>gas over 6,000,000 innocent jews
>don't use chemical weapons on the actual war enemy thus losing the war
seriously, how fucking STUPID are Germans?
>gas over 6,000,000 innocent jews
>don't use chemical weapons on the actual war enemy thus losing the war
seriously, how fucking STUPID are Germans?
Other urls found in this thread:
Hmm your on to something maybe he didn't use them at all?
Hmm you sure they was innocent?
>gas over 6,000,000 innocent jews
Communist propaganda.
OP go back to Sup Forums
>gas over 6,000,000 innocent jews
He did use chemical weapons in combat. Against the Russians on the Eastern Front towards the end of the war. Don't be retarded and read a history book.
I've seen this pic a few times, but never with a source. Also, I've tried researching it but didn't find anything. Do you have a source?
nobody used them because they feared the retaliation
t. shill
6000000 is fake news
>gas over 6,000,000 innocent jews
>Cite your sources please?
>"Durr shill"
Not even the same guy, but seriously you need to kill yourself.
No one could stay on one server and get 6OOOOOO kills.
>gas over 6,000,000 innocent jews
Unfortunately for humanity that simply isn't true. If only he did though. If only.
hi nupol
go back 2 reddit pls
>gas over 6,000,000 innocent jews
do your own research. I checked it out and it's legit. I don't have the links saved but it is historically accurate. Jews even admit to it
I reackon if the us checked the other camps they'd find they were all concentration camps. Time machine when?
maybe use your brain if you have one
With billions of corpses that were masturbated to death and fed to eagles.
fuck you stupid fuck get out of Sup Forums
Cause he went through WW1 and saw what these weapons did to people.... but Kikes aint people so its fine
Herro derr JIDF
That's literally what some Rabbi claimed back in the 60's when this whole scam started.
>seriously, how fucking STUPID are Germans?
not as dumb as the people who believe he gassed jews
germans and other northern europeans are retarded. They are like monkeys compared to jews (and greeks)
The Germans made chlorine trifluoride which was intended to be used to burn bunkers.
Like not shoot fire inside them but to cause the concrete bunker to catch on fire and burn.
Great stuff. Deemed to dangerous and difficult to use however.
It burns sand, glass, asbestos, ash, refractory brick, steel... more or less everything.
Did they use it?
>tfw to intelligent to fall for bait
>innocent jews
what did he mean by this?
David Cole covers it pretty much on (((Donahue). Sure was hard to find. You know you should try to find a source yourself first, not devote yourself to proving someone elses point, just looking yourself for 5 minutes to be sure. That way you don't look like such a fool.
It's like every time some (((poster))) asks for a source on something that's easy enough to find has followed the pattern of
>"Why do these Nazis keep asking me what a source is? What even is a source? I'll just keep it saying it back to them to get them bamboozled"
tl;dr you're a moron.
>Did they use it?
A propellant for torpedo tests.
Also as for a few rocket fuel tests.
It's just too hard to store or transport.
It explodes when it comes into contact with water, or people and makes a corrosive toxic nerve gas, it burns without oxygen and their is no known method to put out a fire of it.
Oh thank you for telling me about it, i learn so much from Sup Forums :)
asking for a source is shilling now?
I literally just asked for a source. I wasn't refuting or making any claim whatsoever. Don't be a dipshit.