Saw this on Twitard. I believe we have found our next volunteer for justice.
Mission Accomplished. kek
Other urls found in this thread:
The Digits do not lie.
love how the tables have turned
get a life, moron
truly epic
lol careful there edgelord
That sums up pretty perfectly how fucking powerful weaponized autism is
Sup Forums is literally a weapon of mass destruction
>reddit realizes the power of weaponized autism
>fascist boner intensifies
How'd Sup Forums find the bike lock guy anyway?
Spookin me some commies.
I feel keks presence
>until it cools down
>implying the fire isn't rising
I like how they seem to think that they're literally living in Weimar Germany and that Hitler has seemingly reincarnated as Trump. Their persecution complex would make a paranoid schizophrenic blush.
>found out his entire life's story from a few pictures of his eyes
i am become Sup Forums, destroyer of worlds
>tfw I thought I was the only one who scares antifa and commies online by pretending to be one of them and telling horror stories.
Good work Sup Forums soldiers.
Fear is the mind killer
>hurr, we're the "good guys" but we can't have people know who we are because we do illegal shit
So then, you aren't the good guys?
Good guys don't need or wear masks when they do actions.
Wtf I love autism now.
Way I see it, spook em into inaction, or they don't get scared off, continue on their path, and eventually get beaten out of existence. It's a win/win
>no advice to just not commit crime
Doesn't work. You get immediately banned, and if not, they don't like to use critical thinking and logic. Any attempt to persuade them out of beating the shit out of people will be met with "nazi sympathizer".
So, I just rattle them a couple times a day until I get bored. And it's taking effect to be honest. Couple threads a day crop up now about how they need to revise their tactics.
you have to go back
It's fairly easy
>ID them; they fear this
>Have numbers; numbers are their only strong point
>fight back when they start shit; pain is a good motivator, and watching their comrades get beat down whilst the others flee is demoralizing
That's the 3 main things, and you do them, and you win.
What I find amusing is how they don't even consider the most obvious way to avoid this.
Not assaulting people is a good rule to go by not to be singled out by Sup Forums. But it doesn't even cross their mind it seems.
Are you trying to suggest that it's wrong to beat the shit out of people because they disagree with you?
Now is the time to apply wolfpack tactics
Look for the weakest member of the antifa herd, single him out, drag him back to your lines and unmask him, photograph/video his face, from all angles
One by one, unmask and identify these cretins and ruin their entire lives.
Rez was a great game.
They act like they're being forced to dodge sniper fire on their way to work. The reality is that they are being seen assaulting people. They can go to a protest with their faces uncovered if they just behave themselves for once.
It's funny to me how these people are assaulting people and then acting like they're the victims when they get caught and have to answer for their literal crimes. It baffles me that they actually believe that they're the good guys.
Agree entirely. If they would stop macing women during interviews; Assaulting handicap veterans in a wheel chair, destroying storefronts, etc; We wouldn't be having to do the FBI's job.
The liberal will cry out in pain as it strikes you
Yeah I know absurd concept isn't it!
Time to upgrade our weaponized autism Sup Forums
Time to upgrade our weaponized autism Sup Forums
Time to upgrade our weaponized autism Sup Forums
Time to upgrade our weaponized autism Sup Forums
Time to upgrade our weaponized autism Sup Forums
Perhaps we should offer a truce with their leadership. If they agree to stop using Black Bloc tactics , we will agree not to expose them.
It's because they are literally the reprobate sodomites that Paul warns us about in Romans.
God is so disgusted by these folks that He handed them over to Satan.
They are a lost cause and are on the wide oath to destruction in Hell because they hate our Lord Jesus Christ.
i think he is. he must be an discussionphobe. lynch his ass.
get a brain, moran
Everyone who is not with them is against them. They're fanatics who actually believe that the world is ruled evil white people (collectively referred to as Nazis). So of course they run around beating everyone up. They're nazis. And this is what decades of dehumanisation does to people. A nazi in modern times is akin to a witch in medieval times. Something completely and utterly abhorrent, a monster really, that can only be dealt with in one way for the good of the community.
>tfw you know that Hitler has reincarnated but not as Trump
thats only valid if you are not under a tyrannical oppression which they believe they are. (if its just not partly larping, which it is or else they would have done terrorist acts, if they truly belived that)
Holy fuck this, is some NSA or NRO-level shit, this is amazing, well done.
>I like how they seem to think that they're literally living in Weimar Germany
But we are...
>What I find amusing is how they don't even consider the most obvious way to avoid this.
>Not assaulting people is a good rule to go by not to be singled out by Sup Forums. But it doesn't even cross their mind it seems.
That's because this shit is completely new, ANTIFA in murrica never had any serious opposition, they always had comfortable funding, retarded cops that couldn't catch let alone ID them and even police protection against counter protests. They never had a worldwide anarchist hivemind hunting them. They didn't signed up for this.
The best strategy would be to focus on unmasking and photographing these animals. For all their posturing, they seem deathly afraid of being IDed, so if the focus is on IDing them by pulling their mask off and taking their picture, it'll probably further demoralize them.
they don't have any official leadership (except soros), they're anarchists
>they don't have any official leadership
Except they do, Yvette Felarca is one. Fullpol is hunting the rest of them.
>>hurr, we're the "good guys" but we can't have people know who we are because we do illegal shit
>So then, you aren't the good guys?
>Good guys don't need or wear masks when they do actions.
This, im libertarian and i hate actual nazis, these antifa pricks are bigger nazis than half of the edgelords on Sup Forums
She just proved that Eric Clanton did, indeed, wear a mask for a portion of the protest. Even more evidence that it's him.
Would it be a plausible legal defense to justify killing antifa in order to prevent another bolshevik uprising?
Because you're taking justice into your own hands here.
Also, how moronic can you be to still think that "legal" and "good" are the same thing?
No; Because that district they are in has seated judges that are communists themselves.
Further, I don't want to inact violence on them. Self defense is one thing; and I'd rather submit the contents of their phone to the police than have to do bodily harm to them.
Babbies first confrontation with consequences.. really cute.
How did they find him?
That's not a get. It's quite close to being a great one, but its not. The last numbers have to be consecutive or it means nothing.
What digits?
I love you guys. Seriously.
>No homo
Funny how they say that we're becoming the brow shirts when it's them that's pushing us to become this with their inane faggotry and violence.
u have to go back
>poor guys
Hitting someone with a bike lock from out of nowhere is okay?
These people are fucking degenerates. Sup Forums is the closest thing to multiculturalism they will ever see.
Who the fuck is Yvette F?
Genesis 34 faguette
As long as you keep in mind any tactics you use and defend can be used against you.
Watching Sup Forums nazis spew when one of their own gets doxxed and/or harassed is a bit rich.
Unless you're one of those wacky nihilists who think the rule of law is just something you use to shut down opposition, then you're morally no better than the SJW freaks that do the same thing and it just comes down to who has the power.
No matter how much of that cowardly crap you indulge in, there's way more power waiting to pulverise you if that shit gets out of hand.
the digis even flow through nicley, but...
>Yvette Felarca
You guys do realize that we are basically fucked, if the U-lock guy DOES get away now?
We have to make sure he gets convicted, preferably with soem jail time.
Funny how he can't produce this "brick" post.
>Holy fuck this, is some NSA or NRO-level shit
Former Navy here. CTI. Worked with NSA. I know for a FACT that people in my building were on Sup Forums and /k/ all the fucking time. Shit, they would do it IN THE BUILDING.
And this was way back before Trump even started considering. Knowing the support he has in the military (and the opposition he has in .mil int) then you can bet there are a lot more of them here now.
The most annoying woman in the world.
Why are they talking about this on public boards?
imagine how mindfucked they're going to be when they realize posts like these are most likely us sowing discontent amongst the ranks. kek they're not going to be able to trust anything soon.
Stickman makes his own jewtube videos.
Lol and these protesters and the HWNDU Anons weren't the ones wearing masks. :^)
It would honestly be the safest route for him to be put into jail. If he isn't convicted, people are going to undoubtedly take this into their own hands.
>Need better opsec
>Immediately names their leader
Is the story getting any traction outside of Sup Forums? I havent seen anything yet..
Being here, surrounded by men of valour, gives me a sense of belonging I get nowhere else. I just fucking love you guys.
Good guys wear masks when hunted by bad governments. Or anyone who wants to stop them using means outside the law.
these can all be done by people who are not only wrong, but also mentally unstable and sexually confused.
protip: it doesn't work long enough to do anything except destabilise countries.
you basically described Africa, please don't try to nigger up politics any more than you already do.
It's pretty much here and sympathetic subreddits.
Media isn't going to pick up something minuscule like this. We''ll be lucky if he makes it to the local evening news.
>le digits
It's why (((they))) shill natsoc and HATE Christians.
The Christians are an anomaly on the chin.
who is yvette f? we need to work on this
>That's because this shit is completely new, ANTIFA in murrica never had any serious opposition, they always had comfortable funding, retarded cops that couldn't catch let alone ID them and even police protection against counter protests. They never had a worldwide anarchist hivemind hunting them. They didn't signed up for this.
You have masturbated yourself into some weird dimension of fantasy and significance, please stop posting.
What really needs to happen is this fuck getting his dues since he is supporting BAMN
The digits do not lie.
I wonder if it would be possible for people to spray antifa with election ink, so they can be identified at work later.
your digits
Traditional news PALES in comparison to the viewership youtube/podcast news gets these days. If media sites such as Rebel Media picks it up (which they have), or independent people like Sargon (he has) pick it up, it will gain far more traction than if Fox or CNN did.
Local organizer. Not actually important. OP is just scaring the shit out of local antifas by making them think they're accidentally giving up "privileged information" that they posted on clearnet.
Imagine how they will stay when they discover that Eric Clanton is being raped and beaten in prison by the Aryan Brotherhood without being able to complain for fear of being killed.
It will be heaven for them. There they will get the things they like best:
1) Fight against Nazis and be beaten
2) Get fucked in ass
3) Play the role of victim.
He attacked a guy with a bike lock. A brick through the window would be just, even though it's unlikely anyone would leave their house just to do that. When are these faggots going to learn that they are the ones on the wrong side of history?
how stupid can you be? thats the user scaring the redditors
It's the only method that works, funnily enough.
She's well known.