What can you do about it white boy?
So now that white women are slaves to BBC
Can't do anything. If your dick isn't at least 8 inches long 6 inches around you're done for.
white average 5.5~ inches
black average 7.5~ inches
vaginas around 8 inches on average
black dicks look like actual pieces of shit, I've honestly thought i was looking at scat porn when I see some blacked threads. regardless 99% of white women that date black men are sea cows to begin with and their genes are not something to be treasured or propagated.
Oh yea, saged
thanks for reinforcing the jew meme, where do jewish dicks fall on that scale assuming you ever even have the opportunity to use it
>Sea cows
Prime white blonde bitches love fat nigga dick
I can sage your threads, you anarchist faggot.
Well ones got a bike lock around it and the other does not. Probably because the black guy could not afford a chastity
Nice proxy change you Australian faggot.
Tiny pee pee white boy
It's not just about white women dating blacks it's more about husband letting their wives get the BBC because they know they themselves cannot satisfy sexually because size matters.
It's an ever increasing trend and will never subside. Sorry whitebois !