what shoes do you wear?
just got a pair of these bad boys
Sup Forums Approved Footware
are you a pimp?because that's what pimps wear,should have been in a leopard pattern and you would be dead on
gypsies wet dream
am i ready to be a pimp now
Full scale autist shoes, should have got some black derbys or maybe some simple brogues because those look like retarded Persian pimp shoes
Pic related, the patrician choice.
lool. Can you imagine the common Sup Forumstard midget wearing those clown shoes?
They should be simple and effective. Durable.
Snake skin cowboy boots faggot
Nice Brothel creepers
you fashion fags are cancer. go twirl your mustaches and buy some vinyl, fags.
Manlet here. I've considered buying some of those height enhancing formal shoes to wear with suits but I'm worried that too many people who know me will notice that something is up.
I wear these everywhere I go
thats fukken sik
The Chelsea boot.
Can be worn with anything.
No decoration.
Coupled with a tracksuit, you'd be at the bleeding edge of Slav fashion.
You're a pussy if you only say you do.
vans because i'm not autistic like Sup Forums
Mate those are the fucking gayest poofter shoes I've ever seen.
sandals because I live in Florida
when I work out either chucks or sneakers
when I work I have black steel toe boots
You have to go back to Canada, Pancho.
I wear these. They're from a military uniform. Does it get any more manly than this?
I can fucking by these at the local swap meet, now I am seriously considering it, fuckin lol, I can't stop laughing imagining a fin wearing these in the freezing cold covered in snow, white as the driven snow, fuck that is hilarious.
Hey, me too.
>wog tappers
When you see a man with shoes like this you know your dealing with a piece of shit.
Converse or RM Williams.