What's the most redpilled hairstyle?
What's the most redpilled hairstyle?
The one where the owner doesn't quote the Matrix as their political philosophy
this one
These two
gay thread
What is currently /fa/shionable while simultaneously being mainstream acceptable so as not to be a peacocking faggot.
Shaved head duh
A taper faded combover is the most redpilled haircut and aryan man could get.
As long as it's done by a real barber.
Yuppie scum is the best style
forgot to include what it looks like.
>flag checks out
The 40's were just so stylish yknow
>digits confirm
Shlomo, you're a cool kike.
>What's the most redpilled hairstyle?
High-Test men have no hair
this thread again? stop worrying about men's hair and get some pussy faggot.
Hitler youth haircut (Modern day undercut style) is overdone. That style only looks good if you got a strong jawline or with a beard.
I think the most redpilled hairstyle is pic related.
Fascist undercut, clean cut, militaristic and looks good.
>leaf prefers the stereotypical liberal hipster hairstyle over the redpilled perfectly groomed hairstyle of alpha men
That's a non haircut...l
There isn't one. It used to be your pic but larpers and faggots like Spencer ruined it. If I had to recommend anything, it would be bald just so you don't pay the barber jew.
Buzz cut and same length stubble that you shaved yourself in under 3 minutes.
Women seem to like the fascist undercut.
Your first mistake was caring about your looks, instead of getting a haircut so your hobo hair doesn't get in the way.
>tfw can't grow my hair
everyone had lice
Shaved head is clearly the most practical of hair, and your not a real man if you prefer looks over practicality.
don't be bald. the stereotypical skinhead look is just so degenerate. we need to be fashionable
That's a dude?
Why are you telling me this
>your not a real man if you prefer looks over practicality.
>Makes holohoax joke
>On Sup Forums
i see alot of younger spics getting this style lately
Why is the Jew the most based person in this thread?
The slickback
>aka the Gordon Gekko
>aka the Nazi scientist
>aka alpha as fuck
Why don't you have this hairstyle?
Nigger thats neckbeard unkempt hairstyle. Few people can sport that and look presentable.
This one is also nice, downside being that you have to put on a hair product every day or you instantly look like a hippy. I have hair like this basically.
and white hipsters
Reminder that paying someone to cut/shave your hair is bluepilled as fuck.
I've got pretty much the same thing as pic related. protip, do not shave sides/back shorter than a 2, it never looks as good as a 2 or a 3, spencer is good evidence of this.
There's more to the stereotypical skinhead look than just being bald. Don't walk around with rolled up jeans, boots, coded laces, or fucking suspenders.
>tokio hotel
Holy shit now that takes me back.
The shorter the sides and back the more militant. It's a statement like a marine short back and sides.
Basic bowl cut. It lets everybody know that you're a nigger killer and they better watch out.
doesn't work on everyone, and is definitely something to abandon as you exit your 20s.
Yeah, doesn't suit older men. I agree.
>dick in 20 years
impossible. at 39 a hairline like that isn't going anywhere.
I knoooooow god dammit it's not my first day here
now it's barron
I have the homemade version of this
Haven't spent a dime on haircuts since 2.5 years ago
Buzzcut, High and Tight, Short Flattop,
if you want a longer cut just keep neck and ears tidy and keep hair combed
Who cuts your hair? I want to do my hair at home but don't trust myself or my girl to do it.
hairlet detected
I hope in hell you don't burn from fire but from electricity burns
1 Corinthians 6:9-11New Revised Standard Version (NRSV)
9 Do you not know that wrongdoers will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived! Fornicators, idolaters, adulterers, male prostitutes, sodomites
All this talk of tolerance and traps, it's disgusting.
The Skinheads in Brazil are famous for murdering gays and trans, why don't you do the same in yours countries?
The Bible is clear about homosexuals... The Nazi party also... even niggers understand that gays should be purged.
lol, you have no fashion sense
mullet is the true sign of white power
This is quite a sophisticated appearance, and also rakishly leaves some hair down the forehead. It's still a common haircut and style, but I suspect that more men will grow out their undercuts or very short-back-and-sides cuts for a style closer to this one, after a certain amount of time. The actor in the photo, Alain Delon, is a conservative today, essentially France's equivalent to Clint Eastwood. He's sometimes referred to as France's "Sacred Monster," due to his acting fame (mainly for films of the 1960s and 1970s), and his surprisingly conservative (considered far right) political views for a man (that is/was an actor, of all people) of his generation.
Honestly, in this day in age just a standard crew cut or military spec hair cut.
Ever since I've shaved my beard and gotten a close crew cut I've noticed that people act a bit differently around me. I've always lifted weights and done martial arts but with the haircut and all people seem to immediately assume that I'm right wing (which is true) and they act kind of scared.
Shit has been cash.
Because we are not fucking apes and even if we do not like someone doing something and we may try to change their mind, in the end they can do whatever the fuck they want.
If it start being OK to "punish" people for doing one thing it will be ok to do that for something else, and so on and so on.
Based burger
i love Alain Delon and his films
>proselytizing on a Zimbabwian ostrich breeding forum
I have the Snake Plisken.
Alain Delon even made a film that is pro-Capital Punishment, with Jean Gabin, I believe. I forgot the name of it, but in an interview (more recent years), Delon said that he has always believed in Capital Punishment; that's how he was raised. Delon is one of my favorite actors, alongside Eastwood. My favorites of his films are Le Samouraï, Le Cercle Rouge, and The Sicilian Clan (not as dramatic and well-made as the Melville ones, but very fun, and also stars Jean Gabin, as well as a very nice soundtrack by Ennio Morricone).
I found the name of the Jean Gabin and Alain Delon film, Two Men in Town, which is supposed to have capital punishment themes. I'll probably be watching very soon.
I've had women run their fingers through my hair after sex and tell me that I have a nazi haircut.
Agreed, bald is classless and degenerate. Embrace your whiteness and style/cut your hair according to your own personal aesthetics.
not standing out
Not bad. An unassuming look for most conservatives, the badass element could probably be used to your advantage in getting people to understand politics rationally, versus an ultra-short, almost Mormon looking haircut, in trying to accomplish the same. We need a diversity of styles, or else people will just think we're trying to be non-individualistic clones.
Likewise I've been cutting my own hair for years and bitches love it. Practice with hand mirror facing away from main mirror and mastery will come soon.
Not a standard Buzz Cut yet in this thread holy fuck you guys are blue pilled af.
>Alain Delon
Agreed, but this cut is reserved for straight hair only. Anything with even the slightest wave requires a shorter treatment.
Has he been arrested yet?
His hair looks kind of wavy in the photo. Wavier haired people could go for something like Jean-Paul Belmondo's hair, though. Often times, it is how one is dressed that really brings a hairstyle together, though.
Steve McQueen's looks are also good examples of what to do with curlier hair, I think, if not to leave the hair strictly short.
Here is an example of wavy hair which is obviously incompatible with the Alain cut. I do agree that style of dress and hair are intermingled and benefit from a certain degree of congruity.
Yes badass. Whoever has a modicum of dexterity should be cutting their own hair and forging their own style.
mohawks have cred in every crowd, even fashies can dig it
Oh, I see what you mean now. That's definitely wavy, but I'm quite generous with the term, it seems. I suppose one could affect a look similar to Delon's photo if they, having hair like the guy in your picture, had even shorter hair than that, and a little flatter, not as high of a wave on the top of the forehead, and then slant the hair down the forehead diagonally.
Believe me, with wavy hair the cut has to be shorter to stay clean and sharp. Here is my exact haircut, which I cut myself every month or so.
It looks quite good.
Based kike. You may be an oven operator.
How many inches should that be exactly?
My hair gets spiky and impossible to comb if it's too short.
My hair is probably 2.5 inches now, maybe 3 if I'm really generous, and only now I'm able to comb it to one side and let it stay that way.
Get some clippers and German made scissors. Then cut your own hair and pull some pussy. Then all your worries in regard to dialectical gayness will fall by the wayside.
All lengths should be proportional to facial features, there is no set answer. Start with scissors and then standardize length with clippers if need be. Take off very little at a time and don't be afaid to fuck up.
Who the fuck has hair like that at 39? insane
His hairline is not receded at all. He has the hairline of a 15 year old
My dad has this hairline, I think you just have shit hair.
one of my faves desu