I want to Jew

Does anyone know how o buy debt? Credit card debt or healhcare debt?

We can't beat (((them))), might as well join them.

Thanks shekelstein.

>Credit card debt or healhcare debt

So the type of debt you want to buy are the two types with the lowest chance of ever being repaid?

That's smart.

Don't care what kind of debt, it could be dentists' debt for all I care.

How is it done?

I hope they default on payment and you get double jewed

It's built into the business model. Exploit poor burgers and squeeze them for every last dolla.

you buy debt with money

easiest way is to buy housing debt

ie to become a private lender that helps cucks purchase their homes at a higher rate than the banks will offer

these are the types of people that cant get bank loans.

theres a high risk they will default but you get paid for that

plus you can get appraisers to verify that they hosues they buy are correctly valued

fuck you can make whatever rules you want:
>only give money to white people
>get appraiser that makes sure they are buying undervalued house, that way if they default they can sell it easily and give your money back or if they get the house reappraised later then they have equity built up
>if they default on their loan then you get the house back which is now worth more and in the mean time they paid you a high interest rate

thats how you easily jew.

Jesus that's a decent body and a tasty looking pussy
Thanks OP and have a bump


I think there's laws inplace to stop normal people from getting into financial things. Like the average person isn't allowed to buy or trade stock. They have to go through a stock broker. Which is bull.