Sup Forums is in total denial about Donald Trump

Sup Forums is in total denial about Donald Trump.

If this grand canyon of proof of treason and illegal financial activity had been available for a democrat, Sup Forums would have such a hard-on that there would be dozens of infographics to spam all over the internet.

Instead, we have a grand canyon about the manchild memelord Trump and you guys sit on your hands and cry and moan and create memes about shareblue and deep state because you just can't fucking handle that Donald Trump is significantly more corrupt than Hillary Clinton ever was.

Let me repeat that.

Donald Trump is at least 100x more corrupt than the alt-right ever wet-dreamed Hillary Clinton could have ever been.

You better start dealing with this, because your tiny little world is crumbling around you on literally a daily basis. You're crying, you're screaming, you're ranting, and yet you're powerless.

You have zero ability to fix this situation. Get used to that Russian dick in your ass, because when the government pulls it out and puts it in prison, your ass will be full of liberal dicks saying I told you so for the rest of your goddamn life.


How terrified are you actually, Sup Forums?

You realize that this isn't going away, right?


it's only funny when the filename is shareblue sample

Well that really corrected my record. Wtf I'm a Cruz missle now.

Sup Forums has become the swamp

nice president you got there

This is a shill, but still gonna respond. Trump said he was going to focus on criminals and that he wasn't sure about the rest during the campaign.

>You better start dealing with this, because your tiny little world is crumbling around you on literally a daily basis. You're crying, you're screaming, you're ranting, and yet you're powerless

You're projecting again and it's cringey bud

During election campaign there were many posters with Canadian flags shilling for Trump. Maybe it wasn't the Russians that hacked DNC after all. Maybe it was you and your Anglo-Jewish friends


I found the problem

>implying all of pol thinks the same

It's almost as if it wasn't about an ideology, but rather about lulz

liberals are fucking retarded

we want Mexicans blocked and the ZOG dismantled, liberals have no solution for this country except death

good thing you're going to continue to lose influence

Don't give me that bullshit.

If it were about lulz then you would jerk Trump back out and watch the immense butthurt from the right.

Good thing Trump has all the solutions, right?

Good thing he's stopped the Mexicans and the Muslims from coming in, right?

Has Trump even managed to accomplish one thing, or has he just passed executive orders which forces people to pretend that he even comes to work and doesn't just play golf 7 days a week?


Share blue pls go

Hillary took hundreds of millions of dollars from Sunni States... I can't even begin to imagine all the bullshit we'd be going through if she was president. Oh ya, I can. We would be in a real, hot civil war.

cocksucker liberal judges blocked the executive orders, even though the President has the power by law to block certain classes of immigrants from entering the US

We already know about Trump but you're delusional if you think the left has the answers. They offer only a path to suicide.

I wouldn't jerk Trump period. That's gay dude.
But in all seriousness, the longer he's in the office, the more damage he can cause. I'm already planning on voting for in 2020 as well.

Trump doesn't have any power.

And neither do you.

Nobody here actually voted for him for lulz so fuck off. The people who say that weren't even old enough to vote. They voted for him because their broken brains actually thought he was best.

>Sup Forums is in total denial about Donald Trump.
This is a classic example of projection.
The left is completely in denial about the causes of the recent election results and is grasping at straws in a vain attempt to destroy Trump and his agenda.

Does anyone truly doubt that Sup Forums follows truth?
If there really was ANY EVIDENCE don't you think we'd be all over it?



Thank u msnbc dyke

what will the wall look like? I thought there would be a design by now

Trump cares so much about his voters that he's flipping on every single thing he promised to do so that those voters will hate him and thus not care as much when he gets impeached


>Nobody here actually voted for him for lulz so fuck off
Way to generalize. You really have no idea what you're talking about do you? You think a bunch of neonazi's care about the US political parties? We just wanna watch it all burn.

>President doesn't have any power
topkek, nice bait thread

Why are you so entitled that you think the government owes you all the evidence right now before they've finished their investigations?

You stupid spoiled little cunt, who exactly do you think you are? You're not worth the paper I wipe my ass with, let alone a response from the federal government about active investigations.

There's plenty of evidence available from the news media though. You know, the same thing that you villified and made into a boogie man so that you don't have to face reality.

I'd love to shit in your mouth and show you what actual diarrhea tastes like since you're so fond on spewing it the rest of the time.


Lol. No.

go to sleep left coast

And there you have it. Can't articulate a point, just dump more vitriol.

Trump lives rent free in that artists head, and look where his thoughts take him... Some witty critique of policy? Naw, it's "sputter sputter sputter yeah well so what if his wife is hotter, I bet his dick doesn't even work! Sputter sputter small hands sputter"

You didn't articulate a point, you claimed I was projecting. I reply with something that's actually more on topic and more likely accurate, and your butthurt begins spewing.

Grow the fuck up you stupid little twat. You voted for a criminal and you're going to have to deal with that humiliation during his very long downfall.

Don't even bother. No matter whether you're an actual "shill" or simply a concerned citizen, you should know that doublethink is strong in here. Trump is untouchable and can't be criticized, even if he clearly flip-flops on all his promises.
You really can't trust politicians. Scum of the earth, all of them.

>if this grand canyon of proof

what proof?

>"MUH SYRIA...!"

People have been crying nonstop since election night.

I'm perfectly content with Trump right where he is.

My god, all this bait. Look at all the people who took the bait, fucking mongoloids. No wonder the entire world thinks amerifats are a joke.

How is he different from Obama then?

It's gonna be 8 more years of your type shouting about non-stop downfall. Don't worry, we'll give the White House back after we pick 3 more Supreme Court justices.

do me a solid and lay out an actual coherent allegation on collusion with Russia, bonus points if a source will attach his name to the report. I don't wanna hear how someone he knows was in a room with a Russian once, I wanna hear specific actions his campaign took to collude.

>I want
>tell me
>do this
>how I want it

More entitled cunts. Too lazy to spend five seconds googling the same information that the rest of us have been reading for literally months. If it wasn't on Breitbart they're just completely ignorant of it.

Do you ACTUALLY think you'll EVER hear about Trump doing ANYTHING wrong on your alt-right news?

here's your (You), now go kill yourself

Both were corrupt, so it's pointless to bitch,

>ZOG dismantled
are you serious
even if this were real you understand that kushner is trumps top adviser

Inform yourself properly faggots.

They're so deep in disillusion that they can't cope with Trump being a Jew, so it'll take them even longer to accept him being a Russian traitor.

>passed executive actions that actually only tell other parts of the government that he wants this stuff done but don't actually do anything
>claims he kept a campaign promise



try reading some of these executive actions and tell me what actual change took place

>it was all just a joke guys, i didnt get fooled like a fucking dumbass i swear

Must suck knowing you cant distinguish good choices from bad ones.

Hahaha, I can smell your frustration kid


What more is he supposed to do ? Also that trudeau quantum physics shit was staged, obviously. He's a fucking substitute drama teacher you think he knows physics? Lol. Also op didn't post any proof that trump is corrupt. You Shills are unbelievably incompetent.

>It's another r/Politics tries to talk some (((sense))) into us episode
Fuck off niggers. Your mods are literally Shareblue shills while ours are just lazy. You're not convincing anybody with your bullshit DNC propaganda.

>passed executive actions that actually only tell other parts of the government that he wants this stuff done but don't actually do anything

This is what you were saying when Obama took up the ol' pen and the pad too right?

>1 post by this ID

>Donald Trump is at least 100x more corrupt than the alt-right ever wet-dreamed Hillary Clinton could have ever been.
So Trump is taking money from corporations but not from Saudi Arabia and Russia (for uranium). Clearly Trump needs to step up his corruption game.

But seriously Trump is a faggot deep state shill, just like they all are.


Let the galaxy burn

>King's English

You fucking piece of shit don't you dare disprect Her Majesty again you cunt


>Donald Trump is at least 100x more corrupt than the alt-right ever wet-dreamed Hillary Clinton could have ever been.

Fantastic b8.


Uhh sweetie there are hundreds of citable sources like media stories with anonymous sources and tweets from liberals and posts that reach the top of Reddit which are therefor true

*sips tea*

I'll take a Russian Puppet over a fucking kike one any day.

Hey screw you man, I personally cannot wait until Donald trump kills all Mexicans. So you can fuck right off.

You do realize he'll be insanely lucky to finish his first term, let alone get another, right?

fact/10 actually.

Hes a Russian puppet and a kike puppet at the same time.
So what now, just kill yourself?

So you wanted Hillary?


>100x more corrupt
no a 10000x

The only thing that makes me feel any better is that there are other countries in this thread taking the bait just as hard.


>If this grand canyon of proof of treason and illegal financial activity had been available for a democrat, Sup Forums would have such a hard-on that there would be dozens of infographics to spam all over the internet.
But shill, that did happen. And she got away with it.


Whys Donald so huge?

This is weird art.


Yeah, nah, ya cunt. Fuck off.

how will Drumpf ever recover??

Her teeth really bothers me.


shut up Israel we love Russia


It's called the internet and having intelligence north of room temp.

The fact that you think having a basic grasp of QM requires a job in the field shows that you don't understand QM either and your excuse is mah jerb.