Trumptards no! Not the armadillos!
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Ocelots are gonna die out, anyway.
But we gotta do something to help out the paccaries.
You can easily include wildlife corridors, which are generally a couple of hundred meters wide, since it allows you to concentrate border guards around them.
I'm sure you've heard of guarded gaps in walls.
I fucking love this timeline.
>You can easily include wildlife corridors, which are generally a couple of hundred meters wide, since it allows you to concentrate border guards around them.
But then Mexicans will dress up as wildlife and just walk right through the gate!
Maybe if the spics stayed off our lawn, we wouldn't need a wall.
I hate all those animals keep them OUT OUT OUT
>bunch of lizards
Fuck em
>mountain lion
They kill people, fuck em
Fuck it
>faggy boar
Who cares
Oh no ebola spreading machines are gone boo hoo
Got enough of them
>some gay chicken
Who cares
Honestly the ocelot is the only thing here worth saving
And the frog because is kek
But really everything else can go, wall is more important
chupacabra and bigfoot will be most affected
Then tell the beaners to stop coming over illegally and a wall wouldn't need to be built at all.
Why do Mexicans and South Americans hate these poor adorable animals so much?
i thought keeping animals out was the main reason we were building it
>Then tell the beaners to stop coming over illegally and a wall wouldn't need to be built at all.
They would not come, if America had ID laws that require a valid residency ID to do shit like rent an apartment, take the subway, get a job, get a bank account, enrol in school or university etc.
Nobody would come to America illegally if you can't do shit there without a legal residency permit.
Just put all the funny-sounding names on the mexican side
They will evolve and find a way around the wall eventually, they might grow wings in a decade or two, who knows
I'd happily wear an armband with a pocket for my papers.
>They will evolve and find a way around the wall eventually, they might grow wings in a decade or two, who knows
Evolution isn't real. Darwin was a Brit and thus a fraud. God put all animals and humans on Earth 6000 yrs ago in their current shape!
Thats what they get for being too far south.
>if America was a totalitarian state then it would be easier to track people
No shit, but that kind of defeats the purpose.
Also, i thought ocelots only live in tropical forests
>6000 years ago
I think it may be longer than that
Nowhere in the bible does it say that, read this website you stupid wanker.
>The quality of posts is extremely important to this community. Contributors are encouraged to provide high-quality images and informative comments.
>You will not post any of the following outside of Sup Forums: Trolls, flames, racism, off-topic replies, uncalled for catchphrases, macro image replies, indecipherable text (example: "lol u tk him 2da bar|?"), anthropomorphic ("furry") or grotesque ("guro") images, post number GETs ("dubs"), or loli/shota pornography.
I'm a creationist and this is bait.
Awwww ... The Ocelot looks scared!
>Evolution isn't real.
so you believe race is non existent?
Armadillos carry leprosy.
Somewhat related question, do any of you anons know where i can get this dope sweatshirt from?
Do any of these animals actually migrate anyway? I cant see them being affected otherwise...
I shot an armadillo the other night that was hiding under my car.
Somehow the Chupacabera has no trouble with Don's wall!
Atleast they won't be "liberated" by shitskins.
You want to shut down my believes and freedom of speech and first amendment rights... just because you think it is a macro image reply?
>Nowhere in the bible does it say that, read this website you stupid wanker.
In the beginning God created the heavens and earth... and it was good. You can calculate the years from the creation to now.
Twenty years ago there were virtually no armadillos or coyotes in GA. Now they're every fucking where.
>mountain lions
Fucking nigger-tier. I want to shoot every single one of these faggots right in the fucking face.
Every time I go hiking out west, I am looking over my shoulder and skimming trees looking for these niggerfaggots. They are literally the niggers of the forest.
>southern yellow bat
lmao disgusting shits
those AIDs ridden faggots literally carry leprosy.
>a bunch of fucking reptiles
wow it's nothing
years ago
>I think it may be longer than that
No. It is around 6000 years. There is a reason why the first pyramids were built 5000 years ago and there is nothing made by humans we know off older than 6000 years.
Don't be fooled by "fossils" and other things Satan put into the Earth to fool us.
>Not posting the real picture.
And cute little frog and lizard doors too small for humans to squeeze through.
>freedom of speech
no such thing in germany
> and first amendment rights
again no such thing, germany isn't the US
Coyotes make cool costs.
>h&m label
>hurr durr guys where can I get this
Interesting having Armadillo in GA
That's from H&Ms women's line
The first thing you should come to grips with is the concept of "time" in the creation account. It all revolves around this question: How long the "days" of Genesis 1? Young earth creationists have written many thousands of pages of material, arguing that you can only interpret the Hebrew as a 24-hour day. Our argument here is much simpler, and will only take a few sentences.
How long is a day in Genesis Chapter 1? Consider this…the Bible says a day to the Lord is as a thousand years to man (II Peter 3:8). Remember, Adam was created on the sixth day, and these “days” were as God sees days, because only God was here…not man. Man was only here at the very end of the sixth day.
Therefore, it doesn’t matter how I interpret the word day in human languages…the question is, ‘What is a day to God?’ Think about this…if you are in the middle of space, and you are the all-powerful, all-knowing, eternal God of the universe, who never sleeps, then what is a “day” to you? If you are eternal, what meaning does time have for you? Wow, there goes another million years! It won’t matter because you have billions more!
If you are convinced that the earth is 4.5 billion years old, and you are convinced the world was created, and did not happen by chance, then you must come to the conclusion that a day for God is a long period of time. God gives us the term day so that limited, finite man can better understand the creation story.
This whore looks like Megan Kelly.
This, no mexicans for some medicore animals is a solid trade off for me.
Oh no, some animals have to move. Better just keep letting unlimited illegal shitskins flow in!
Bad shop.
i can't quite remember where because its 4:30am and im on the third shift but i recall someone at a party talking about how fucking ill cooking and eating armadillo made some guy
apparently those fuckers are not tasty nor good for ya
Is this against the Hebrew use of the word translated Day ("Yom") in Genesis as the young earth proponents claim? Not at all. Yes, you can argue for a literal 24-hour day, but it is just as easy to find Hebrew scholars who believe in an old earth, and say that "day" is a long period of time. So, as a believer, it is up to you to decide who is right.
Consider the use of the word "Yom" by Moses. In the Genesis creation account and in Psalm 90 (written by Moses), it is used four different ways!
>1.12-Hour Period. In Genesis 1:5, it says "God called the light “day,” and the darkness he called “night.” And there was evening, and there was morning—the first day." This use of "Yom" is for a 12-hour period.
>2.24-Hour Period. In Genesis 1:14, it says "And God said, “Let there be lights in the expanse of the sky to separate the day from the night, and let them serve as signs to mark seasons and days and years,…”. This use of "Yom" is for a 24-hour day.
>3.The Entire Creative Week. In Genesis 2:4, it says "This is the account of the heavens and the earth when they were created. In the day that the LORD God made the earth and the heavens." Here, "Yom" refers to the entire six-day creative week.
>4.A Long Period of Time. Psalm 90:4 says, "For a thousand years in your sight are like a day that has just gone by, or like a watch in the night." In this instance, Moses says "Yom" is like a thousand years.
In each case, it is the same author, Moses, who uses the word "Yom" to represent a different period of time. Thus, young earth creationist claims that "Yom" is only a 24-hour day are completely unfounded by Scripture.
That's made up you know that right... so people do good and is a scare tactic.
They're here. Probably out tearing up my front yard right now. They're freaky looking & disgusting. I first saw one seven years ago. I shot one last week. My neighbor down the road has killed 3.
kek'd and check'd
this rustles the jimmies
Wildlife is no joke.
>that mexican powerwalking towards that deer to rape it
How is a bat affected by a wall
fucking shitskins ruining it for the wildlife
Would these make good Kemono Friends?
wait can this species of bat not fly over the wall?
I bet you want voter ID.
That's Hungary mate
They bring *everything* "down to their level".
> (OP)
>wait can this species of bat not fly over the wall?
The wall is supposed to be 400 feet high. Bats can only fly 200 feet high.
>that Hungarian pacing towards that deer to rape it
Hungarians don't to that shit, they good boys
That's a Hungarian border guard.
anti aircraft guns
Wait can't the bats just fly over it
>that Hungarian border guard pacing towards that deer to rape it
Sounds like they're pests. I deal with pests here in MD. Fucking canadian geese noy migrating and living here year-round shitting all over the places every thirty seconds.
That deer was asking for it, creeping close to the wall.
Someone please crop a sombrero wearing mexican into this picture.
how the fuck is a bat stopped by a wall?
pic very related
If you build it high enough, it will stop bats.
9gag was here
Anything smaller than humans can just go through holes in the wall.
Any bat too stupid to fly over a wall deserves to go extinct.