The world only cares about us for our anime


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Why use second person pronouns when you're an outsider yourself, Jason?

I care about you because you care about yourselves and your own culture.

I hate anime.


I also like to go there on vacation and wish we still had customer service like you have.

I am a well-cultured, conservative, nationalistic black man, red-pilled on "black culture" (in America) and I fucking despise nu-Sup Forums.

I like your cameras.

You do make some pretty good video games.

Your porn is garbage tho. Why do asian women moan like they're been raped by a bear?

Completely untrue.

I don't know, you've made the best vdieo games for over 20 years and your food is pretty good. Also still being very nationalist and loving your own culture and adamantly wanting to protect it and keep it pure is very admirable in my book.

At least you're not known as a fucking leaf. Japan is baller as fuck. Not even a weeb, you guys are pretty much the most advanced society on the planet. Pretty sweet stuff.

Not true, I rather enjoy manga as well. :^)

Nah, you know how to keep out foreigners unlike some people

Correct. I think you guys also have good electronics and cars though I'm an uneducated faggot on that front.

I love Japanese women, they're so radiant

How many Jap cars are sold in Burger-land?

Ahh and the weebo arrived

I don't even care about anime so what good is Japan to ME?

Lol please blow your shitty island off the planet nip otherwise we can do it for you with a little bit more of depleted uranium

Your people are freaks of nature who are glued to technology and who are lifeless robots. Please leave planet Earth and find some Weeaboo galaxy where they will jizz all over you guys.

But seriously, Japanese make the best technology, camera, phone, car engines, tv and even toilets. I'd move there if it wasn't overrun by radioactive boars



Anime is just plagiarism. The animation is stolen from Disney (and has never advanced) and the plots and settings are stolen from western media (usually with subpar narrative implementation due to their autistic reliance on exposition). Before Japan stolen from the west, they stole culture from the Chinese. Every invention, law, piece of art, and intellectual thought was cut from the cloth of Chinese culture. My people are the source of Japanese society, and American intervention is responsible for their economic prosperity.





ohio, nippon-san

watashi wa



Tbqh, most countries in the world are literal shit. Japan is an exception though. Japan is a respectable country. You guys had the balls to bomb Americans. North Korea will never be able to say they could.


Did you go alone and can you speak the language

Glorious food

He took a picture of his sister in one of the photos so i wager he doesn't

Nah, I love Japanese History, language, architecture, gardening and food. I could give a fuck about gaynime.



also you lads are the best fishing reel and rod makers on the planet.

Anime is cancer, the yellow plague. The Marxism cultural for virgins betas.

You only respect Japan because you are a worthless video obsessed virgin NEET. The are all degenerates who have no national identity or culture, America cucked them into oblivion.

That's not true, nip. I fucking LOVE your food.

No. I really like your women and food too. Also the porn.

You have a foothold into the hearts and minds of other cultures and the only thing you can managed to do is bitch that it isn't on your terms.

thats not true nippon

also when are you gonna finish f7 and shenmue 3 m8?

I grew out of anime when i was 16 but you guys do have great food, beer electronics and cars

Face app is dangerous. I almost inhaled my drink

t. butthurt Chink detected

Such is Consumerist Culture.

Anime, porn, and xeophobia is what makes you good.


Sushi is just lazily made Chinese food. It is the choice meal for western numale cuckholds who have pubic hair in the place of their beards.

Damn, who is this?

Butthurt about what? That I am not as poor, suicidal, and virginal as a nip fag? I am ambitious and intellectually qualified, you only defend the because their pedofile drawings make your nigger cock feel good.

Fashion, immigration policy, and stance on religion.

Reddit get out


What is this nu-Sup Forums?

I care about your homogenous society, music, food and low crime rate. Your salarymen are also a riot to party with. Anime just helped me discover you because I'm a professional Animator.


Chinese food is literally slop compared to Japanese food idiot. Plus, you can be sure that
when eating Japanese food, yyour not eating dog, cat, snake, or anything else that is utterly subhuman and disgusting.

thats actually...

pretty damn funny

it ain't the anime, senpai, it's the samurai culture, the women and all the cool gadgets you guys make. also, 93-96? rx7 is sweet

Haha look at how degeneration Japan culture is today. They are actually serious about getting hard at making shit and poss on ugly Down syndrome woman. Holy fuck that is funny.

You are god damn right
Just look how perfect she is.
Yukari will be real and mine someday :)

Desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu.

Japan are so retarded they eat poisonous fish. They can't even learn to fucking cook.

You make good porns

I'm not a brain washed white Canadian. Even though they are actually more racist and non cucked as you burger. They're women are half as slutty as those in SF and NY. Doesn't matter, we will own this country in ten years.

Good cars, phones, tvs etc

Islands, don't forget about islands


Prius faggot found lol

I find your culture and architecture fascinating.

Of the top ten best selling cars last year, seven are Japanese and the other three are pickups.

I hope that fat fuck Kim bombs you to shit.
Also thank for street sharks. That shit is Jawsome

what is tentacle porn

Not true, I care about this guy.

I like your manga too senpai

You are a smart man. I like you. Come to Vancouver and I will give you lots of money.

Stop pretending to be a nip, Johnny boy. We all know you're US military or an expat.


t. retard who only eats at buffets and has never had real chinese food

Pleddit is my ass, otaku virgin beta faggot.

I don't think this site is for you, monkey.

Seriously though, Canada is CHINKED.

This is the average brazilian.

and women ;)

fuck japan. anime was a complete fucking mistake. those fucking chinks werent bombed enough

america-kun, why so tsundere?
u know u love japan

reminds me of the last hentai I watched

I've been in Sup Forums since 2006, you idiot. Stop to be a cuck for animes.


you got some godtier vidya too

>Haha look at how degeneration Japan culture is today.
It's nothing when compared to how degenerate Chinese culture is though, and unlike Japan it's only a 60 year old culture.
Just open one of the thousands of streaming apps and see Chinese whoring themselves out and the men chewing on glass bulbs for others chinese people's entertainment, or watch liveleaks and see like one in five thousand Chinese actually help a fellow chinese person when they're in danger.
They can't even cite the Nanjing judge to explain it away anymore since it became public knowledge that there was more to the story than originally believed and that both parties colluded to push it into the media.

Literally the only certain way of getting help when in a life-threatening situation, even if it's as simple as passing out in the subway from heatstroke as one unfortunate woman found out recently, as a Chinese Man or Woman in Mainland China is if a western foreigner is present.
That should tell you something about your people's culture.

Sure you have, Paolo. Then again, if anybody could be on a site for 11 years without understanding the point, it would be subhuman huehue trash.

Lol go home to the motherland you chinky dinky
real estate investor.

You were cool before we nuked you. You had samurais and shit.

You guys make some good CNC machines too.

1. Corporate Enterprise keeps Japan Alive.

there is no 2.

Anime is not profitable.

Chinese food processor detected. Sry slant, I don't want to eat dog benis and shark fins, I'll stick to the best asian cuisine. Tokyo alone has more Michelin star restaurants than Paris. How many does the average Chink city have? Yea.......

The virgin otaku is really triggered kek