Trump turns his back on Assange, wants him in handcuffs

Trump turns his back on Assange, wants him in handcuffs

>nu/pol/ kikes will defend this

Let's hope this triggers the dead man's switch and Wikileaks releases some juicy info on Trump

Other urls found in this thread:

>Hope this triggers the dead man switch

Fool! The deadman switch was already triggered, it failed, and Assange is dead.

16.10.16 was the date assange was killed

>not knowing Trump wants to "arrest" him so that it's high profile
>brings him to the states under heavy security
>pardons him if he reveals DNC leaker
>What's his name?
>She gets locked up

It's like you don't even know how to play checkers...

Obvious LARPer/shill is obvious.

Fuck off CIA pig.

There goes the mental illness of the average Trumpkike defending him no matter what.

Please go back to your Reddit shithole, pig. Trump is a zionist goldman sachs shill who deserves to have his head on a stick. Jared Kushner and his kike wife run the show now not him. Hillary or Trump = no difference, the deep state marches on forward.

Trump wanting Assange is the same Pantomime as his missiles on Syria while giving Russia prior notice

Pure Diversion from his ties to Putin

Assange is not a patriot or pro-American. He leaked those DNC emails and helped Trump only because Russia wanted him to. But why would Russia want Trump to win? Obviously because they thought he is just some idiot that they could take advantage of.

Unfortunately for Assange, and Putin, they completely underestimated Trump. He isn't just some Patsy or useful idiot that Russia can exploit. He is his own man, and he is president of the United States. Assange is a hacker and an enemy of the state, not because of what he did with the DNC, but because he has no interest in America retaining it's global influence. If that's a problem with you, well then you're probably not American.

Trump's now cowering in fear that Assange will get information regarding all of Trump's corruption.

Governor Trumpking: Assange will no longer be of any concern to us. I have just received word that the Emperor has arrested the traitor permanently. The last remnants of the Old Republic have been swept away forever.
General Mattis: But that's impossible! How will the Emperor maintain control without the bureaucracy?
Governor Tarkin: The regional governors now have direct control over their territories. Fear will keep the local systems in line. Fear of this movement.

Is trump trying to show the world that assange is kill? Might this be another 5D chess move?

Really, nigger. Nice tactic. Call everyone a shill to "prove" you aren't. Why don't you try attacking the facts instead of me.

>Oct 15th, dutch user posts thread indicating DAK 161016 is coming tomorrow (oct 16th)

>Oct 16th, Wikileaks (WL) tweets out 3 tweets with encryption hashes (this was done, as i understand, to basically to prove upcoming documents arent altered)
>also Oct 16th, some user claims to be a low level intel officer, not CIA. user claims Ecuador caves to pressure from Clinton & Co. and "Assange being extradited". says Assange has "threatened to kill himself" if removed. then says "Assange will likely be imprisoned or dead in the next 12 hours". Oct 16th, 11 pm East coast time (According to my records at least, thats all i have, and i will post relevant pic in 3rd post. warning, it is a blurry phone pic but you can read) British user responds to post alleging that there are a dozen security vans and undercover police in hans crescent, police are confiscating phones and deleting photos and videos. Britanon says"they took my phone off me"
>Oct 17th, WL tweets that Assange's internet link has been severed by a state party and that they have "Activated the appropriate contingency plans"
>Oct 19, user claim to work for McCain campaign and they had "an emergency meeting" (possible pedo leak coming out?)

>oct 21, we have the "chemical attack" on london city airport
>oct 21, massive ddos attack, many speculate it was to stop or "catch" the realease of a dead mans switch

>Assange is a hacker
I want to believe you aren't this dumb

Officer Cass: Our scout ships have reached California. They found the remains of an ANTIFA base, but they estimate that it has been deserted for some time. They are now conducting an extensive search of the surrounding States.
Governor Trumpking: [referring to Hillary] She lied. She lied to us!
Darth Pence: I told you she would never consciously betray the Communists.
Governor Tarking: Terminate her... immediately!

assange is phony

trump is controlled


ayy lmao.

>Trump is Putin puppet
ww3 between U.S and Russia in very likely

>Wikileaks is helping Trump is also a Kremlin puppet
Trump wants to charge Assange with treason

the lefts Russia/Wikileaks narrative they've been pushing for the last year is busted.

But the typos in that image would've spelled "HILP" Assange isnt a Kiwi

Methinks asaange got some dirt on trump


Let's hope so. Trump is a zionist neocon kike. He needs to go.

General Mattis: What of the ANTIFA? If the Communists have obtained a complete technical reading of this emal account, it is possible, however unlikely, they might find a weakness and exploit it.
Darth Vader: The e-mails you refer to will soon be back in our hands.
VP Pence: Any attack made by the Communists against this goverment would be a useless gesture, no matter what technical data they have obtained. This country is now the ultimate power in the universe! I suggest we use it!
Darth Jones: Don't be too proud of this beurocratic terror you've constructed. The ability to destroy a planet is insignificant next to the power of the memes.
VP Pence: Don't try to frighten us with your sorcerer's ways, Lord Jones. Your sad devotion to that ancient religion has not helped you conjure up the stolen e-mails, or given you clairvoyance enough to find the ANTIFA' hidden fort-...
[Alex Jones makes a pinching motion and Pence starts choking]
Darth Jones: I find your lack of faith disturbing.
Governor Trumpking: Enough of this! Jones, release him!
Darth Jones: As you wish.
[He does]

The state is the enemy of the people.

t. Garry What is "Allepo" Jhonsson

wtf? I love Trump now!

but he is.

He used to be a high profile hacker.

Trump isn't betraying anyone. This whole "Trump/Assange" alliance is a product of everyone's imagination. Trump never liked Assange, and Assange NEVER said anything nice about Trump.

At best, they both temporarily benefited from the other's existence. How can you betray someone when there was never a relationship to betray?

Be he what he was, he is a subersive that has outlived his usefullness and must be treated as such

I can't wait to see the cultists on r/the_donald and /ptg/ meltdown when Assange releases dirt on Trump

> global influence
>If that's a problem with you, well then you're probably not American.

In two sentences you undermined your own point

That seems way too far fetched to be true

>shill kike is forgetting that Trump routinely praised Wikileaks during the campaign and brought up the Podesta emails every chance he could
God damn, I hate Trump supporters. Literally the worst thing to happen to this board.

If Assange can get his hands on CIA internal documents he can get his hands on whatever Trump has hiding.

I want to see Trump crushed like a cockroach by whatever revelations Wikileaks has on him.

I would assume the message wasn't intended for us. It was meant to be disguised. I believe there were a few brave souls at WikiLeaks who were trying to manually release the dead man switch and needed to communicate to each other through unconventional means. This appears to be the first and only time WikiLeaks ever made 5 spelling mistakes in a row, and given the circumstances it's not unfair to assume it's beyond coincidence.

Yup, me too. Not even memeing when I say I used to support Trump too, but unlike the redditors that infest this board these days I'm not a blind cultist follower.

He's a backpedaling kike and I can't wait to see these retards squirm

He supported the email leaks in regards to a public figure. He didn't support the leaks in regards to intelligence agencies. Why?

Because those two things are not anywhere near the same fucking ballpark.

CIA/Deep state
They are running his name through the mud and if he doesn't comply he and his family dies. Blackmail or death threats on family. If one doesn't work, the other usually does.
This is how they operate.

>no brow ridges

That's a female to male tranny. Those freaks are all over the place.

Do you honestly think the CIA, FBI and NSA are going to get taken down by Trump "draining the swamp?

They've got their hooks in him and he's going to play ball by their rules or his entire family and everything he has ever loved will get crushed out of existence.

The game goes on and Mr. Trump will play nice now. You'll see.

This "4535235235D Interdimensional chess" meme is getting really stale

He hacked NASA as a teenager

>Do you honestly think the CIA, FBI and NSA are going to get taken down by Trump "draining the swamp?
I never said that.
>They've got their hooks in him and he's going to play ball by their rules or his entire family and everything he has ever loved will get crushed out of existence.
Or.....he's doing his duties as president.
>The game goes on and Mr. Trump will play nice now. You'll see.
The game of keeping some classified documents out of the public domain?


If only he loved his country more than his and his family's lives, because that is what this may be --his family or his country.

This is one swamp Trump is over his head in. he will not drain it. If he persists, they will drain him. They want Assange and Trump will deliver him. Not because he is president protecting national security but because they want it.
>keeping some classified documents out of the public domain?

You mean like the Russian hacking tools stolen by the CIA and used against American servers to leave a "Russian" finger print as an attempt to frame Americans to be colluding with Russia? (as exposed by Wikileaks)

You love your ham fisted and corrupt CIA don't you.

I don't love the CIA. But I honestly think there's much bigger fish to fry.

Redpill. Assange is a red herring. He's a product of mind control.

I hope it's something nimble he's got up his sleeve. But this seems far too far-fetched. Even if S-th was killed and it was for political reasons (it's looking like he was) there is no way there is even a piece of data that links it to Hilldog.

The best case scenario I see is that they pile on every possible charge, and Trump/Sessions pull something that exonerates him of those crimes, maybe under the stipulation that there will be no further leaks, who knows? Trump won't just pardon him. for both political and legal reasons.

nice honeypot

CIA = Rothschild crime branch
They are THE fish to fry



trumos a literal fascist "I could shoot a man in the street and my supporters would defend me" he is all they have, like north koreans worshiping their chieftain

>Trump only because Russia

If anybody is interested, here is collection of most popular claims about Assange and Russia debunked.

Save it and shitpost as reply to any misinformed shill


Just gonna throw this out there: this makes no sense unless he's planning to do something to exonerate Assange.

Some here believe Assange s already dead I personally believe he is is alive. Like the exodus of Bernie supporters from the Democratic party when they rigged primary against him, Trump will experience an exodus of his base if he turns on Assange whatever excuses of national security etc. he uses.
It can only be viewed as a cave in to the deep state swamp he vowed to drain. For fuck sakes, he can't even deal with Paul Ryan!

lol the chess meme is dead pls stop

this low qual 9gag garbage can only be from a share blue shill also that filename is shareblue af so gtfo filth





Trump before the election:

I love wikileaks

Trump after the election:

Calls for arrest of Assange

Trump before the election:

I don't want to start any wars

Trump after the election:

Starts bombing everyone and talking tough.

Guys, I'm just a shill. This is like 40242d chess and shit yo..... Trump is a fucking retard with a fake titted family. I bet you any money that he was simply created by the establishment to quell the obvious civil unrest from the fact that everyone is being fucked over by the modern world.

Does some retards still believe that "Julian is missing, don't listen to Wikileaks" -meme?

Trump was being courted and groomed by Nixon staffer Roger Stone and others since the 80's. Almost every interview you see of Trump through the 80' and 90's he is asked if he has any intention of running for president. Now why would that be?

He saw his moment when the strongest Republican candidate for the nomination was Jeb guac bowl Bush for fuck sakes and crooked as a snake Hillary Clinton for the Dems.

>Calls for arrest of Assange

Did he really do that though? It just sounds like the bureaucratic hoards sounding off, like usual. But I do think they'll follow through this time.

One thing is for sure, if Trump prosecutes Assange, his strongest support is kill.

Alright boys, take it outside.

>not using 6 gorillion D

Jeff Sessions said it, so yes, it is all on Trump. I think what this has done is created a bunch of people who worship the character of Trump and are now going to oppose the actual people being fucked over by global corporations and government policy.


We now have two groups:

pro-Trump retards.

pro-communist retards.

Most of the disenfranchised people do not identify with either group anymore.

this might just be political theater. if julian assange is jailed i will flip fucking shit and not likely vote for trump in 2020.

Fuck Assange. Fuck Wikileaks. Fuck whistleblower scum.

It sounds like sounding off. A dumb show for the bureaucracy class.

>He doesn't realise the Erik Prince is the real mastermind behind the trump campaign.

"The President is very much a figurehead - he wields no real power whatsoever. He is apparently chosen by the government, but the qualities he is required to display are not those of leadership but those of finely judged outrage. For this reason the President is always a controversial choice, always an infuriating but fascinating character. His job is not to wield power but to draw attention away from it." - An author you should have read but haven't because you're supid.

Assage is dead since DAK, the will give him the Osama treatment a (((raid))) to some unknown(even to the locals) compound, then dispose of the body to avoid myrtarism

careful goy, there would be no president trump without wikileaks