You burgers ready for day of the spatula?
You burgers ready for day of the spatula?
LMFAO! How's your faggot white Obama working out for you?
At least we didn't elect black Obama...
>At least we didn't elect black Obama...
That hawaiian guy was a nigger. Americans are niggers
>tfw Trudeau's probably the least experience prime minister of all time
>he's still more qualified than Trump
>Be canadian
>Stick a stick in snow
>smear the snow covered stick in maple syrup
>literally considered a delicacy.
I don't know why we don't just annex you.
Americans love jenkem, they think it's cool.
>a pothead drama teacher more experienced than Trump
top jej
>Wanting more Canadians in the United States
do you not know how good maple tastes?
try it on ham
Cool. I'll make sure I'm on the winning side.
Stop BTFO us you leaf meany!
>day of the spatula
Day of the Stroke
I do envy your fashion, leaf.
Who else loves being Canadian?
Eating maple covered snow on a stick is literally autistic.
So does "nigger" no longer refer to black people? Can white people be niggers now?
> day of the spatula?
lmao i love you
Fuck off Justin
but burgers need to be cooked, typically with a grill. it makes the burgers burgered.
Piss off Chang
>Dramatic snowboard teacher
Yeah but at least Trudeau doesn't have a Jewish daughter and Jewish grandchildren :^)
he'd have been jfk'd by now if he hadnt. i trust that its lip service
>tfw your country has never had a nigger for a leader
Canada has the best women
Sure thing reddit.
you act as if this isn't going to spread to canada
The day America dies will be a day the entire world rejoices
it won't die it will just mean mexico grew
It's been happening for more than a year already
California will be ours.
>tfw live in the middle of nowhere
if you can find a girl who isn't mentally unstable or related to you, you wife that shit since there isn't any room for being choosy out here
But jews identifying their nationality by mothers line. So she simply can't born jew
Californian here. May God bring the day we separate from this hated shithole of a "nation".
Take it
king david is son of a convert and messiah will be from converts
converts are seen very high in heaven.
If California was a country, it would be in the top 5 largest economies in the world.
Do you really think the flyover states could survive on their own? It's a redneck hell full of stupid people that unironically voted for Trump.
Found Antifa
Not with communists running the USSC
>day of the spatula
i sure hope it comes soon, burgers are a cancer
>Californian here. May God bring the day we separate from this hated shithole of a "nation".
CalExit is dead, the man running that movement moved to Russia.
no it wouldn't because a shitload of your economy would move the the US.
that shit is disgusting
Middleclass is vanishing? Try it's fucking gone, Billy boy Clinton decided it should be given to China for safe keeping.
Wages have stagnated since 1971. Wall Street and the central bankers rig the system for the elite. Then there is the decline of well paying jobs. Coupled with corporation influencing capitol hill at the detriment of the citizenry for their own advantage and you'll see a decline in the middle class. The system is a rich mans game