Why have there been so many fucking racemixing threads recently?
Why have there been so many fucking racemixing threads recently?
Mods. Jews are pushing it to be okay for black males and white females to be together. The stats are the same though. No matter how much they advertise, people generally stay within their race. Abortion is killing nignogs by the millions.
Dont worry us whites hate niggers spics and asians still
asked the same thing yesterday and instantly got archived.
Latinos and blacks hate each other. Lats are outbreeding the negros.
idk but see how quick your thread gets deleted if you post a roll thread or something stupid like that
welcome to Sup Forums
It's literally antifa faggots from r*ddit trying to """subvert""" and distract us
check the various antifa threads, it's a common theme
Need to taint the pinto beans to thin out their population
Newfag detected.
gen z will not save us. they are the biggest bunch of race mixing filth the planet has ever seen.
its race bait friday
Its a reddit/antifa shill thing.
Go ask Sup Forums
here: >122242482
Americans have been masturbating so much to interracial cuckold porn it's affecting their political views.
I was the white girl with the Japanese fiancee. The thread I was in died.
Pixels advected by the velocity field.
Because I love race mixing. Fuck off fag
I love you
please racemix with me