Why aren't these guys on the streets counterattacking the violent Antifa people?
Do your duty.
American nazi skinheads
They probably want conservatives and antifa to kill each other so civil war can start.
Because they're part of the same family. Both lefties
Because skinhead culture died like 15 years ago
Because they'd have to fight antifa faggots and le alt right melting pot Americans
Because their fetal alcohol addled brains cannot adjust to Antifa tactics. Even skinny leftists cowards can beat their asses with swarm assaults.
this, pretty much
Because we aren't faggots that slap each other in the street. We're waiting for the system to slip up. You'll know us then.
Oh yea you meth dealing degenerates got shit on lock right ?
too busy larping
Jahowl Reddit!
Please, keep assuming you know the contemporary 'skinhead.'
Technically speaking skinheads are alt-right. What you're describing is alt-lite and centrist e-celebs.
The worst thing is when these degenerate skinheads LARPing as Nazis go on talk shows or do interviews for progressive news sites and say things like, "I used to be a white supremacist, trust me, the alt right must be stopped!".
Skinheads are a product of Jewry. These people are degenerates tarnishing the image of NatSoc.
Both Antifa and Naziboos would be put down by red blooded americans
Why would they be? It's better for their image to let the Antifa faggots attack normal respectable people.
>Technically speaking they are alt-right
They're skin head neo-nazi's you idiot.
They're not on the streets because they're LARP faggot degenerates and I don't mean you average degenerates these fucks sale drugs to kids, kill each other, fuck every "aryan" chick, they are retarded.
Because seeing old veterans getting attacked by black clad communists is far more effective at 'normalizing' national socialism than seeing obvious skinheads fighting communists.
The truth will set you free
Because skinheads literally don't exist here except inside federal prisons where dudes are serving 20-life sentences
The whole "neo-nazi" shit is just Jewish fear mongering propaganda, I've literally never seen one IRL
America is a faggot nigger loving nation, nothing to be proud of
Where were you "muh red blooded Americans" over the past 60+ years as the way of life in this country was completely eroded? Fuck out of here
as for OP, i've wondered about this myself, for all skinheads. i keep asking my self "why don't skinheads beat gypsies whenever they get uppity"?
i came to this conclusion. the leaders of all skinhead movements are government plants or drug dealers. they use the average skinheads as muscle, and they never do anything related to their supposed ideals.
They are obviously do busy doing illegal shit like selling drugs and killing people just like nigger gangs do.
Don't have time, backlogs too long as it is
Except for (((antifascist))) (((antiracist))) (((antisexist))) skins that have forgotten it's not 2002, they're still around.
I don't know about your country but skinheads are just an MSM meme over here
Because they don't exist outside of prison.
That said, the Aryan Brotherhood is the dominant white prison gang in Commiefornia, so every antifa faggot who gets thrown in prison is going to be forced to bend the knee or get shanked.
This is exactly what happens.
This right here... skinheads have done nothing but harm the cause. They are literally a living meme, used as a weapon against us. Idiots.
ive never seen a normal non methed up or skinny ass skinhead lol . if they were normal and common like 1930 sure dude
>contemporary skinhead
Do enlighten us
Smokes meth and fucks their relatives?
I'd guess a lot of these alt righters believe in the 6 million myth.
Nazi skinheads would be persona non grata
>Skinheads have done nothing but harm the cause
They aren't about the cause so much as they are about the scene. A lot of them live in poor areas where whites need to stick together. They are bad for white pride the same way nigger rappers are bad for black pride
I'm not a stormfag, there not the allies we need.
there are some, but you dont see them very often, because they just stick to their squalid dumps and don't go out. last i heard about skinheads was about four years ago when they beat some guy with pink hair almost to death in a park near my uni
You watch too much television, faggot.
That's not the truth though, Reddit. I'm sick of you stupid fucks coming here with no economic or political knowledge.
Youll know us when you see us.
Nicely put.