, just best Korea nukes.
so many Californias in here
will we make it bros ... I'm not sure we can ...
I went to UC Berkeley and I found a conservative girlfriend there. Try harder.
I do. I broke my fiancé and she cried for fifteen minutes but admitted I was right.
> more of a suppository than a pill
What is a "girl", or a "friend"?
7...714 here...
1. It isn't socially acceptable to express conservative views in a big city.
2. Young women are rarely conservative.
I am living in a purple county. I should be off better than Bay Area anons.
Because I'm trapped in DC and I'm not attractive enough to get the few that exist here.
I think the best route is to redpill a liberal girl and slowly get her on the conservative side.
I spend most of my time playing video games, shitposting, and fixing old people's computers
Don't really get out much
I should probably start going to church...
Fuck off
This guy gets it
I would, but my lefty wife isn't that far left, if you know what I mean.
> Be 47
> Married in 2001.
> Two kids, wife stay at home mom.
> Previous feminist, typical.
> Use racist jokes because kids tired of public school marxist screed.
> Wife at odds with school (at odds with you name it but school is good target)
> Gobbling up redpills.
> Accusations of blacks being racist surfacing.
I'm not sure if I'm redpilling or the current narrative is so bereft of truth it just wears off.
This is correct. Going through the last election with my girlfriend got her on the right track
>mfw my gf suddenly goes on a sjw rant
I-I thought she was normal ...
Irish lasses are ginger.
Obviously you're not a golfer.
California here too. It's really dangerous because even in the more conservative areas, all the qts are hardcore blacked/hookup degenerates.
I am sorry, user.
Ancap anti-statist qts are rarer to come by but that's my dream girl im fucked right?
Going to church does not work in California, too liberal. And the ones that aren't won't date white folk. I dated a Portuguese Catholic for awhile but we had to stop dating because her parents told her that she couldn't marry outside of her race. And she felt the same way. White people do not feel this way/do not raise their girls like this.
>The typical U.S. Congregation draws an adult crowd that’s 61% female, 39% male. This gender gap shows up in all age categories.
>Midweek activities often draw 70 to 80 percent female participants.
>Christian universities are becoming convents. The typical Christian college in the U.S. enrolls almost 2 women for every 1 man.
I do, thank god. She is more racist than I
>good friend has qt gf
>she wants to play vidya with him all the time
>spouts memes
>accidentally said nig nog at best buy right next to a nigger
>into third reich shit hitler did nothimg wrong doesnt phase her
>probably browses pol
Heyyy 202bro. Been here about four years.
How have you found the Negroes?
Hard mode: Find a conservative girlfriend.
Impossible mode: Find a conservative girlfriend who isn't blue collar.
Insanity mode: Find a conservative girlfriend who isn't blue collar and is attractive, intelligent, and has a good job.
What are you talking about
Southern California is full of conservative mega churches
Kind of similar situation here. Dated a Latin girl for a while, with really conservative Christian parents too, but she was one of those "proud slut" types. We've gotten to a point where a girl's upbringing no longer yields the same results it once did.
Why would you want a career woman?
How come you don't? you're the SK dink obsessed with this ugly bitch, why not get a real Korean waifu?
cali here suburbs
it's funny literally all the women around me are on the conservative side but pretty liberal on some things. for example here is one thought: women should be doing women things and men should be doing men things
I lucked into Insanity mode. Thanks for giving me a perspective
>We've gotten to a point where a girl's upbringing no longer yields the same results it once did.
It still does
The problem is girls are being raised by public schools and not their fathers
I like her average looks, it is unique and cute.
Where do you live, you nigger I'm in fairfax.
Because although I believe white people have unique interests that are worth fighting for, I think life in general is not really worth it, so I don't want to have kids. I want to have 2 incomes and no kids and enjoy life until I die and nothing matters anymore.
Its not really hard
Are we forgetting most white women voted for trump?
Nope not conservative enough. I dated another half white half chink chick that went to that billionaire's mega-church. She routinely liked it up the ass on her parent's bed, thought it was 'taboo' and got wet about it. Dated her less than a year. Those mega churches have rock n roll bands playing, video games for the kids, etc. Not enough fire and brimstone nomsayin
i've never had a gf
Good point.
Dude i would single handedly destroy a country rambo style to have that type of girl in my life she also sends me memes and kike and nigger jokes/comics youd see on pol sometimes
Well I met her at UCBerkeley, so yes it is difficult if you aren't a good looking white man.
There are 100s of single girls there though
Not all of them are wife material but its not hard to find one that is
Age? Same boat mang
because its 2017, they don't exist anymore
My wife is more conservative than i am, and we're trying for children.
Your move, OP
19 lol
Right I think the conclusion we are both drawing is that A) you have to put in effort to get one/you must seek one out B) Be attractive enough for them to want to date and marry you. They exist and they are out there, they are just not common.
Liberal girls are really cute. The last thing you need is some conservative gun nut christian girl.
Because I'm a neckbeard who frequents this website. Of course I don't have a gf.
No liberal girls are only fun to try new sexual things with so that when you get your real woman you can fuck her right like she wants
Avoid them in packs greater than 3, no matter which quadrant you're in and you'll be alright. There are some good ones, but those tend to work in the city and live out in MD and VA.
The exception to the avoid in packs is if they're well-dressed (since the bar for blacks is set so low), a black person with pants that aren't sagging is enough to lower your guard around by like 3%.
Same my dude 20 next month were at the end of our rope wat do?
Fucking fail
They are common enough
Also what really matters is there are far more good girls looking to get married than men willing to marry them
Even if the bar is set low I would still avoid niggers at all costs, it just isn't worth it to ever be around them. You being collateral damage goes through the roof as well
talking to women is hard and only 1/99 isn't a blue pilled drug addicted hedonist at my age
Oh yeah, there are good girls out there alright. I just want one that looks good as well. least we have g...good weather
I have recently met a girl who is 10/10 and vehemently against sjw's. She's also single.
Thanks, Putin.
I lost the shot of her mom (right in your photo). The hottest liberal on earth:
Haven't found one
It's hard to find them here, most mexicans are liberal as fuck.
And even if i found qt redpilled gf material, What would be the fucking chances of her wanting to be with me? about 3.50%
>Nope, it's 0.00%
>I'm on Sup Forums, what do you fucking think?
Not a problem
There is not much competition for girls that dot put put until marriage
1/10 is closer to reality
you're back