So anyways you Americans like to shit on everyone else fair enough considering you are the most powerful nation in the world regardless I'm gonna take a shot at you. Your whole fucking nation is based on lies "we fought for muh freedom against the British" no you fought because rich people got pissed off at a tea tax. "We are the most based conservative nation in the world' no you fucking aren't the North of the USA is just like Leafland there are no fucking differences in social attitudes. "We are white and everyone else is gonna be brown" lol the majority of American children are already brown you retards you got just as many years as any other western nation before you are brown. The only reason you guys are even slightly patriotic is because from day one you were brainwashed with heroic lies saying America is the best. No you fucking aren't you have less history then Canada ffs at least we joined wars when they started. From 1800-1941 nothing fucking happened in America you had a civil war and that's about it. All you did was bicker about who's better Protestants or Catholics. Ffs you couldn't even win a war against a couple chinks in the jungle. So much for the superiority of th American soldier.
I'm gonna take a shot at America rip me
They weren't angry about a tea tax, they were angry about not being directly represented in parliament.
Still overreacted though.
Fuck off, leaf.
You're partially right. I'll let Mr. Franklin himself explain.
Prove how America is less fucked then we are and I'll fuck off.
That sounds too modern to have come from Franklin
Lots of good sources here. Others back up his statement.
I'm not doubting he may have said something similar but the language sounds off.
From your link
>Otherwise, to my ear the quotes seem in the spirit of Franklin but sound a bit paraphrased, even anachronistic (e.g. the reference to bankers seems out of place)…especially the latter quotes in the speech.
He's from England, m8.
I suppose it could be paraphrased. I never considered his exact words to be as important as the sentiment behind them being factual and from Franklin and other founding fathers.
canada peaked in the 90's, you used to innovate now you just imitate
Just a friendly reminder that central banks help push wars to make the countries borrow money from said central bank and go into debt to that bank. Privately owned central banks are the single most diabolical entities on this planet.
International bankers cucked my country along with most of the west. Whatever you do don't shill for war unless it's a revolution in your own country. If a country goes to war it only further Cucks itself.
Dont hate Americans or people of other nationalities. Hate the banks.
that's gonna' leave a mark
America was the only force that kept the globe free of communist takeover when we bankrolled the reconstruction of Europe and Japan after the war. The only force keeping you from becoming Cuba Jr. (no Gooding about that).
It is a misattributed quote. It's on this list:
Benny talked like a faggot and his shit was all fucked up.
At least our browns are based conservative Catholics not terrorist jihadis..
For fuck's sake, Canada. Let me give you a rundown of what a joke you have become:
>Used to be famous for lumberjacks, moose hunting, and being stoic snow people.
>Now led by:
>an ex-drama teacher
>who proclaims "diversity is our strength"
>imports niggers, kebabs and chinks
>outlawing free speech due to Islamic feels
>closeted faggot
>ultra liberal
>whose dad was a literal cuck
>secret communist
>sycophant of Castro
You've become a fucking embarrassment to the Anglosphere. Sort yourself out, Son.