>libs will still defend Islam
President of Chechniya says he will eliminate the gay community by Ramadan
Now that's a fucking headline
Where do we donate to the cause?
Implying there are still fags stupid/suicidal enough to live in Chechniya
What kinda statesmen has such a shitty beard?
He's muslim.
>siding with a fucking goatfucking muslim
fucking nu/pol/ go back to T_R
too bad he sucks sandnigger dick
nuke the chech
Siding with faggots come natural eh broski?
Sounds like something Sup Forums would be on board with.
donate your soul to islam
>being unironically homophobic
literally sandnigger logic
>White Muslim
A liberals mind would explode.
White Sharia.
The guy in charge is a religion of peace member so no.
he looks like a faggot
If push came to shove I'd gas all the sandniggers but frankly it's a lot more important to me to gas you kind of people first.
Fags and fag lovers are god damn traitors to humanity.
Some Muslim chechniyan retard not bothering me doesnt mean shit.
Maybe they're onto something with the islam thing.
They are eating each other alive
Which anime boss battle is that?
nice try ahmed, but Trump is going to bomb the shit out of your family's mudhut in the middle east.
Gays are bro tier and only sandniggers like you are the problem.
Your VP openly calls for gays to be zapped
Whoa. Gerard Depardieu has really... changed...
((they)) leaked some pics of him partying a little while back. He is living the life Sup Forumstards dream of
Why is he white?
Thats his old photo
Now his beard is like 30cm long
You're fucking transparently retarded shill. Objectively not a useful team player. I would fire you so fast then make you jerk off while your mom sucked my fat white American cock. Not in the same room though. Because I'm not a faggot or faggot sympathizer like (((you))).
Spread your cultural marxism and relativist bullshit elsewhere. Fags are objectively sub human roaches and traitors to the white race most of all
>Why is this guy from Russia white? I'm a retarded leaf nu-Sup Forums member and you can't stop me!
A ton of Jews were dumb enough to hang around in Germany when Hitler started having fun. Retards are everywhere.
Daily remidner faggots>mudslims
I seem to have triggered you, sandnigger.
whats the matter? Your goat not giving you head recently?
do we need to send more freedom to your shithole countries? You low iq subhumans are garbage.
i didn't read the source before i opened the link, but fuck the pink news. what a load of faggots. every story is about poofs.
>change your religion which must be taken verbatim from a 1400 year old book filled with what 3 peopled remembered a dead guy said after he died.
fag logic
He's Chechen. Due to Caucasus' nature as a colliding point for different groups there are some white-looking people and some less white-looking ones. Hell, before the Chechen wars there was a sizeable Russian population, too.
>Richard 'Homosexuality is implicitly white' Spencer
>Paul Joseph 'Check out Prague's vibrant gay scene' Watson
Get out sodomite scum
Why do you care if someone is gay? It's not like they are trying to recruit gay people to run into churches and suicide bomb themselves.
yeah yeah keep believing the anglo scum and their fake news AKA political smear propaganda.
says KEKnada
> faggot sodomite degenerates are bro-tier
Back to Plebbit you Nu/Male Nu/Pol Le_Dahanald KEKservative faggot.
Rato is that you?
Homosexuality is one powerful tool the Kikes use to destroy the Traditional White Christian Family and thus destroying Western Civilization.
It's a Frankfurt School movement to push sodomy in our societies.
Homofaggity is disgusting, immoral, and an abomination before the eyes of god
Not to mention that fags are one of the most left leaning and liberal commie scum out there.
There is no need for faggots in a Traditional White Society.
Fuck off back to plebbit fag lover.
Is that you Mr. Rabbi ?!!
Homosexuals are always going to be gay and they generally don't push people away from religion or traditional christian values.
Only people who do that are, you guessed it, fucking muslims.
I'm not falling for your tricks Ahmed.
You know this is not very comfy to live in one country with such guy. I'd say this sucks, even if i'm not gay, nor i do have gays amongst my fellows.
This guy looks like he should be changing oil at the Valvoline.
Lol you can't be serious.
Fuck off faggot .
Men are men and women are women.
Man was meant for woman and woman for man.
I'm done responding to this faggot thread.
Wasting my time in this thread when there are better threads to lurk into.
Now run along back to your goats, I'm sure they miss you.
>Siding with buttfucking homos that champion feminism
>Siding with people who force women to know their place, and kill buttfucking homos
Easy choice for me.
>falls for jewish tricks
>"Im not falling for your tricks achmed"
Fuck off sodomite
100% agree
>homophobe meme
I'm not afraid of them. I want them dead because their ideology would mean the extinction of mankind if widespread and common.
Filthy fucking fag lover.
Sage this Putin
Ramadan is just a date on a calendar like April or equinox. It has absolutely nothing to do with Islam.
In fact he's probably just doing what Christian Republicans tell him to do, it's all Trumps fault.
Excuse me while I go cleanse my aura and detox with a quinoa smoothie.
Caucasus muslims are niggers of Russia. Well, actually saying that i most likely offended the niggers.
Fags die and Muslims look bad. I like it
We should accept gay refugees from Chechnya, Hinduism is pro LGBT so they'll like it here
This. At least niggers have some sort of culture.
Though i gotta admit caucasian cuisine is the best.
Sounds like pure faggot and degenerate propaganda
You nee to go back fudgepacker
Wait how did her skirt come off?
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