How Based is LOTR?


Other urls found in this thread:

> One (((((((ring))))))))) to rule them all
> bla bla bla bla
> Destroy the ring
> World peace

Very based


One thing I always wondered about LotR
What happened after Aragorn became king?
Did he run the kingdom well? Did he use libertarian or socialist policy?
We're told that him becoming king is a good thing but we never see the evidence for that.

Extremely based, finally a movie where you don't see a character spliced into the plot named trh'oyne the elf the magic nigger

i suppose the alternative being Sauron, the manifestation of totalarian evil made him a great king. No word on the recovery of Minas Tirith.

Pretty obvious that the orks and goblins are Muslims

there are some good videos about it on youtube.

>All white races of the world unite to destroy the shitskin hordes
Seems pretty good to me. Having a nigger-free experience was quite refreshing.

No, George, we don't know what his tax policy was.
Someone might know more, but the extent of my knowledge is that he was a good king and fucked Arwen.
Between the Scouring of The Shire and Dagor Dagoroth, my knowledge is nil.