I'm poor, but I want to make money LEGALLY in the USA you know driving trucks, washing bathrooms and dancing at night. Those are honorable jobs, well paid compared to a salvadoran one ($300.00 monthly :'( ) THANK YOU
>i have a heartbeat
>why can't i do whatever i want
oK what amigo?
You have nothing to actually offer the US economy. Focus on making your nation better.
fuck off, we're full
Just move to Sweden dude
I am doing the same thing
I will be leaving to Sweden in September
You actually get paid to rape white women in feminist Sweden.
What do I need to move to Sweden? Thank you amigo for your kind words.
But, how? My house is 6 meters in the width, and 8 long. I can´t pay college. We have lots of criminals, and now with Trump massive deportation of mareros (criminals) are getting back to our country... I'm afraid.
You cannot, you should not, and you will not. Stay out beaner.
Get a Swedish GF
I am being sponsored by my cohabiting partner aka my GF in Sweden
Trust me Swedish girls are easy, they literally think dating non white guys is somehow destroying the white patriarchy.
The feminist have sure done a number on them
you ever sucked dick
I am totally grateful to you. For your kindness, your cordiality and attention to answer my questions. But where do I look for them? In what social network?
You need to comb through the Social media and dating sites, Facebook Okcupid, younow.
Meetup etc, If you are in college then many college also have cultural exchange program etc. I actually met My GF through a yoga groups in Facebook named lovetopose
>dancing at night. Those are honorable jobs
I'm so thankful to you amigo. I hope your journey ends well, letting you reach happiness and wealth. Blessings. I will look for swedish girls! Yuhuu
take all your personal identifying paperwork and boat over to the shores of italy, throw all your paperwork into the water.
say you're from syria, wont get you into america, but you will be able to retire without working.
legally getting into the united states without money is extremely difficult as the mexicans currently monopolize all our immigrant population both legal and illegal.
You honestly just need to apply for school here in the us and you are in. Get a degree with a little debt (so computers or a trade) work off debt while getting your green card or citizenship
fuck you el salvador
we dont want your MS 13 criminal scum in our country.
fuck i hate you fuckers think you should just be allowed to come here for no fucking reason
We dont want your unskilled labor. People will in fact do the jobs that the media claims no one wants to do.
We already have plenty of candidates for unskilled labor. There are tons of poor people that work 3 part time jobs because they cant find actual full time labor.
Start from language
Then acting school
Then gym
Then orator's training
Then etiquete
Of you want to get rich you must becone best of youself. Get connections.
Rich people tend to improve themself, befriend them in places where you both equal students.
You dont realy need murrica, you will be another outsider, just legal, still alien.
i will be treating all indians with increased harshness due to the indian poster in this thread.
there are no good indians
im going to hassle your people eternally you shit eating monkeys
there are no good indians period. A VILE RACE
Apply for a work visa and if you have no skills then ill redirect you to this post
We don't have any demand for those kinds of jobs. If you don't have skills that are in demand, you shouldn't expect to come here. Sorry, pedro.
Doesn't matter, I am going to Sweden and have indo-european kids with my Swedish GF, i will name my son Aryan (which means noble in Sanskrit).
Fuck off scum.
Unlimited immigrant labor has destroyed American farming communities especially in Cali.
Sorry spic, we don't want you here
Mate Indians love hitler, hate jews, and want to kill muslims.
Also they have a caste system with more European DNA the further you go up.
Easy,, illegally migrate to Australia.. we send all illegals to America they love em!
>this whole thread
jesus fucking christ both of you
>tfw parents immigrated legally from El Salvador
Hey, if they did it after the commies destroyed everything they had, so can you faggot
it's funny how you don't understand you are the vile and wicked. Abandoning your own people to go rape emotional destroyed and judaized natives of sweden.
realistically your action should be cause for similar or worse things to happen in your own country, and your lack of loyalty to your own women is why indian women hate indian men so much.
Indian men's moral fiber is nothing. Their values and honor are nothing and that is why your women reject you, because you are trash and all your friends are trash and the Indian male is trash. If the burden of stability and structure rests on the shoulders of the males of society, the proof of your failure as a Hindu or an Indian to your own people is written in the current situation of your own country.
Flee you fucking failure, may you curse your own people to ruin with your attitude and actions.
You don't want it, but half of USA want criminals to live for free in your country. I'm not a criminal, but i just find idiot that a lot of your compatriots defend illegal things, instead of defend what has made great your country, the law and their people.
kill everyone in this thread
It's not Abandoning it's Conquering.
I am just manifesting my destiny.
Cali farmers became wealthy with cheap labor.
That's not what the majority of USA says. They wanted hillary to help illegals and mareros to enter to your country. Sorry amigo
sweden first. we need a martyr for the evils of multiculturalism
fuck off Satan
What the fuck mang? Nobody told me I could make mad cash dancing at night in Burgerland. Fuck this stupid country where I gotta get in the morning and go to work.
Cali farm owners became wealthy with cheap labor. There were whole communities these farms used to support. Now they support 100 wetbacks in a shack and their families in Mexico.
Hi amigo, can you give me some facebook profiles of swedish beautiful kind and moe girls? I need a GF to feed me and maintain me
whatever you say. your own women don't want you and your ancestors spit on you. You're not fleeing anything and you aren't going to contribute. You want free gibs and you want to rape people. You're a fucking piece of garbage.
I bet your mother can't stand to look at you
Your dad is a piece of shit for raising someone like you
You can become a manwhore. You will get millions from their waifus and wives.
You need to bring a million dollars and a good business idea.
Satan is the god of wealthy USA people. Not mine.
Apply for green card and then cross your fingers for a lottery selection. That's your best chance unless you can hook-up w/an American woman and she can help get you in.
>you aren't going to contribute
I am going to contribute to Sweden's birth rate.
I wish the death penalty for illegal immigrants
if the penalty was scary you wouldn't be so proud and happy to fucking break the law.
If we enforced things like corrupt, soulless goblins like you, you'd be dead here and you know it. You're a predator, you prey on people's good will with no intention to give anything back and you crack jokes about it.
How about you stay in El Salvador and work on kicking the FMLN out?
Prove yourself worthy of coming here by removing some communist
Try to find some old kike faggot who will gay marry you
Latino here, fuck off, we are full
That's what your ancestors did. Why this kind hindu man can't do the same? I will do this thing too. I¿m bored in my country and will look for a better and easy place to live, where the natives look at me as a signal of progress and love. Just like hillary supporters look at latino gangsters and illegals.
Hey Al Salvador
Your country a shit. Why not improve it rather than run away like a pussy?
Why the fuck would we want people to come here be poor on welfare or taking low skill jobs from citizens? We want immigrants who have something to offer that can fill a demand that is not currently being supplied here.
>hurr durr mob rule
Constitutional Republic, not a Democracy. You're definitely not welcome if you don't even understand that.
Learn basic arabic and tell them you're a refugee. They are so fucking racist that they will just believe you because you are brown. Have fun getting tons of gibs and raping white women too. Post pics.
Don't start w/that BS bro. Talk trash and I will hunt down your application for US entry and use your pic/flag and commentary against you and guarantee that you'll never get in.
Vos podés matar tus criminales. Porque no podés ser como Israel. Ellos tienen los musulmanes y ellos aún tienen un economía biena.
In your dreams haha. That would never happen. Your people love inmigrants, communism and to destroy themselves. That's why your country is so fragmented in idiology
piece of shit el salvidorian
i hope you encounter nothing but hardship and danger on your way here
you suckass bitch
lol and don't forget to offer courses on optimal techniques for public defecation
>illegal want to come to USA to """drive trucks""
>pls ameribros, don't fall for this, trust me, don't be too NICE
Because FMLN are not real communists, their general secretary (their boss) is very rich, their ex president is in Nicaragua escaping from justice (because he stole millions). And now, they need our country poor to get more millionaire help (from countries like yours) to enrich their pockets.
stop roleplaying, pajeet
If the majority of your compatriots love illegal inmigrants... why to stay in a poor country like mine??? Hell no. I prefer to go to your country and get rich there hehe
take this as a lesson - this is exactly how first world countries are being conquered by foreigners.
The FMLN is just an example of what all communist become
I can offer childs. I want to marry a blond and busty american ;P
started out as a reasonable argument and ended in venom spitting ad-hominems. take your meds burger, top kek.
Fuck off, we're full.
I think what he is trying to say is that he needs that unskilled labor work because when you are a 5'8 240 punds manlet, there arent many options
let this thread be a lesson to all of you that brown races are not to be trusted and expect them to work towards your destruction like a pack of vultures so they can all get their pound of flesh.
drive them out, cut them off, shut them down
Please, I beg you to forgive me... My mistake. Por favor perdóname por decir esa tontería... I really respect your great country. I LOVE THE GREAT USA.
How to make your country great:
>Kill all your prisoners through public hanging and beheadings
>Recycle politicians to where the corrupt one are also executed
>Make all drugs legal
I am starting to smell big mac and french fries
no fuck that, make drugs illegal and give HARSH FUCKING PUNISHMENTS if you are caught with drugs
what's that, glorified jew bank?
You cant. Only way you'd ever get into the US is as an illegal.
Be cognizant that they aren't all that way and that our selections shall be based on what they can offer to our hard-earned superior society/system. Every now and again a genius is born and we should exploit that if on wants to knock on our door.
You might want to kick the kikes out of the country before doing that, we're living with the consequences of that sort of thinking being exploited to change the demographics of the nation
A genius like me, I can sing and sexy dance i want to be like Prince ROyce or a michel jackson latino. Chicks say i look like Rome Santos
OP, if you self inflict a gun injury to your head near the border, the hospital are obligated to accept you
you want to aim for the neck or just near the skull, where they can't tell if the bullet went in or not. it's kind of dangerous, they won't take you in if you only shoot your ear. they have to think you are in danger
once you're in, you're not "illegal" so you can't be deported. but they have to think you're dying from violent causes
be sure to spread the knowledge to all your friends
i think that's a naive viewpoint. A little child's naive fantasy of a best case scenario.
Thankk you chinese i accept your advice
Hey amigo, is it true that the delicious and sexy perry ellis perfumes are very cheap in your country? Here are very expensive!
Are you the same user who talked about how he wished the US would annex el salvador?
No but i wish it would happen. Then i would be called "gringo". hehe that would be amazing amigo!
Just be cool and honest and hope for the best. You can also try political/religious and whatnot asylum...if granted, through any means, work on becoming a US citizen right away. You'll be relatively greatly respected/appreciated and psychologically bound (granted your not a Muslim) to care for the nation and be a good influence on your family if they'd come here to be very devoted to America's success.
i heard 90% of el salvidorian women are prostitutes at some point in their life
aw dang i miss that guy
I will not say anything disrespectful about the sacred moral of your women because I really respect and admire your country. And also know USA help lots of third world countries to improve their economies. God Bless America,
>blaming Trump because your nation has criminals
how about you just go kill the criminals? they're your people, don't blame other nations because we don't want them either.
execute the fuckers.
THIS if youre not from Europe we dont want you
USA is the largest producer of cuck porn, gay porn and Child Porn
So get off your moral high ground and start prepping the bull
weapons are banned here (for honest and working people), only criminals can have guns...