How Based is LOTR?


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> One (((((((ring))))))))) to rule them all
> bla bla bla bla
> Destroy the ring
> World peace

Very based


One thing I always wondered about LotR
What happened after Aragorn became king?
Did he run the kingdom well? Did he use libertarian or socialist policy?
We're told that him becoming king is a good thing but we never see the evidence for that.

Extremely based, finally a movie where you don't see a character spliced into the plot named trh'oyne the elf the magic nigger

i suppose the alternative being Sauron, the manifestation of totalarian evil made him a great king. No word on the recovery of Minas Tirith.

Pretty obvious that the orks and goblins are Muslims

there are some good videos about it on youtube.

>All white races of the world unite to destroy the shitskin hordes
Seems pretty good to me. Having a nigger-free experience was quite refreshing.

No, George, we don't know what his tax policy was.
Someone might know more, but the extent of my knowledge is that he was a good king and fucked Arwen.
Between the Scouring of The Shire and Dagor Dagoroth, my knowledge is nil.

>No, George, we don't know what his tax policy was.
>Someone might know more, but the extent of my knowledge is that he was a good king and fucked Arwen.
But that was exactly my point.


>nigger-free experience
Weren't there any in the army with the elephants?


It's important to note that the Dwarves have a bit of jewish influence.
Tolkien noted it in their language and how they keep it private, but their lust for gold and the fact that most of their kings fell to it aren't likely a coincidence.

>Did he use libertarian or socialist policy?
I don't think those ideas exist in the LotR universe. user

If you read the books or watch the movies, you'll realise he was both competent and good as a person, which probably transfer over to rulership. In any case, he'd be better than the steward

Actually, men of the east represented muslims/arabs. They were degenerate and evil, with only loyalty to the promise of riches, and, power.
Sauran was the great deceiver, and tricked white kings to betray their people in exchange for power (ring wraiths).
Tolkien, a veteran of WW1 pushed a lot of anti industrialization (Sauroman), and pro harmonious living with nature (hobbits).
The Rorhorim were an honest, brave people- they lived in harmony with nature, on the plains. Whereas the Custode of Gondor was weak and easily tempted by evil (dwelt in a large city)
One of my favorite movies.

>What happened after Aragorn became king?
>Did he run the kingdom well?
He conquered easterlings n shieeeeet
Made Gondor spread its borders. People did well.

Merry became a mayor

I remember seeing some sandniggers. No recollection of niggerniggers.

Honestly the end stories for most of the characters are haunting beautiful. A lot of rides to Gray Haven for having touched pure evil.

Actually if you look into the creation of orcs, you'd realize they're marxist/social justice type people. The original orcs were elves who had been taken by evil and were twisted and corrupted until the damage was irreversible.

Now they just walk to satisfy their own selfish desires and do the bidding of their masters.

Antifa is closer to orcs than anything

more based then you know Tolkien was red pilled on niggers remember he was born in south Africa . there are black people mentioned in the lotr they were called the troll men of far harad . know as loyal followers of the dark lord and eternal enemies of western men . there were even white people had a hiarchy brown harid brwn eyed whites being the lowest the middle tier were white people with blond hair and blue or brown eyes . and the highest of white races had black hair and blue eyes . watch the movies again with this in mind the black hair and blue eyes is the key .

Why does she pronounce some of the names so weirdly

Gondor = Byzantine. So Orcs are in fact Turks.

Very. Tolkein was an agrarian traditionalist that despised industrialism. Evil things like Uruks are bred from orcs and men/elves (he hated miscegenation). There was this strong idea of each to his own place in middle earth, and only a handful of places saw multiple races of things. The most admirable places are homogeneous ones. Bilbo is probably my favourite representation of Nietzsche morality. He's a mostly respected Hobbit. Never ventures outside of things, and much of him not wanting to go was his cowardice. In order to complete his task, he takes on a very distasteful occupation among Hobbits. A burglar. This is where I agree with Nietzsche. Moralizing inaction is the reasoning of cowards.

Based Tolkien

Rohirrim at Pelenor also equals Hussar's at Vienna.

What makes him a true genius is that he could be this well red-pilled and educated while dying before the internet was even a thing.

The Orcs represent the niggers of St. Louis Missouri. This is talked about by some videos on youtube.

>the first monarch of anglos was Alfred the Great
>he was called "elf counsel" or "wise elf"

so how true is the whole lotr is real life theory?

tolkien based all this shit on old books he found

I fuckin love Sabaton, based Hussars killing Jannisaries.

Pretty true. Tolkein himself said the GB didn't have its own mythos like other places, and much of ME is a representation of world events with the several influences of Arthurian legend, Scandinavian legend, Anglo-Saxon influences, etc.