Tell me why I shouldn't move to a Hispanic neighborhood and get a Mexiwife

Tell me why I shouldn't move to a Hispanic neighborhood and get a Mexiwife

Other urls found in this thread:ín_Cortés_(son_of_doña_Marina)

the though has crossed my mind

but then I think of the in laws

If you're white, they hate blondes, the majority of time they get the white skin,brown hair

>Trump starts deporting mexicans
>Mexicans start the secret cloning program

i know that feel user they hate niggers more than this board does

im half italian and short little latinas always hit on me but they all look like whores so i never text them back.

Redpill me on dating latina girls.

>i know that feel user they hate niggers more than this board does
NAW they lying to you. Americanized hispanic chicks are coalburning whores too. You want a qt hispanic chick get them from latin america but you better hurry because they are starting to become degenerate. hispanic here

i may as well but that's probely because Im hispanic portuguese woman are nice so are ones from italy which is what all of south south america is full of

It's honestly a diceroll my man. Hood spics are probably the second biggest consumer of nigger culture. Go for the white washed latinas. Sexy as without being gremlin tier mexican and smart enough to hate niggers.

t.half spic

Because gross eyebrows.

HOL UP HOL UP HOL UP! So u b sayin...*smacks lips* dat deese bitches *eats watermelon* ahhh shit nigga I forgot what I was sayin homie pass dat blunt over.

Because you marry all their relatives and you are expected to fall in line with their political views, like La Raza is an organization that represents the poor oppressed hispanics in the US.

Because you'd be married to gross spic wife and have a bunch of Mexican jumping beans running around trying to sell you chicklets all day or mutilating other kids in the neighborhood because it's in their blood.

Seriously what is wrong with those eyebrows, how do people see it as attractive

they balloon after like age 25

i dated a Salvadoran girl and she was 9/10, 5ft tall and like 95 lbs.

but yes , can confirm she had some crazy eyebrows.

Fine as fuck, cook good, usually have traditional values, but are jealous petty and legitimately psycho.

Was engaged to one a few months ago, currently banging another one

Well we eat a lot of bean so we have to fart a lot

because they don't actually look like that.

Salvadorian= degenerate mutts, never met a Salvadorian that i liked. They're all annoying as fuck, I'm mexican so i have a big bias

i agree with this user and his doubles

She's gonna end up fat like every Mexican woman.

spic here. don't do it they're retarded.

Most of them don't look half as good, they have an annoying accent, and they need to go back.

I know bro, my doubles spoke truth, I do love my Mexican women though, they age very well. White women start aging in their early 30's.. gross!

Got any nudes?

Find one with a lot of European admixture and without a muffin-top and you're good

Mexican women crave white cock, even the married ones.

Good pussy but wife material? No.

Oh yeah they do.

Sorry user did have them but not anymore, You can look her up though if you want i'll give you her FB

they bloat after age 16. its like someone pulls a ripcord that balloons them.

The women age like cheap leather and get fat as shit. I dated a mexican girl who was a size 2 at 22 and now shes not even 30 and already a size 8 and she hasn't even gotten pregnant AND she works out

>Trting to find a wife on discount
Your children will grow up speaking Spanish and will have diminished expected levels of success

I've lived in one for almost 15 years. You're going to have to deal with their native music every Friday and Saturday but they usually end by midnight because they don't want cops to come and deport them all. Cops are usually never called around here for any noise complaints though (or for anything really). Most people keep to themselves desu.

The downside is their rotten kids that adopt the nig culture, theft, and gun shots are pretty regular around here. It's also unsafe to go outside on New Years Eve because of the amount of guns being fired, stray bullets, etc... But it's still pretty comfy because you never have to deal with traffic to see fireworks on any holiday because they shoot off all the ones they bring back from Mexico all over the neighborhood. Just open a beer and sit on your back patio. That could partially be a Texas thing, though.

Short ugly fat low IQ

Nah, only the ghetto ones like white boys, most Mexican women want Mexican guys, we tend to stick in our pool. inb4 mexican and blacks those bitches are fucking traitors

Man, those look obnoxious as fuck

I've lived in beaner riddled CA neighborhoods. Most girls do not look like ops pic. if you're lucky you'll find a cute one, but to actually move to a spic neighborhood expecting pic related?

good fucking luck

1.) They're ugly and the color of shit. Also dumb as bricks.
2.) You may as well wear a sign on your chest saying "White women don't want me."

Everyone who can get white men want white men. The more European people are at the top of every level of society in every latin American country, including Mexico. No woman has every purposely gone for a little brown indian.

Hey smelly dumb /nu/scum
before you reply think " could this string of low quality race-mixing threads be coordinated"

Cause you'll die

Cause as they get older, they get fatter and fatter. Not all of them but most of them. Its genetics. But hey if that's what your into.

Hispanic women are great. Just make sure you like women who are

>high maintenance
>EXTREMELY jealous
>bossy (this one is like 50/50)

But most young mexican women here are like a nigger in a spics body. They wanna be niggers, date niggers, like nigger humor/culture/music. Good luck. If you want a good one you have to go to mexico. Those are the good kind.

Every man hates race traitors. One of my distant cousins got disowned by her family for having a kid with black.

Except for the red pilled Mexican girls who realize they can't keep their culture and be with a white man. You're speaking to a non cartel sucessful mexican here

You only think salvadorians are comparable because theyre both smelly brown indio people. But salvadorians are totally different. And all their women look the same. They all have those cheekbones and those eyes as soon as I see them i know they are salvadaorian mutts.


Salvadorians are nasty

Do it. I married a Mexican woman. They're great. Very firey, which can be bad and good. Great sex. You'll enjoy it

well, they'll all be gassed in 10 years. is that a good enough reason?

Most are gold diggers, don't want to work.

Are liberal, age like shit, and are clingy.

T. Half Mexican/cuban. Dating a Mexican American since forever alone and bitches at me for a dream that I cheated on her...

Most of my aunts on my Mexican side got knocked up

Kek wills it.

Latino/as born in the states are usually ghetto and embrace hood culture. It's rare to find an American Latina that wants to get away from that crap and espouses traditional values. You're likely to find a traditional Latina if she has immigrated with her family from wherever. This is all anecdotal of course, but living in the Bay Area, most Latinos I know, be it family or past friends, are unwilling to look beyond their skin color and culture and see a successful future for themselves.
Mexicans are known for having huge amounts of relatives, and two maybe three of my cousins are successful in school, or their place of employment. The majority of my cousins had children early, have low end jobs, aren't married, and spend their free time drinking and clubbing. Nigssociating seems to be the norm among Latino American culture, since it is popular, and especially easy, to see ourselves as oppressed because white people took our land. But that happened so long ago, and to not get over it and continue to look for others to blame is just sad, and demands a change of attitude that not many are willing to adopt.

Because women are the devil.

of course, you idiots don't realize that the entire shitty, violent, low iq country of mexico is literally white spaniards finding the BEST and LEAST RETARDED women and wifing them up, and then spaniards taking the least retarded half mestizo mongrels and wifing them up, repeatedly, for 300 years, and even though they're 70% white, they're still all fucking 80 iq retards who cant stop killing each other or learn to read

what the fuck is wrong with you idiots

Among Mexican American culture*, I should say.

It's past your bedtime Jeb

>so i have a big bias

Please display.


Latinas won't date white bois

Post pics pls

my cousin just became a grandma at 38. i want to light most of them on fire senpai.

white boy here, yes they will

A step up compared to blacks in terms of IQ.
But I wouldn't do it. There is something wrong with South America, that continent is too violent.

Find some white girl or some asian girl instead.

Most look like this

Mexico is part of North America fucking euro faggot

I was talking about genetics for the most part.

You mad brown boi?

Only good thing about Salvadorians is popusas, all thei rother food sucks.

Their women are shit skin and short, nigger culture worse than Mexicans, and are popping off more babies that they can't even fit in their country .... they're all into being low IQ and gossipy as shit, plus their homes smell

Medtizos are the true untersmensch

Northern and Central Mexico is basically all Spanish decent, South Mexico is fucking indigenous indians mixed with Spanish, that's why its fucked under developed and is where alot of the cartels fuck up people

you should.

they're about 70% spanish and still irredeemably retarded and violent

there needs to be some no more than 2% rule to have human rights, or something like that

Robot girls are better

>16 and prego

looks about right.

that's just what they look like.

pic related, my soon to be fiancee

wait HOLD UP

aren't latinas at least part-white, too?

Keep larping there, faggot.

Yeah, getting knocked up by white men is their pasttime.ín_Cortés_(son_of_doña_Marina)

I'm dead serious, but believe what you want. I take it as a compliment.

Im whiter than you though.

I sorta look jewish.
or greek
Or southern belgian with straight hair
Im pretty european BTW

Is their mom a fucking printer?

I shall

White skin black hair and blue eyes, i'm not very tall tall though(179)

Do I get to fuck mexican qts?


Can concur, have white skin and brown hair, blue eyes. She wants a baby with blue eyes.

throwing nude pics of your "soon to be wife" on the internet.

thats gr8 m8

Wasted digits

Ewww. Looks like poop.

She's into it. No face.

Lower average IQ => worse regression to the mean even if both parents are intelligent.

I hope she falls.

pretty at the start then age like goats milk

Your kids will end up looking like a variation of this

plz clep senior

this is true. if you try to find the cute ones be prepared they exist but they are rare and won't be simply waiting for you to come get them. the skinny tall ones are nice looking, but again, not the average.

No sorry you're on Sup Forums

>She's into it.

Well there you go user. Confirmed attention whore.

>Northern and Central Mexico is basically all Spanish decen
lol, if this is true then southern california is more indigenous than the rest of mexico