Soda (or pop is you have sex with your family members) is legit the most shit tier drink you can drink. how did we not realize this earlier.
Soda is trash
your thread belongs in the trash too
I only drink carbonated water tbqh.
bcause its good.
I only drink water, milk and protein shakes.
Anything else is retarded.
Exceptions can be made for Tea, Coffee, Horchata and Thai Tea
beer is worse.
halp Sup Forums, I cant stop drinking soda, but i wanna stop, what do???
>ANYTHING other than water, milk, protein shakes, tea, coffee, sugary cinnamon drinks, and Thai tea is retarded because those are the drinks I like
stop drinking it
the fuck
OP probably drinks Protein Shakes
...which in reality are just glorified rip off flavoured milk drinks.
...and flavoured milk does a better job too btw
lmao why would i drink protein?! im on Sup Forums im not trying to make gains
>drinking soda
fucking plebs, tea is the only acceptable drink
drink unsweetened tea
Does iced tea count?
>he doesn't sip
>ID ends in BOG
absolutely degenerate
I wish I lactated Dr pepper.
Fully agree user. Drinking pic related is better for you than pop.
You're not wrong but I can smell your autism from here OP.
mexican rice vomit with cinnamon
u gaggin for a slap u m8? swear on me fuckin mum lad
But it's the national drink of ohio. I'm a patriot, user. Sacrifices must be made to preserve the traditions of my people.
t. Heiling while ale81ing
I enjoy coca cola fite me
Who cares what people drink
>tfw you can't buy this on the east coast
>only win dixie duplicates