What are your political ideologies and what are your best arguments for why you subscribe to them.
NatSoc because I believe it's the only way to drive out degeneracy & enforce a white ethnocentric state that can finally lead to libertarianism.
Libertarianism can only be effective in a homogenous population, and the only way to achieve that is through NatSoc.
>tfw ancap
>tfw voted for trump so he could trigger lefties
this, dont really care about the libertarian so much though.
I think that libertarianism is perfectly fine for a 95%+ white America.
It worked fine in the past, until immigration came and ruined it. So we must achieve it through National Socialism. Redpill people on the JQ, drive out non-whites, bring back traditionalism, and then (once society is redpilled) leave it up for them to be self-sustainable.
Satan trips self confirmation. Kek approves.
i just meant its not an end-goal for me but i wouldnt mind if it happened
My only issue with this is that the kekfags are too high up. They stole pepe and worship Trump to the point where they ignore any shortcomings of his. If they weren't on the right side of the isle they'd be leftists memers.
I'm largely a liberal libertarian with a few conservative opinions. But I am also a moralist - something that drives a lot of people who argue against me crazy. People generally don't like to admit their political position is immoral.
I use various philosophies as tools, rather than as conclusions. So I'm not above using nihilism on people while calling them out on sophist bullshit.
American libertarianism is not libertarian at all. It's corporatism calling itself libertarianism.
>Taking power from big govt. is not libertarian when you're handing it right over to big business.
Fascism. I just want to rule everything.
>nat soc
>mediocre IQ
Nat Soc'ers who aren't larps are probably the top 1% of the boards. It takes true devotion to actually practice what we preach.
The more I see what politicians achieve, the more I despise them. There are a few exceptions but they are fringe occurrences.
Why did that snake eat an elephant?
Their main motivation for getting into high position is precisely why most people don't deserve a high position.
Yet, we have practically institutionalized a system that promotes the absolute worst people for high positions.
High positions should be given only to those who do not want it - and only under conditions that increase their reluctance.
Globalist. I think we need a one world government with a one world currency. I think 1984 was an instruction manual and that the Georgia guidestones are the new Ten Commandments
globalism because i don't see any other ideologies trying to advance humanity
>putting enough stock in online tests that you have a saved profile on yourself
I'm a racist left libertarian, fight me
I don't want to fight a faggot, might start bleeding and get the aids all over me
If I got 130 on a full blown 3 hr test administered by a psych while I was sleep deprived and recovering from some earlier whisky drinking in the night, what would I get with a full nights of sleep and no alcohol mixed in?
>advance humanity
pick one
Where do I take this test?
how could you possibly get any work done if you're constantly waving your dick at other countries? having one country fixes that
I'm pragmatic in my libertarianism and I'm willing to use the government to reduce the power corporations have. I think that we need to bring back busting trusts from teddy
how can you possibly get any work done when parts of your country hate each other and constantly want independence
one world government is not going to get rid of conflict and the desire to be independent
non-interventionism is the solution not globalism. we leave them alone, and they leave us alone because our military is too strong to fuck with.
Probably double digits desu.
White nationalism. Man is tribal, man meets future.
>aims to achieve libertarianism
>thinks that a national socialist government would result in personal and economic freedom
Basically because it allows everything that opposes it and looks to the natural order of action and consequence to self regulate.
Libertarianism because everything else fails, or sucks, or sucks and fails. I also had a dad who was a professor of economics so I never fell victim to leftest bullshit when I could just discuss how things work with him.
They are all cults, and you lower your IQ by being a part of it.
l m a o
>kek flag
>not a 70
assalamu alaikum brothers. I went through a NatSoc phase the same as many you here have done, but I have come to the conclusion that while I would have preferred the german to win the war over amerikka and the soviet onion, i do not want NatSoc for every nation. it works best in europe.
It is my personal belief that government should have much less power over the people but power to check and balance corporations who are the true scumbag jews of the earth, who steal from the 99% and poison us just to save 2 shekel.
Walah I am not some hippie degenerate but in my personal belief a man should be loyal to his family, his village, his country, and his people. but should not have his life dictated by some tyrant or a whole powerful government. I believe in total freedom of people's in terms of their actions and choices for life. I believe in a very small state. I would prefer the kind of society Atlantis supposedly had (in the graph some user post in this thread, eso something) but I do not know if it can work in this world today.
stuff like NatSoc feels good because of the degeneracy we have now, but you must remember that what we have now is not actual freedom. freedom does not cause this radical liberalism, slavery does. but instead of slavery to a state, like soviet onion or nazi germany, we have today in amerikka slavery to the corporation. the corporations and media promote lgbt and other degenerate behaviors like radical feminism. people do not just suddenly come up with this stuff out of nowhere. they get it from retard socialist ((scholar)) and the media that makes it popular. freedom does not cause socialism and degeneracy, slavery to corporation does. when the corp has power, jew becomes corp, jew has power over you.
masha allah best of luck brothers
Sat soc should be higher than kekistan faggots lol
>drive out degeneracy & enforce a white ethnostate
you're infected with thought-terminating memes
>soviet onion
>t. butthurt shitskin who's scared he won't be able to be part of the 5% non-white population that the U.S. would have under NatSoc rule
I don't really know what my political opinions fit into but I believe in doing everything possible to help my people (Englishmen, I'm an expat but will be returning soon) and my country.
For me this means preserving our culture from the influences of Americans as well as other foreigners, be they European or Paki filth. As well I believe we should do everything possible to aid our environment, I know a lot of you don't agree with global warming but I believe it's better to be safe than sorry. My country and its people are beautiful, I would very much like to keep it that way.
>top decile of IQ
alright faggot
With regards to economics I believe that we should do everything possible to help our countrymen and our people, this means socialized healthcare and limited benefits, I do not agree with either of these however so long as there are paki and chav degenerates leaching off of others despite being perfectly capable of working without.
I believe all of humanity should be destroyed.
I believe it because I've seen enough.
Based AUSSIE???
>alright faggot
How can you justify taxation at all?
all in time
Taxation is preferable to having to pass through 200 toll gates on my way to work in my car that has to be certified by 5 different private road safety authorities which each have exclusive contracts with the various private road operators while being very careful not to violate the NAP so my car doesn't get nuked by someone's armed child soldier death harem.
this is what solidified autism looks like
>highest IQ
As an Iranian I can tell you NatSoc won't drive out degeneracy. That's exactly what the Ayatollahs thought but then the new generation comes a long and it's hip to be contrarian so now they are uber pro-liberal western values more than ever. You can't coerce behavior without total brutality. You have to persuade them through soft propaganda much like Hollywood works today raising a generation of new liberals.
I just realised you don't even have to look at Iran, look at the generation of children raised by the Nazi generation they're the most degenerate Germans in all of their history.
world government
Libertarianism depends upon a frontier to function properly. Without constant expanding territory and markets it runs into serious long-term problems. This is why it's hasn't worked in Europe for hundreds of years and stopped working in America relatively recently. The glory days of American liberty were back when the high-test alphas could just run away from the cities as they got cucked and build new ones. Now that America is no longer expanding more authoritarian methods are necessary to maintain social order.
Into the helicopter you go, statist
>ancap, not minarchist
How do you stop governments from cropping forming? Rules don't exist without an enforcement mechanism, even including the NAP.
I like the idea of no government, but it seems just as looney and against human nature as communism
>raised by the nazi generation
Most grew up fatherless
>be ancap/libtard
>masturbate to gold-coins with my half-cast children from harem of degenerate whores inside my enclosed private estate maintained by slave-children.
>See a marching band of strong-willed men, who kissed their children and made love to their wife before marching to victory.
>Highly effective units of ubermench men with greater purpose for their people breach walls and proceed to BTFO you and your child-soldier slaves before liberating your harem.
ancap. I don't owe you any arguments leave me alone
My point still stands. The Ayatollahs tried to enforce strict moral codes through police and it backfired with the new generation. Because people hate oppression everywhere in the world, and the natural reaction is to turn opposite. So now young Iranians take on as much liberal western values as they can because it's the cool thing to do and American cultural shit is in huge demand there. A lot of youth try to imitate the lifestyles you see in music videos etc and it's bizarre as shit - they are just trying to do everything the opposite of what the Authority says. The exact same will happen if you try to wipe out degeneracy through government oppression, it will only take a generation or two. Ayatollahs used to be respected before they had power of the government, because they weren't oppressing anyone. They didn't have the power to. They had to persuade people. That's how you take out degeneracy. You have to be involved in the arts and cinema to convince people of proper behavior, whatever that might be. Currently this area is dominated by left wing liberals
Which one?
Political views doesnt effect your iq score (And if it does, its almost non-exist).
not an argument
>the guy that wants to poo in the street is for libertarianism
colour me shocked!
Then you are an idiot without an understanding of National Socialism.
I agree with him. See my points on NatSoc here;
I've seen what's the result of the government trying to forcibly remove degeneracy and enforce a moral code. In the long run it backfires.
and this is wrong due to brainwash
After the new deal america became the super power it now is. That meant maximum tax rates of 90%, huge redistribution, banks strongly regulated, strong labor interests, no open borders for capital, capital income taxed like other income. Etc etc
Ur country became neo-lib under bill Clinton and it went down the hill from there
Money should not be scarce for the government. Instaed of having private banks supply the government with money, they should be stripped of that power.
Then you dont have the need for taxation. Everything else are childish dreams
>national socialism will lead to libertarianism
this isn't your everyday autism, it's advanced autism
Shut up paki you have to go back
neck yourself bogan
all three of you. Please kys
all four of you. Please kys
Please kys
>tfw 135 and centrist
All supporters of Anarcho Monarchism, have an estimated IQ of 150+
Take the Purple Pill
kys pls
>I think that libertarianism is perfectly fine for a 95%+ white America.
You could have full-on socialism in a 95%+ white America. Just look at Scandinavia. Culture is more important than policy
What exactly is anarcho-monarchism?
I'm a centrist but according to the left I'm a nazi. Either leaning to the extreme left or right make you a beta sheeple.
>Just look at Scandinavia
It's not full-on socialism though. It's social democracy and gay.
This is a retarded notion. Math does not cease to work if your population becomes white enough.
Read "march of the titans" by Arthur Kemp
Read "Mein Kampf" by Adolf Hitler.
>ancap being higher IQ than natsoc
If you vote socialist please leave your country.
Socialism is impossible to sustain and inherently inefficient and always leads to failure and a propagation of degeneracy.
>reading a beta manlets screetching noise
Post-ascension Sup Forums
>>REad "qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq"
was gonna say that about your recommendation :DDD
Not an argument: the post