
degeneracy or redpilled?

In a vacuum, it's got to be a nightmare to deal with multiple women, but not degenerate.

In reality though it means other men are limited access to women (especially when there are more young men than young women) so in that way it's degenerate.

Its natural for an alpha male to do it.

That said it's primal and bestial. A man of a noble spirit doesn't take part in the excess of multiple wives. The practice detrimentally impacts society where sexual market must be kept 1 to 1 to encourage equal participation in society by all men

Depends on applied methodology.

Modern Country music. Degeneracy or redpilled?

t. Have hooked up consistently with multiple women.
It's stressful and gives everyone bad feels.
Find a girl you actually want to be with and be with her.

pretty much this

Well put user! I've juggled three women, all of them oblivious, and it's incredibly stressful and way too much work. Allocating time to spend with each one and making sure you never slip up? It's a virgins fantasy that is completely impractical unless millionaire playboy with thots. Wouldn't recommend.

Degenerate because Alpha Kangz will corner all White whores with themselves

basically yes and no,

if there was a mass die-off of men (like ww3) then it would be acceptable unless the proportions of women were kept the same as men

Look at any nation that practices polygamy at scale == shit tier societies

Ideal of the ubermench society is overcoming basic instincts. Monogamy is essential to creating a stable, powerful society full of content nationalistic men with a greater purpose. Single, lonely men resent society and this make the society weaker as a whole. Our ancestors were not stupid and realised this.

Absolutely degenerate on a social level--not to mention intolerable for any self-respecting person.
Change the genders on your pic and the point becomes quite obvious.

I'd be perfectly happy with just one redpilled companion.

Degenerate, if you want a functioning society. Why would the other single men be productive if they can't get a wife?

>uses the term sexual market
>calling anyone degenerate

>encourage equal participation in society by all men
why (replace "men" with "people")?
we don't need shitty people to reproduce

It's sort of natural but your kids will hate you for it and/or be weakened by it. The source of strength and courage for a child is the bond between the mother and father. If the mother and father genuinely love each other their children will grow up to be courageous and strong. If the mother and father do not genuinely love each other the child grows up awkward and skiddish. If you plan on having kids and want your sons to be courageous and your daughters not to be whores you need to be monogamous.

In other words it isn't the alpha male who wants polygamy, it's the male who doesn't give a shit about his kids.

Absolute disaster for any society.

Yeah well, that is changing rapidly. With the advent of mass media, the perfect male image is being pushed constantly. Women will now settle for the top 10% of men, and the rest wins the prize of crippling depression. Look at Japan or MGTOW. Massive numbers of men are pulling out of the game, and this is the start of the end of society.

very much this

Having an excess of dicks in the mating pool is already like having polygamy. Reasons why MGTOW is on the rise is part due to arabs and blacks taking women away from the natives so they are no longer willing to be part of society.

>in traditional society its arguable
>in modern society its suicide

Join the alt-right and fix the course of western culture.

a mortal sin

Way past the point of saving bro. Programming has already been done. The enlightened should group up, start somewhere new and watch the machine tear itself apart from a distance.

Always hope brother you just need to will it. But yes that is an option. The ability to exit is a must and if societies to start to fall apart it might possible to exit in the ensuing chaos. Wildcard is Elon Musk is redpilled and is planning on colonising mars with purely whites.

The problem is you're looking at this from a vacuum; that in a stable society it would not be beneficial to the whole...and that is correct.

But in this day and age, with Islam out-breeding us and the average western man being a responsibility-dodging faggot...this is a potential road to recovery. Alphas doing what the betas won't. Women can be lead...but you can't force a beta to become an alpha externally.

Polygamy is how we're going to breed out beta males.

That's not a battle you can win. Women are only interested in sharing if the guy is like the top 1%, so already that's super low. As well, the darkies are fine having tons of kids in total squalor, regardless of whether they're kept barely afloat by government assistance. White won't get government assistance and they won't breed a lot in poor conditions.

Let's say you magically got women to be ok with a broader range of alphas though, got them to all be ok with polygamy and breed like rabbits in poverty. You're only trying to keep up with the darkies in numbers, certainly not quality because children from these polygamous white families will be poor quality and raised awfully. If you want to beat the darkies, the answer isn't trying to catch up to them in quantity, but in quality. A better, stronger albeit smaller society, will win against a worse, weaker but larger society.

I knew some poly people once, and a sadder bunch of wretches you couldn't find. They talk up the 'freedom', 'ethics' and 'openness' stuff but it was just an excuse to whore around, some lied about being regularly tested so what else they would lie about I don't know. Several were bisexual, trans or had some complex gender identification - special snowflakes everywhere.

The girls were all damaged, previously abused or sufferening depression, bipolar or bpd, the men were just there for pussy.

All the ethical stuff was just hedonistic crap, but they seemed to half believe it. They seemed nice enough to socialise with, but would not stick my dick in crazy, or something likely to give me an infection.

Degenerate? Hell, it's a mental, physical and social hazard. Avoid getting involved and avoid any girl who has been a part of it. Red flags all over.

I complained to my gf that she wasn't giving me enough sex last week. In a good week we have sex 2-3 times, in a bad week it's more like once every 2 weeks. Not through my lack of trying, she just has a naturally low sex drive and would be satisfied having sex once a month probably.

She asked if I "wanted another girlfriend" because she wasn't meeting my needs. I almost said yes, but I realised it was a shit test and I dropped the conversation.

I seriously wonder what married life would be like having a wife for 10, 20, 30, 40 years. After 2 years with my gf, sex is already starting to become a bit boring. I lust after younger girls whenever I'm in a crowded place. Is it even possible for a married man in his 40s or 50s to be satisfied in his sexual relationship with his wife and to still find her attractive? I don't see how it's possible.

Ideally, a man should have one long-term life partner (wife), with whom he has a few children, and later in life becomes more of a best friend than a sexual partner. On the side he should be allowed to basically have as many girlfriends/flings as is necessary to maintain a healthy sex life.

It's the natural state of male-female relationship. A society that allows or tolerates polygamy is a society that has regressed to a primitive status. It's therefore highly degenerate. What sets a civilization apart from a primitive society is that a civilization recognizes this flaw of humanity and fixes it by treating females as what they are: resources to be nationalized.

In a functional patriarchal society you would be able and allowed to force her hand, and she'd like it that way too.

It's based if we create x2 more females

except that it's fucked up

Pisslamic savages engage in polygamy, and just look at their society. White people (really any civilized people) are monogamous and it's led to much better society/quality of life

I sometimes 'force' it on her (i.e. she'll let me fuck her while she just lies there) and that's OK, but it's not the same as having a girl eager to jump on your cock

If there aren't enough men who can keep their cool and deliver the goods than why not? I'm a Dom and find that submissives are attracted to me in ways that they never will be to most of you nerds. I,doing them a favor by taking on more than one.

actually was a necessary institution when there was shortage in male population e.g. high war causalities

before a welfare state and high tech society women pretty much needed to be married to survive

of course if you try this in a society that has equal numbers of men and women (or worse, more men then women) you'll collapse it

the only way this would work in a modern society would be to use feminist propaganda that men are violent, evil etc.. to promote gender selection technology to increase female births

>I've juggled three women, all of them oblivious, and it's incredibly stressful and way too much work.
>all of them oblivious
Well therein lies the problem. You had to keep them oblivious. You still haven't explored the possibility of them all knowing about each other and sharing one another.

From what I've read from other men, a man in this day and age that's in his 30s or 40s and he's not a bluepilled cuck makes him a rarity. Women in this age bracket will accept that in order to have a desirable man, they would have to be willing to share him so they accept that he's going to sleep around.

>degeneracy or redpilled?

raghead tier degeneracy

>Allocating time to spend with each one and making sure you never slip up?
In polygamy they would know about each other.

From a child rearing point of view, having more people to dedicate to the raising of children is beneficial. Women don't have a natural aversion to raising other women's children the way that men have to raising other men's children do.

You would need women to want to work and less to work to stay home and child raise. It's already impossible for a single man to afford to make his woman a housewife, but a worker husband, worker wife and a dedicated mother could work.

>Change the genders on your pic and the point becomes quite obvious.
Women don't have a natural aversion to raising the children of other women. Whereas men do. Women's legacy is purely educational, men's is more lineage.

Mormons seem okay.

Polygamist morons are fucked mate, they have "lost boys" problems where they deliberately excommunicate young men so that older alpha morons can marry more wives

Society needs beta males, and they can't be bred out anyway so it doesn't matter.

Do you think alpha males are the best people to do cutting edge technology jobs? Hell no, it's beta men and always will be. Society needs to ensure that they get their dick wet every so often so they don't quit doing their jobs

You're right. Power grabs of those sorts seem natural in a tightknit compound community though. At least they keep their women in line though.

Okay when men do it as we are inherently less likely to form emotional attachments in the same way women do, unacceptable for women to do as it breaks a huge emotional trust barrier

A good key opens many locks but a bad lock gets opened by many keys

>what could possibally go wrong?

Why not both?

When Race War or WW3 will be over then huge deficit of men, who died in fighting, must be somehow covered by men sleeping with more than only one woman

I dunno, it's probably retarded though. Living with one PERSON for that long is a nightmare, much less a woman. Multiply that by four and good god.

Except all the men that stay behind are beta faggots who don't deserve multiple wives

Degeneracy and a deadly sin.

>She asked if I "wanted another girlfriend" because she wasn't meeting my needs. I almost said yes, but I realised it was a shit test and I dropped the conversation.
What? Asking a man if he wants another girlfriend is a shit test? It'd be a comfort test, if anything. Shit tests are there to test a man's mettle. I don't see how this question tests anything other than your values. I think she may've been genuine about it and actually wouldn't mind sexually sharing you if it meant keeping you around.

>allow poligamy
>3/4 of males are unmarried
>send unmarried males to conquer foreign nations
>kill enemies' males
>unmarried males can marry with multiple females of foreing origin.
>lands and population of your tribe are extensively increased

I hate islam more than you. But Muhammad was a genius motherfucker.

seeIf Christianity didnt enforce monogamy they wouldnt have advanced civilization and eventually they couldnt resist against muslim warriors.

Monogamy is the natural state of being. Human beings are programmed to stay with thr one partner for long period of time.

Unlike birds or wolves or lions, human infants are so helpless for so long that biparental care is necessary in our particular species.

Polygamy is unnatural. It only occurs in sparsely populated societies and only among the elite of said societies. In civilised societies, there is no place for it.

polygamy only comes from unnatural concupsence and desire for status.

Yes, it's like a sexual ponzi scheme

What happens when Islam dominates the whole planet, they start raping the ayy lmaos?

>unmarried males can marry with multiple females of foreign origin.
>lands and population of your tribe are extensively increased
Yeah it's pretty perfect. Especially since women have no loyalty to a tribe, only to their own children. It's why women give up their last names, why women leave the house of their father but men inherent the house.

Not that women are entirely unloyal, a good woman will have unwavering loyalty to her children above all. The only thing you can ever ask of a woman is to be loyal to your child.

it's not the natural state proven by the fact that we have more female dna than male due to few men mating with multiple females throughout time. The natural state is barbarism where only alphas mate.
Monogamy is a cultural state that allows for civilization and order because it harnesses the power of all otherwise disfranchised men who wouldnt care about the future of society if unmarried and childless.
So polygamy is natural but bad, it's degeneration into barbarism.

The need to be having sex constantly is a very recently created need. It is not necessarily "natural" for sex to be such an important part of a relationship.

Think back to 100 years ago. Sex was really not as big of a deal. People married in their 20's and had all their sex then. After some years of marriage, the sex drive tapered off, and it became impractical to keep having sex because they had too many children. Then married life became about raising a family, working a job, engaging in the community, religion, hobbies etc etc Sex was such a small part of life. Cheating was rare and scandlous because of the risk of pregnancy.

But then everything changed when contraception became widely available some 50 years ago. Humanity is free now, no longer bound by the consequences of sex. This is what we have been waiting for for the last 100,000 years of modern human history. Sex doesn't just have to be a part of life anymore. It can be its own thing that can be something to be pursued.

And it seems like everyone agrees that this is a good thing. But there are some problems.
Tapering off of sex and settling into a routine isn't seen as a normal progression of a relationship anymore. It is seen as serious problem, and grounds for termination of a relationship.
The absolutely out of control divorce race in western countries is a symptom of that. People in relationships are judged on their sexual prowess and can be discarded even if they are otherwise good partners. Marriage rates are falling. Divorce is going up. Hookup culture is popular now, and that leads to messy things like sexual assualt and rape allegations. Some people can't even compete in the new world and end up involuntarily celibate. All because of the changing attitudes to sex caused by the arrival of contraceptives.

Nobody "needs" to be constantly sexually satisfied. You only believe that because you are told that. And you are in for a miserable, lonely life if you buy into it.