You monsters!!! when will you cis white haterosexual male colonial pilgrim hats learn that there is no truth in the...

you monsters!!! when will you cis white haterosexual male colonial pilgrim hats learn that there is no truth in the world and the only way to live righteously is do whatever us queer agender trans latinx femme poc makes us happy today! #abolishscience #stoprapingmewithyourprivilege #realityisaconstruct #killtheintellectuals





They are going to grind science itself to a halt unless they apologize and give into their absurd demands.

Rediculous if real




oh it's very real, adolf

When will science apologize for all the racial injustice its caused throughout history

Science is racist and oppressive! And I'm going to tell the world via my magic internet typing box.

What do they want them to do? Put people like Tesla off the list and mention the black man who "invented" peanut butter?

Oh look the noble niggers just want more gibs.

>We want your march for science to be all about things that are not scientific, and some things that aren't even tangentially related to science at all

>no, it's a march for science, so we will focus on science related topics


God I hate these people.

You shouldn't. Every time these retards beat their hairy chests and make these completely insane lists of braindead demands, they turn more and more people away from toxic liberalism.

These people are more damaging to their own movement than they could ever possibly imagine.

Actually each year their ideas become more "normal".

this. I swear to God one day these people will rule the earth, even moreso than they do today. They believe in this ideology early in life, and refuse to let it go, especially once they find millions of people believe as they do.

Wtf i love reason now.

they already have control over all art circles and non-stem fields... that's why they so fucking desperately want to infect the last bastion of reason and logic

Oh goodness, its another "its only a good thing if it has no fucking crackers at all" episode.


fuck sjw but "evidence based" is such a shitty meme that these scientism cultists repeat amongst themselves. in reality they worship scientific consensus and scientists, not scientific truth

wtf are you talking about, you sound like a fundiecuck

youre on the wrong website retard, go back to le ddit there you can worship "black science guy" and masturbate over al gore "the guy who invented the internet"

kill yourself

teeal deear

So glad they didn't comply.

also, don't spread mental diseases in this sacred realm

lol nice kneejerk reaction, you fundies are all alike, you're no better than the delusional apes who do social justice. Both of y'all have no evidence for what you believe in but you go on believing it anyway because it "feels right". You're already dead.

it's also hilarious how I figured you out from the previous post, you're no friend to science or reason or logic, you're no better than the theocracats of saudi arabia who hangs gays and stone adulterating wives, you're the true cuck


Lol you're such a fucking cuck bro.

These people are worthless and they know it.

>offend faith communities
so wait they're standing up for creationism now?

This is written like someone infiltrated them. There's no way that's real. It's hilariously ridiculous and the scientific community will laugh at this.

Which one of you was this?

you dont know what i believe you retarded fucking idiot. anyways go back to plebbit and circlejerk about your scientific consensus religion. I bet you're on ssris

March for science? Wtf is wrong with Americans? Science isn't a fucking ideology. Science is about discovering facts. Why is there the need of a march? Pls America nuke yourself.

that's some heavy projecting lad, just what I expect from a delusional fundiecuck. If you were born a couple thousand miles to the south you'd be beheading us military on camerayou see we have a problem with fundiecucks in america because all the delusional bible thumpers left europe to come here

im not arguing from the viewpoint of religion, the fact that you think that only religious people could be critical against the oxymoron of scientific consensus and modern "muh science!" culture shows what a brainwashed stupid moron you are

Honestly can't tell if this a parody or not anymore.