What is wrong with airline staff in usa?


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Theres a youtube video in this link which describes the guy who stood up for the. Female passenger



Delta is the only non-ghetto airline left.

>two and a half minutes of a woman sobbing

There is no sound more annoying to me.

>entitled bitch with spawn

Just because you have a screaming turd factory does not mean you can block the plane with the fucking stroller, its common sense

Pussy pilot refuses to intervene.


A stewardess told her she could bring it on, but gay manlet had a hissy fit

cant argue with those digits I guess

Im comfy as fuck in my bed goong to keep bumping with random photos.

males who are not pilots and work on airplanes are gay.



This thread is now cringe thread


Social retards and pathetic fuck ups with an authority fix.
Also goes for TSA and most cops

Almost anyone who is a cop, TSA, DEA, or even soldiers are societal fuck-ups with suicidal tendencies and the only way they can get by without killing themselves for the sorry pieces of shit they are is by taking up a job where people call them "heroes".


Holy shit he makes his wife cover up?

>projecting this hard
Do you live in Cali?

what ?
isn't that supposed to be loaded as cargo ? why was she boarding with it ?

post 9/11 there is an undercurrent of violence at all levels in American air travel.

they've got you in their power niggers, so why should they serve you?


She was putting in the overhead storage. I guess it made it easier to take her children to the plane, and I can't imagine it being that big of an issue. Certainly doesn't warrant a physical attack from staff.

I guess but that's no reason to fucking start crying and throw a post-partum depression tantrum inside an airplane in the middle of loading passengers, these planes are already on a tight schedule as it is.
Then the fucking prince shows up, asks for names, talks aggressively to a flight attendant and walks to his face making him go backwards, he got lucky he wasn't beaten to a pulp on the spot and kicked out.
And I can't help but laugh at
pussy beta males playing the knight are the worst.

He wasn't even whiteknighting the woman, it was the fact the staff almost injured a fucking baby.

>he got lucky he wasn't beaten to a pulp on the spot and kicked out.
The flight attendant was a bald little manlet, what's he gonna do? The passenger was bigger and taller. Only reason he didn't lay into the gremlin man was because he was clearly trying to bait him so he could sue. Passenger was smart not to throw the first punch.

>He wasn't even whiteknighting the woman, it was the fact the staff almost injured a fucking baby.
I've watched the video, all I see is a woman crying blocking passengers and attendants trying to explain her she can't have her stroller.
I don't see a kid getting harmed in here, nor I see the woman getting hit.

Then a white pussy stands up and asks for names and even aggressively walks up to an attendant obviously looking for a fight.
And no you don't need to throw a punch, that kind of behaviour is enough to get you in trouble.