Who the fuck is Aya?
Is Ivnka a de facto President yet?
Who the fuck is Aya?
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She's a Muslim Brotherhood member (read: terrorist). The fact that she's been invited to the whitehouse is fucked.
Kushner strikes again!
Might as well call him Huma Abedin 2.0
She's the Laura Silsby of Egypt. Just got caught in a human trafficking Egyptian Pizzagate scandal.
>The investigations revealed that Aya Hijazi, a 27-year-old US citizen, and the director-general of the association, and her husband Mohamed Hassanein, 26, are the sales supervisor of the Baladi Association's financial director, and Sharif, 34, , And 22-year-old Amira F., a housewife, volunteered to work with the association by attracting 20 children between the ages of 12 and 16 from the streets and holding them in an apartment located at 31 Mohamed Mahmoud Street in central Cairo with an association called Baladi. sexual exploitation and to force them to practice indecency and keep photos on their own computers.
>jews running jewish errands
stop the presses
>Muslim Brotherhood member
Looks secular, who is this woman? Is she a Saudi puppet?
Islamists are the good guys. Iran is a decent country. The Taliban outlawed opium. Only western backed secular dictators like Assad et al are shitty, nonbased Muslims.
Wills he turn on the leaders?
look her up dumbasses
tldr she was imprisoned in egypt for 3+yrs then soon as the don makes potus she's home, imagine that
>she was imprisoned in egypt for 3+yrs
Maybe for a very good reason, huh?
Nobody fact checked her?
I don't understand
Which confirms that HRC and the Clinton Foundation are now the true shadow government and the true POTUS BY PROXY. (((Ivanka and Jared))) are the mouthpiece of the Deep State. They speak on behalf of Clinton.
so the DRUMPF memes became reality?
what a shit double-faced president you murifats got after all
Waaay ahead of youFully fact checked and of course the MAINSTREAM FAKE MEDIA denies it.
I'm sorry to tell you all but it seems Trump is now involved or was always involved this entire time. Trump isn't going to drain the swamp. HE IS THE SWAMP.
Trump confirmed for biggest pedo trafficker in the World
It's not the first time a terrorist has been invited to the white house, remember Anwar Al-Awlaki?
Now Trump is breaking brown people out of jail to come into the country. Fuck this guy!
>[[[Aya Hijazi]]]
Expected her to be wearing a hijab
Remember Obama?
Anyway, so far Trump seems to be doing all the things he needs to be doing such as de-escalating war, taking care of the debt, doing away with shitty regulations, fixing the supreme court, fixing the jobs market etc
One taxes get lowered, the corrupt are pretty much done. It will take a long time for them to recover, if at all.
>Who the fuck is Aya?
best girl
Why the fuck does her face look so deformed? Oh right, because she's a vapid, materialistic, plastic kike.
She's the one the dems could not free.
Just a tip for Sup Forums If you guys are having trouble finding info on her that's because the media changed her name so as to avoid all intel on her. Her real name is Aya Hegazy. It was changed same as how Silsby now goes by Laura Gayler.
Probably. He was a passenger on Epstein's Lolita Express.
it's crazy that I found her cute earlier, but she looks like a troll next to Ivanka
>23 Sep 2016
"Last Tuesday, in Hillary Clinton's meeting with the Egyptian president on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly, the Democratic candidate brought up Aya Hegazy's case and demanded her release."
He is definately not our guy. Notice how the MSM isn't scaring us everyday with Russia/Putin/Trump/Racist ever since the Syria strikes. Hes not playing 4D 10 player chess hes one of (((them))) now
Worst tengu. Also, Aya Hijazi was caught trafficking children.
She's a qt3.14
>Notice how the MSM isn't scaring us everyday with Russia/Putin/Trump/Racist ever since the Syria strikes
holy shit I just noticed this. we need to change timelines now, before it's too late.
or at least crash this one.