think you owe him an apology Sup Forums
Sup Forums wrong again!
We confirmed it with facial recognition software. He's the guy, user. This is fake news.
No one expected him to get punished or go to trial.
He did do it, but there isn't enough evidence. This definitely taught ANTIFA that they are not invincible, though.
This part is so damn retarded. And they blame the twitter account for a carelessly written tweet when the tweet is clear as day but the dumbass who wrote this piece doesn't seem to understand it.
>tfw they fell for it and ran a propaganda piece on the guy
It's 100% him
there's enough reasonable doubt that any lawyer worth a damn can get him off
shill gtfo you believe in fake news TOPKEK may kek punish your soul for this in afterlife
>be a cuck (op)
>post fake news
>believe in fake news
>try to be "cool" just because you browse Sup Forums
>the investigative skills of one "reporter"
>against the investigations of all of both regular Sup Forums and 8/pol/
I know which side I've got my money on.
h-he isn't guilty i-its not even h-him better just drop all interest and charges because y-you are wrong
lol what a moron
It took me some time looking at that picture to realize that his face isn't covered in raw bacon.
The police won't investigate this, you've did your best Sup Forums.
Who cares, he's pur guy and he will be forever known as the scumbag he is.
Fake news. We don't owe this guy shit, he's a fucking scumbag and if he's not locked up I hope he goes to another protest and attacks an armed citizen and gets himself killed
Nice shilling for an article you wrote, shitstein.
inquisitir uses non-native english speakers and/or artifical intelligence to write its articles. almost every article by them has at least one error i spot. there are often contradictions within each article of theirs. chaotic fake news, basically.
Hmmm... Has Sup Forums ever actually been wrong?
running this fake news piece pretty much seals the deal on his identity
what retards
how the hell?
inquisitr is now labeled an antifa-supporting site. make sure to the page
>Spreading his ID everywhere with your article
Goddamn it's just too easy
must be a coincidence that he hangs out with the same people as Lockman during their riots.