Not being circumcised is degenerate
Not being circumcised is degenerate
>Not being circumcised is degenerate
From my cold dead hands, Rabbi.
t. Simon Goldberg
lol okay schlomo
nice b8
Epic shitpost XD
t. Jew who's vehemently against infant circumcision
OK, so let's think upon this from a theological standpoint.
>you think that God fucked up.
>and now we have this extra skin
>and to fix Gods fuck up, we have to cut that shit off
>But God is perfect - except this one fuck up.
>And we're supposed to fix His fuck up for Him.
Why doesn't he just have us all born cut, user?
After all, it wasn't our fuckup - why are we having to fix Gods fuckup for Him?
We literally just had the antifa shill thread about them starting a thread just like this
Tell you what user.
If God loves you so much that he wants you to cut some of your dick off.
You can show God that you Reaaaaaly love Him by cutting your WHOLE dick off.
Nothing tells God "I love you" more than going above and beyond.
Don't be a typical degenerate, user. Show God how much you love Him.
Post pics - we want to see how much you love God.
Do you not cut your hair? "If God wanted us to have haircuts he'd make us shed!"
>americutlets will never play with their foreskin like Yhwh intended
Kikes are dumb and Jesus was against circumcision.
white ppl don't get curcumsized, ur not white lmbooooooo
We literally saw you post about making this thread on your shitty ANTIFA reddit.
Please try harder, maybe read some material before trying to post.
>Another thread where Topoff Wrinkleglans tries to convince himself that he isn't jewed for life.
*American """""whites""""" get circumcised because (((((((Dr. Kellogg))))))) convinced them that the Torah commanded it
ok, Jew.
God created your body in his image and gave you life. Your body is a temple and a gift from God that should be treated with respect. It's depressing how a bunch of Jews managed to convince Christians to mutilate God's gift.
Good Goyim
Do you cut your hair? Trim your fingernails? Clean your disgusting, rotting smegma?
>Cleaning yourself and maintaining things that grow back is equivalent to permanently mutilating your body.
Are lefties even capable of arguing anything without hyperbole and false equivalence?
To tell the honest truth, you uncut supporters have defended me and now I kind of feel like my cut wiener is defective. I can't do anything about it, but now I have serious misgivings about doing the same to my own kid when the time comes.
Are you opposed to girls piercing their ears?
*defeated me
I see you, Reddit scum. Fuck off.
uncut please
Leave it. It's there for a reason
i like being cut, even though i believe it is not right to cut baby weiner. we have bigger fish fry.
Foreskin is best.
OP is extremely blupilled.
Being circumcised is the sign of degeneration by religious extremism.
GAS yourself kike
Even some Jews oppose it now.
I Trust in Evolution. If it would be better without it, we wouldn't have it.
>god created man in his image
>satan worshiping Jews chop off the end of your cock and drink the blood before you are old enough to object.
Blood isn't kosher.
>Oy Vey!
I love uncut dick
fuck off antifa
you do shed though, past a certain point. those freaks with the floor dragging hair have a mutation that either let their hair grow fast enough to reach that level before it falls out or don't fall out at all
back in the oven, kike.
obviously, it's in the bible.
stupid. I don't think that means what you think it means.