Risk Thread, 325bc edition.
-When saving rolls in prosperity bank please specify that you want it saved
-Only replies directly to the new picture will be counted as rolls, and the first roll is the only valid roll.
Risk Thread, 325bc edition.
-When saving rolls in prosperity bank please specify that you want it saved
-Only replies directly to the new picture will be counted as rolls, and the first roll is the only valid roll.
Greater Israel
Light blue
expand into macedonia
I'll take Rome, roll southward.
Lusiatians, please.attack the empire of carthage.
The game will begin after we have enough players, roll then.
Expand into macedonia
>didn't know if first post was counted because it wasn't a reply.
Illyrians, roll to expand into the Dacians.
You have to pick an existing faction.
Conquer Piceni, spills at Samnites.
Reply to this post for first roll.
>be me
>be pink
>Lusitanians to be precise
>invade the Empire of Carthage
Expand into Macedonia
Invade the Dacians.
You already said roll?
Spill towards the sea, we declare war with Sparta.
Could we please not have war right off the bat?
Roman Republic prepares a fleet. Sparta Invades Macedon.
Make land on the Peloponnese, raze Sparta to the ground.
build a plantation in the centre of my territory if possible. If not possible just keep invading the Carthage territories in Spain.
Invade Dacians more.
Invade more of Macedonia
You must always list your prosperity and conquest bonuses, and they must be listed seperately eg;
Prosperity: 4.5 Conquest: 6. This is so OP can better keep track and make the game go by faster, however, OP will check the bonuses from time to time and if you consistently attempt to cheat you will be ousted.
For the record you cannot increase prosperity in provinces where you build the plantations.
Finish Sparta, if possible start a plantation on the mainland after.
Fuck you that 0 value wasn't there before
defend I guess
May I take bosphorus? Rolling to invade Cholcus and Legae
Fill Crimea and lands around it
>in spain
ah well
same order.
Can you like, not?
I added it because I forgot to add a 0 to the original map, the 15 is standard for all the maps I edit.
I'm tired nigger.
You will be included in the next map, roll then.
Same to you.
Keep in mind that you can only attack and defend in one direction, I allowed this round but if the Lusitinians attack Spain and get it all with rolls left over, it will go to waste.
Finish Sparta under my boot.
Why in the next map? Come on, it;s like I missed a roll, whatever, rolling to fill Colchus and Legae
Dude what the fuck is your problem?
Why not conquer Italy first?
build plantatains or invade cellies.
Glory through the sword!
War has immediately broken out between the factions of the world, can Sparta stand against the legions of Rome?
Sparta needs to go
claim Raetians
fill south of me, try not to pass checkpoints
claim Raetians
fill south of me, try not to pass checkpoints
Please explain what me is.
You will be included next turn with a 5t bonus for joining late.
Kill Legae
Attack Bosphorus
same as last time.
dark teal in Switzerland/Austria
Sparta manages to push the Romans out of Attica and the Northern Peloponnese, the Romans have retreated South and fortified in Sparta, guarding the mountain pass. Whom shall attack first and gain the terrible malus?
Bosphorus and the barbarians to the east are at war with each other and draw to a stalemate akin to Rome and Sparta.
Slaughter the romans
Same again I guess.
You have 7t left, where shall I put them?
How about a Nap?
If Legae Accepts the NAP Move into Scythians, if not attack Legae
Fill anything that doesn't need to pass wall/river
Can I spill Macedonia?
I accept the NAP
Fill Iberians
You must move south or waste the roll, as you have attacked in that direction. I'll do it for you.
You now have a +1 bonus from Crete.
Ok, thank you.
No problem.
Rome's presence in Greece has been a complete failure, they can either build another fleet or do something else, while risking invasion in retaliation.
Conquer eprius, spill Macedonia
Take Scytians, after attack Getae
How has my fleet been smashed if we never had a naval battle? How is he island hopping Crete if he never burned a turn to build a fleet?
What the fuck op stay consistent.
Fill France, avoid rivers
Fill Albania and Iberians
Increase prosperity of my innermost province.
Spill upward.
Crete is connected by sea tile to Sparta, therefore you don't need a fleet to invade.
You disembarked your "fleet" into Sparta, I forgot to get rid of the icon.
I apologize if I didn't explain it well enough, but I threw this map together hastily.
Also, since some people were confused:
Prosperity increases and stacks onto 1 province, it is better than plantations but when invaded if you lose that province it loses a prosperity level
If you put in another 12 you gain 1.5 ontop of your 1.0 bonus
If you want to put money in the prosperity bank, which saves your tP, you cannot attack or defend that roll, but it allows you to pay the high prices to further increase prosperity.
Sounds like bs. Make another fleet and invade again.
>The first invasion was a failure
Remember to separately number your prosperity
Con: 2
Prosperity: 1
Fuck his Crete
upgrade the 10t tile to 12t, spill into light green.
Make fleet and engage before he lands at Crete
Finish Scytians, invade Getae.
updating score
Fill Iberians and Armenia
You cant do both in one turn pal
how about you stop fucking attacking me.
Sparta builds a fleet.
Rome takes Crete, takes Sparta, and moves north but is stopped at the mountains.
Fill France, avoid rivers
North passed the mountains
upgrade province, or if not enough prosper a new one. Failing both of those bank.
defend retake land.
Move fleet toward Roman beaches
One or the other mate.
This counts as two rolls son. Your fleet "disembarked" at Crete.
Then defend.
don't move the fleet.
Kill the Gatae and build a plantation here if enough points remain.
Fill Armenia
If not enough points, take some Dacian clay.
will prosperity bonus be counted in my roll or will the land grow by it self?
Both forces fight at the border with equal ferocity, Rome generally has the upper hand and manages to grudgingly scatter the enemy men, they retreat behind the mountain line and Rome fails to cross.
You must invest in the land to gain prosperity with tilePoints.
fill light green, spill light orange.
Fill Armenia and Pontus
Lets make this happen...
Adjust your bonus, you're +1
Give up your stupid fucking war dude.
Build one or two plantations where i showed you, if points remain after building one or two spend them into Dacia.
put prosperity levev +2T (17T) on red dot
Once again they meet in the mountains, Sparta has a wide advantage this time and decisively defeats the Romans, however Rome has many legions, and a reserve legion has guarded the mountain pass, no territorial changes were made.
Fill light orange. any spills go in bank.
This roll will be included this round.
Sparta choose wisely.