Man this goon fucking tastes like shit. I swear to fuck those jews at Aldi just dumped ethanol into water with red dye or something it tastes like fucking shit holy fuck.

Anyway cunts, how are my Ausbros doing? I hope you're all well.

Without further delay, then us get to the news:

>Our corrupt dickhead politicians own over 370 mil in property - no wonder they don't do fuck all to pop the bubble

>Prepbull BTFO - online retailers like Alibaba, Ebay, Etsy and others say they will not comply with GST changes

>taqiya merchant Waleed and his token white bitch buy a house in Melbourne despite crying poor last year

>Prepbull has no plan to ban or block degenerate porn, betas relived they can still jerk off to anime

>Mike "Kill all faggots now" Pence assures Prepbull that they will fuck up Korea if China doesn't.

>Former chief executive of Coles and the Tabcorp boss are among a raft of our current and former captains of industry who came to our shores on 457 work visas.

>Amazon coming to Australia - small retailers are going to be more fucked then they are already.

That's all folks.

Other urls found in this thread:


what are we going to do about clive palmer?

His meme party disbanded mate.

>Be Australian
>Not in the UPF

So needy. Dude ought to fuck off and die of a heart attack already.

I'm deeply suicidal but don't know how to fix my problems. Youth unemployment in my area is over 50% now so it's impossible to get any work while I study a useless degree that'll get me nowhere in the end. Life feels so directionless. It doesnt help my gf of 6 years left me and I lost contact with all my friends. I can't even look people in the eye anymore.

>be canadian
>be unwanted in auspol threads
>contribute anyway

Life is tough friend. Just keep looking for work.
Save your dolebux, try and move to a bigger city (like Melbourne) and try and get a better job there. It's hard for all of us right now lad. But perseverance is the key.

Gaming addiction and neetdom, mate. Who cares about 3d girls when you're a level 110 Orc Shaman with a body pillow.

I'll be your friend, user.

>I lost contact with all my friends.
how? can you find them again through facebook or anything?

Me too. Let's make this a kind Auspol with no bullying.

Gaming is a shit tier addiction. Weed is the best addiction.

>using shitbook

No. He needs to make new and superior friends. Normiebook just makes depression worse because people just post their highlight reels there making jobless neets feel worse.

Let him back into politics. His shitposting is top notch and something our country could really use right now.

Do you think fat boy posts in Auspol threads?

I'll post wherever I want bud.

Wrong. You will leave auspol now. I command you to do so.

today was leg day mates
10 9 10 8 6 deads, squats and machine leg raises
finished with some HIIT boxing

fuark we are mirin

Guys okay what the fuck is going on, I swear every day this site and its posts perplex me into a state where I truly do believe this is some weird simulation (this sounds gross but yes it is for me) maybe its for you too. But literally I never drink, today I was feeling down so I found some shiraz tucked away and have been drinking off of my constantly back and forth between games and Pol. The second i come back to pol. There is an Aus Pol thread. Now normally i dont care to read any of them. But specifically today its titled "Cool Glass of Goon".

I don't know what to think anymore? please i know this is larpy but any anons thoughts. Also last night I was watching devils advocate, just scrolled through pol before bed and commented some bullshit on a feminist bait thread and got 666 get. Life is truly odd.

Please I beg you call me crazy.

i get 666 gets every day as a satanist its normal dude

You're exhibiting the initial signs of schizophrenia.


I just think, recently If they have algorithims for what you watch on youtube or google etc. they definitely have algorithims for the chans. like I watched sam hydes "hi emma watson video" had a good chuckle the second I got on pol, the first thread on it was some bait again, with a picture of emma watson. I know this is insane but seriously maybe on some political level pol isnt as "authentic" as we think.

fuck off were full

tell me your thoughts on this please.



not like anybody wants to go to canada anyway


We're being constantly watched and monitored by the various ABC agencies of the spook world. Our desires, feelings and thoughts are cataloged for marketing and intelligence purposes. Though what you saying is far-fetched as you're a nobody, it isn't impossible.

yes but we all become somebody under suveillance I just deem this shit, of hey man we're nobody it means nothing IS EXACTLY why it matters. (((they))) are making us a voting block of something. Let alone what we 'believe' we are contributing too on such a site as this. The true question that I guess i want answered is why come back to any site when we all know it is so blatantly compromised.

Maybe waleed or Susan's grandparents just died and they got an inheritance.

I'd love to know how much that happens.

I'd also like to know how much that cunt gets paid.

M8 sleazy cunts like him are one of the main reasons why our country is here. They just want easy money, as much of it as possible, and they don't give a fuck about the country.

You gotta admit white people make a lot of jewy bogans.

Is Turnbull putting the screws on 457 visa's because he needs to give conservatives something before he trounces them in the budget?

The entire fuckin boomers are basically just white Jews.


We are contributing. Sup Forums was an influential force in the US elections.
We can freely discuss ideas and events here without it being tied back to us personally. We're free speech the website. It is in their interest to monitor us to determine who the leaders of thought are on here, as well as that, keeping up with the trends that we create. They are behind us and we are the leaders and creators of new culture, while they are dying and becoming irrelevant. Is it any surprise we're being watched?

>we all know it is so blatantly compromised
Everywhere online is compromised from the deep web to 8pol

He's not doing shit all and just appealing to our anti-ethnic and minorities sentiments. Otherwise, he is still sucking the dick of big biz, big banks and big gov.

Do you guys use a VPN to hide yourself from the prying eyes of Dr Turncoat?


No I don't really give a shit if they know I'm the OP of Auspol or read Infowars. They can suck my fucking dick. Shit, I like to think that I'm redpilling the agent who is assigned to scouring through my metadata. Again, I don't give a shit. Besides, free speech isn't illegal yet. So fuck em. They can look at my history all they want.

Tony is seeming pretty based right now
His points on alan jones a few days ago were solid



Fuck off we're full

Is Housos a redpilled show?

>watching australian tv ever

Maybe, maybe not. This budget will make or break him. He gets a lot of flack for being too conservative so I think thats where he might start slashing.

I watched it on Youtube

Gonna be good. I wonder if he's gonna btfo neets.


Fuck off yank



damn thats a pretty funny show

By all means, go live in that nice yellow space in the middle, I'm sure you'll fucking love it there.
If that's not quite your speed why not try moving to fucking Nunavut in Canada?



I don't need to move there. They should just stop saying they're "full" when they clearly aren't.

See that light tan area?

that's inhabitable desert filled with spiders, boongs and dropbears

also they live in sunnyvale is this like an aussie version of trailer park boys ?

Yeah man
I love that show it's fucking hilarious

Never seen Trailer Park boys
But it's about "Housos" who are poorfags who live in government housing and get Centrelink

My point is most of the space on the map you posted is uninhabited for a reason.

pretty much what trailer park boys is about except they live in a trailer park as you could probably guess by the name and its in canada

I'll have to take a look. Got a YT link?

Anyone running a book for Anzac day terror attacks?

Australia is full yes or no

Don't think there will be we're too based.

hey, I shot that
sorry about the shitty camerawork mates

50%?! Where?! I'm in Cairns and youth unemployment is 'only' 30% here..

they dont have any full episodes on YT this is the best i can do


Do you go to Atherton much? That's my home town. :(

Fuck off
Are full~

It's pretty hard for any country to be "full." You can fit all the people in the entire world into one US state if you're going by area, thats why I responded to the map, it's an awful representation of how "full" a country is, ESPECIALLY considering that most of that land is just fucking awful.

So, if you wan't your answer, "no" I suppose, but that's based purely off area, which is ridiculous.

oi lads so pence is gonna visit next weekend

also the budget is coming up

FNQ is so fucked up for jobs bro, its not all good.
People fight like animals over work here, it's awfull.

and reminder to all youse cuntse to join the discord server

Swift and Couriers was better.

Vale Ian Turpy. I used to see that cunt going into pubs and TABs.

Swift and Shift Couriers.

Hey mate, keep fighting the good fight

I've been infiltrating the triple j text line recently when hack is on, doing my best to break the conditioning lads. Yesterday they put me on to praise the 457 changes

No mate this fuckwit drinks goon every day

Fuck off were full

No you dumb cunt he's already here

Yeah man I know, that's why I left Atherton back in 2010. Couldn't find fuck all. Not even a simple retail job. Situation up there is fucked. Just as bad down here, but at least there's a chance.

Yeah that show is good too. I think I liked Housos better.

Fucking kill yourself Melbournite scum, you are the houso.

Anyone on le pen betting? Think 30 - 40 is a shot or just going for 20 - 30 free frogbux

They're anti-white dog shit that encourages a culture of uselessness and apathy.

The youth unemployment up here is having a HORRIBLE long term effect.
People 16-30 are hitting cannibus HARD. We are breeding lifelong stoners. People who have been reliant on pot for a DECADE.

How come Walleed is 6 inches taller than her at the Logies but she's taller walking down the street? Pin Dick Taquiyya Merchant Lying Cunt.

I know its a bit old at this point but what you lads think of Curtin being our guy in Civ 6?


I wish we could throw immigrants into the dessert

Just living in Bris wishing I had a fucking JOB.

There's no such thing as free speech in Oz mate. And VPNs don't give you anonymity from anything. Your smartphone even tells you that when it makes logs.

try and live in the middle you retard