Is Breaking Bad red-pilled?

Well? It's pretty interesting that Walt uses the pseudonym Heisenberg, who was one of Hitler's most prominent physicists.

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Well they're both Germans

red pilled or not its worth watching and doesnt push any prog agendas that i noticed in my 3 or 4 viewings.

It's the greatest show of all time, that's for sure.

>People actually think this.

Name one show that is greater, Leaf.

The Sopranos
The Wire

Breaking Bad is a solid 3rd place tho.

Fucking leaf

family guy

>The Sopranos
>The Wire
Opinion discarded.

>look at me I can meme

The wire is nigger shit that retards think is amazing because imdb jews told them it is

Game of Thrones comes to mind.


>Well? It's pretty interesting that Walt uses the pseudonym Heisenberg, who was one of Hitler's most prominent physicists.

what does being red-pilled have to do with Hitler or Nais?

You realize Nazis were SOCIALISTS, right?

game of thrones is baby time imagination garbage.

Then explain why it's so popular
Protip: it's because it's indepth

The latest seasons of GoT have been awful. It was only good when they were following the books' storyline, now they're doing their own thing and it's painful to watch.

That explains why Justin Bieber is so popular
Protip: People think he has depth.

He... does.... have.... depth... ? I, uh, fail to see your, uh, point.

i'm a ghost.

Dexter is GOAT teaching me how ride the tiger

>You realize Nazis were SOCIALISTS, right?
They were NATIONAL socialists which is nothing like regular socialism. NatSoc Germany was mildly capitalistic.

Reminder that both Bryan Cranston and Bob Odenkirk shilled for Hill.

I still watch Better Call Saul, though, because it's so good.

Typical fucking normie

Dexter was an extremely good show up until maybe the 2-3 last seasons. It's got nothing on BB when you take the shitty last seasons into account.

I don't really think it's redpilled because he has a degenerate son who is shown in a good light.

Also, it's one of the best show I've ever watched.

Its because Walt is making a Faustian bargain like Heisenberg did with the Nazis. So for the sake of the metaphor Gus would be Hitler.

it was popular because it has gore and sex scenes and debauchery

now the two jewish producers have removed every possible power role of white males or males in general and are re-writing it into a feminist power fantasy

why? because they are fucking jewish that's why. All they know how to do is shit on things

im so tired of jews

>normie show
>no values other than accepting to be a cuck and paying for it

Nice argument there, it not a controversial opinion at all.
Sopranos and Wire frequently are ranked #1.

>thinks le breaking badman is great because reddit/metacritic

Lazily written, shit fantasy show.
because it literally throws everything at the wall to appeal to the lowest most common denominator.

What would you suggest belongs at the top then faggot?


Heisenberg wasn't particularly loyal to Hitler though, he simply didn't flee Germany like many others.

He was head of the unsuccessful German attempt to build a nuclear bomb. However, that could have just as likely been unsuccessful because in their wisdom the Germans drafted a number of prominent physicists into the Wehrmacht.

Man Odenkirk even went in for the bullshit trying to convince the electoral college to ignore the election results and refuse to vote for Trump. so did Jason Alexander. I mean they basically endorsed starting a civil war.

It made me lose a lot of respect for both of them.

Its one thing to be liberal its another to have your head so far up your ass that you'll endorse overturning a democratic election and starting a civil war in order to get fucking Hilldog in office.

I didn't watch X-Files until fairly recently but it really is a top tier show.


Its about some cucked man making a nieztschian rise to power and greatness so yes its pretty red pilled.

The first 5/6 season are top tier, then it goes to shit pretty fast. But I still loved me some Scuilly.

I guess being a delusion fucktard and being a decent entertainer goes hand in hand apparentely.

They should make a series of pic related.

These two shows are the only worthy contenders mentioned in the thread. I also liked Twin Peaks and Fargo (season 1) a lot.

It was great the first couple of seasons then it became a meme. I consider only pic related to be redpilled. Sopranos' later seasons were (((kiked))).

You don't like Fargo season 2?

Has anyone seen The West Wing? What can I expect?

>Sopranos' later seasons were (((kiked))).

This is true

7th season had its moments. X-Cops is one of the best not serious / meta episodes in the whole show.

it's been years since I watched it but I don't remember it touching upon any sensitive political themes

such an amazing show though

One of my favorite episodes of television ever.

Nah. I mean it's okay but much worse than the first season.

>Falling Down

I like to imagine that he had a malignant brain tumor that caused his violent outburst / personality change.

>yfw when Jews sunk the Titanic

I think it's the broader scope it has. Covering an entire gang war, the Peggy and Ed story kind of gets lost in it. They were the only likable characters for me at least.


His name is White. He btfo of spics and niggers. Him and the Aryans kill each other off, his only enemy on his level. His younger side kicks name is Pinkman. Pink man, like a white baby.

Sopranos is fucking great. I want to play hide the sausage with young Meadow.

The was really good, but maybe too slow paced. Does give a pretty good picture of America, outside LA, NY.

Breaking Bad was pretty good. It kind of walked the line though. The kid and the mom were fucking annoying. But, it was saved by the pure craziness of the stories. It`s funny how some of it is not so fantastical, looking back.

Fargo has been pretty good.

Game of thrones is like eating at McDonalds.

What did Hank mean when he said "my name is Isaac Schrader" on the last season of Breaking Bad?
Was Isaac Hank's childhood nickname etc. or what did "Hank" really mean with this disclosure?

the evil white capitalist taking everything he deems is his.

the scapegoat commi

He actually said ASAC Schrader, as in special agent Schrader. But I like your thinking.

I always thought "Hank" had lied to everyone about his name and right before his death he reveals his real name. "Hank" was Isaac the whole time, without anyone knowing about it.

>He actually said ASAC Schrader
Or "A sack Schrader"?
Maybe Hank was referring to his poor general condition after a long disability?

>show the most crucial part of the episode right at the beginning
>opening sequence
>but what does it MEAN

It means that the writers of the show were either not good enough or too lazy to let a story develop naturally and needed to build intrigue by roping the viewer in with a vague scene from later in the story. I accept that some shows do this every now and again, and sometimes they even do it well, but Breaking Bad did it in every-fucking-episode. Why not let the story rely on itself instead of artificially puzzling the viewer?

The Sopranos leaves plot points unfinished. As in they veer off storylines and go on to the next leaving them unfinished.

>"A sack Schrader"?
damn this just blew my mind. Bravo Vince.

>Sopranos is fucking great.
I dare you to name ONE likable character from Sopranos. I've watched every season and hated every single one of them.

go fucking jump out a window you human toilet

We Sup Forums now

i didn't like anybody but meadow was hot in that jizzed in my pants video by the Jew group the lonely island

Sorpranos is shit.

calm down, i was just making shit up, like who i was responding to.
>but Walter White is totally likable.
Great argument against over a decade of critical praise.


>but Walter White is totally likable.
Not really (although he's a genius and pretty badass sometimes), but Jesse, Mike and Saul are likable characters.

in real life Bryan Cranston is a progressive piece of shit. Even starring in one of those anyTrump actor commercials. Lost respect. Breaking Bad an awesome show though.

jesse isn't likeable
i don't even like the guy playing him in real life

and fuck the guy playing saul because he's a fucking commie

I actually think Breaking Bad better than both. Sopranos was my #1 but Breaking Bad ending > Sopranos ending sealed it for me.

What are some good actors that are not super liberal? Sadly, it's a big part of the industry.

Am I the only edgy guy who was cheering for the bad guys? Especially the nazi gang

Its actually decent.. not really redpilled but its not as bad as 90% of the hollyjewood stuff.

This is what tranny Trump is really up to.

Nah man. The nazis were efficient and had a code of honor. They were alright.
Their only mistake was associating with Walter

Written by a Jew

Best drama, sure.

Best series: The Expanse is showing potential, but I'm still on the fence, since they've been deviating from the books and I'm not sure how they're going to handle the protomolecule scenes yet.

Don't want to spoil anything, so I'll just say this, I can't wait to see the gate.

Jon Voight, Clint Eastwood

Dat ass

Well the only black guy I remember from the show sold fried chicken and meth so......

I don't understand how anyone could like Jesse, he literally what you'd get if you asked a rich white kid you write you a typical poor wangster kid.
He's pretty much a shitty Christopher Moltisanti.

I can't argue with Saul, or Mike tho.
but am I the only one that finds Mikes acting cringe at times.

DAT black Volvo!

hey it's another episode of Sup Forums autists trying to label mainstream stuff as "redpilled"

Chris Pratt is conservative.
Vince Vaughn
Colin Farrell

Woody Harrelson is a green libertarian

rumors are Matthew McConaughey is conservative too

obviously Mel Gibson

Denzel Washington comes to mind

Ice Cube

John Bernthal (don't ask me how I know, but I know)

do I need to on?

>pro-tip: Mel and Vince are rumored to have redpilled Andrew Garfield HARD during the filming of Hacksaw Ridge

A Series of Unfortunate Events is super redpilled by totally on accident

>white kids are super smart and capable
>greedy jew is trying to steal their money
>secret socities
>dangers of communism
>Count Olaf's henchmen are super pozzed including a tranny
>the black folks in the show are incompetent

it's stupid redpilled and I don't think it was on purpose

Dexter turned to shit after 2-3 seasons (IIRC) as the original writers took off and were replaced by people who thought of Dexter as the good guy, an antihero if you will. Basically all the characters did so many 180's after season 3 the show was basically a C-grade soap opera with occasional violence.

>>pro-tip: Mel and Vince are rumored to have redpilled Andrew Garfield HARD during the filming of Hacksaw Ridge

Do you know if that was before or after he filmed Silence?

The Wire, maybe. The Sopranos though? Holy shit, fucking Camella, and that entire season which was basically about her housewife bullshit.

Definitely not better than Breaking Bad. Loved The Wire though, hard call on that.

GoT really turned shit with the last few seasons, as soon as they ran out of book content, and deviated from some of it.

They fucked up the Dorne arc so much, that was really disappointing.

If you think the Nazi economic system has any similarity with Marxist type socialism in anything but name, then you're an oxygen thief.

>Ice Cube
>not super liberal
Whatever you're smoking is too strong for you.

I don't know


Adam Driver is a marine
so don't forget that

>GoT really turned shit

Was always shit, brother.

that series is utter shit

You are utter shit. How many episodes did you watch, Pekka?

BTFO Finland!

I guess I shouldn't have put him on the list without context, but he isn't anywhere as liberal as others in hollywood.

Mike Colter, the actor who played Luke Cage, is more Conservative.

Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson is a registered republican.

You'd be surprised how many are actually conservative.


yeah it was a symptom of her greed & materialistic nature.
And Falcos acting was fucking top notch.
Just a better Marie really.