Earth just hit 7.5 billion people.
Is overpopulation a problem?
Earth just hit 7.5 billion people.
Is overpopulation a problem?
This doesn't mean I want whites to go extinct, I still want them to be at least a third of the global population, which would ideally be 2 billion or less.
Are you retarded?
We want MORE whites and LESS browns. The yellows/browns probably make up 75% of that 7.5 billion.
Yes the ultimate red-pill is in Georgia guidestones.
Niggers are a problem.
he's probably a spic
world war 3 soon brother
everything will be solved by then
Yes. Adults should only be limited to 2-3 children. Thoughts?
she will come back this summer
White should not be limited
Asians should be limited to 2-3.
Shitskins should be limited to no children.
Niggers should be limited to no children.
just remove muslim, no one in modern society will have so many children except them
Nah dude, the growth rate is slowing down all the time. By 2100 it could be negative.
Yes. It's maybe the biggest problem on the earth. But it's also a tabu we really don't talk about.
>by the time of 2100
>human population is decreasing due to lack of resources
>people starve to deaht
well at least overpopulation won't be a problem
We were overpopulated 2.5 billion people ago, and thanks to India and China it's going to get MUCH worse. Hopefully Russia releases a superbug which kills 95% of the human population because at this rate we're all extremely fucked.
Top kek. Nah, resources won't be a problem either. In fact people will be having less kids because they'll be richer.
> Anglo spawns
Idk ask Africa.
i propose wars and assisted suicides.
not that Islamic terrorism shit the left is so hot on.
Things are going to get really weird in a few decades.
just stop intervening in foreign 3rd world countries. let primitives be primitive. the cards will sort themselves out.
i don't take comfort in the statistics that say the population will comfortably self correct, it's a little naive to think the exploding populations in the 3rd world will simply resolve themselves.
No. The elites want you to think that. We have enough resources for everyone.
Well it's already happening user. Look at the growth rate now and 30 years ago. China is already losing people.
There you go
Korea might be losing people real soon too
The funny thing is that only Europeans/Whites are fighting overpopulation by just simply not reproducing or having only one child. While everybody else is infesting this world like a bunch of fucking insects.
Honestly, why are we even paying for foreign aid to nigger countries? Just let the natural selection do its work.
isn't that their one child policy working?
we need way more abortions
no,the jewish population and muslims are the problem
My heart breaks for our beautiful planet and the fact that the worst of the bunch are the ones doing the over populating.
and didn't they just cancel it a while ago?
also, the total population may be decreasing, but muslim and niggers population is raising, that's not good at all
well are you ready to hunt down hundreds upon hundreds of niggers and arabs by yourself? there is endless reasons for it, for example they will destroy wildlife after first cathastrhope
phased out in 2015
West is fine. Niggers and their sandy cousins can enjoy starvation.
I've never understood whites wanting to help others. It doesn't make any sense. We're the only culture to do it, and all it does is make shit worse and have the shitty third worlders leach off us.
We need to somehow drastically decrease the amount of kikes, niggers, and overall degenerate welfare scum. Which would be somewhere around 1.5 billion people (majority muslim), and that's being generous.
They cancelled it because they need to maimtain their population, but it's unlikely to grow very fast as more and more people are joining middle class and become more educated. Only rural and suburban retards have many kids.
We need to mass sterilize the population.
Anyone that disagrees is a shortsighted fool.
We are expected to reach 10 Billion soon.
There is no way the world can sustain that.
we should do it like the Romans and
just conquer them and build the infrastructure for them when they are to retarded to do it.
what has international aid ever done for us...or them.
The world is fine, it's countries below the replacement rate that have the problem. We'll start importing surplus population from the 3rd world pretty soon I suppose.
if non whites would stop fucking thatd be great
>The World is fine
The world had a stable population of 300 Million for a thousand years.
Then we went up to a Billion, Now we are at 7.5 Billion.
How long untill we reach 10/15/20?
Do you honestly think that our world will be able to sustain the population then?
What happens when the natural resources we have relied on to survive run out?
Remember the Russian Starvation? Mothers canibalizing their own children, neighbors robbing neighbors for a loaf of bread.
That will become our reality unless we do something now.
Still can't believe this picture is real. Taken in the country of Niger.
No its not, one Americans average throwaway food could feed an entire African country
It's the third world. How many Chinese and Indians are there, together like 2.5 billion? Get ready the population of Africa to explode soon.
Earth can handle 15 billion easy.
what exactly do Indians live off of?
they seem to be doing fine
>Get ready the population of Africa to explode soon
hopefully they actually explode
We have too much subhumans on this planet.
that is one tough truck
sadly that are all over the world now that them exploding means us imploding
rip earth
Yes, it is! Stop having kids, go your own way, and just bring these impoverished people in from other countries who don't have the same opportunities you do, to balance the problem.
That solves it!
>How long untill we reach 10/15/20?
Something like 40-50 years to reach 10 billion, at which point our population could just as well start to go down. There is really no reason for unrest. With technology and automation everything will be greener and more efficient. Also the rest of the world will be up to date on contraception, clean energy etc. through the UN.
Yes. The middle east, and Africa won't stop though.
i don't think first world countries will have such a problem birth rates are low and vertical farming works just fine for certain plants
>them exploding means us imploding
Citation needed. That's not how it works. One can grow while the other stays the same.
time to start another epidemic in africa
mass immigration + them making multiple children while the west doesn't will make the scales tip even further than they already are
Exploding and imploding, not in the literal sense ofcourse, but the strain they will bring on the west will be massive and they'll drag us all down.
It's basic reasoning and the logical conclusion to socialism + mass migration.
holy shit
He meant that he wanted them to die I believe. Also guys, there are no countries. We are all under the UN now.
those were some fun threads
well until we meme'd a little too hard and cases started popping up here
Yes. In africa.
wtf, abortion was actually a genius idea
Yes, that's why we should gas the niggas and prevent them from breeding.
Right now it can. But how long untill our natural resources run out?
30% of the worlds farmland is already useless due to soil degradation.
Our Earth was not meant to handle 1 Billion, 15 Billion will kill it.
>More than 19 million black babies have been aborted since the 1973 Roe v. Wade U.S. Supreme Court decision legalized abortion in our country.
Retarded idea.
Deport all illegals/"refugees" from Europe. Strictly enforce immigration laws. Stop sending "aid" to Africa, its only exacerbated the problem.
Shit, just quarantine Africa entirely. After this, the problem will solve itself.
Leave Mother Nature alone chocolate breath.
Calm down, our earth was not meant to handle a lot of things, but it's handling them just fine. There is still a very long way to go (thousands of years) before you need to worry.
Quarantining entire continents is not very profitable you know. It's wiser to assimilate everyone in the global (((zeitgeist))). When will you whites learn!
Africas Population alone will double in the next 30 years.
And what happens when a continent with a population that can't sustain itself now doubles in density?
Will they stay and starve or disperse and maintain their current breeding patterns.
If you think this migrant "Crisis" is bad now, wait untill hundreds of Millions try to enter Europe.
Overpopulation was a problem as soon as we needed to start factory farming animals and plants just to feed people.
No, we need to worry now. The earth is dying right before our very eyes. I mean, it is too late so there's no point in caring, but it's going to cause devastating problems really soon.
Is it because (((they))) send food there so they don't have to eat eachother as nature designed them anymore?
Personally I'm not interested in global conquest. I just want Europe to remain European, and let everyone else live however the hell they want to.
so what your saying is gas the niggers?
We won't let millions come may say that the globaliat elites will but the people won' ready for the incoming european civil war
won't be for much longer.
Overpopulation is a meme. Humans need to expand into space.
Clean rivers are a meme.
If we were smart about it, we could have a sustainable population of about 10 billion for nearly forever. At some points, technology & other science could advance enough that we could increase that number.
But, of course, we are retarded, not smart.
The ocean ecosystems are collapsing. That is going to be the killer, as that progresses from DANGER WILL ROBINSON to full blown crisis. About one more decade and people will begin to seriously panic, by 2040 it's going to be The ShitShow.
Soylent Green somewhere around 2050 to 2060. It wasn't supposed to be a documentary .......
Our wars for resources show how well our Earth us handling the 7.5 Billion now.
Our shortages of water and food ,even in the most developed prts of the world, show how well our Earth us handling the 7.5 Billion now.
Our Massive Migration issues where people run to areas with a decent shot of getting the natural resources needed show well our Earth us handling the 7.5 Billion now.
Thank god Ma, Stalin and Hutler killed hundreds of Millions of people.
Imagine adding a few more Billion people to the equation.
Europe will remain European in some sense, but it will probably be a mix of Arabic/European/Negroid.
Imagine a continent full of chinese and african offspring. The future is not bright.
Are you saying Spaniards are going to start moving north?
overpopulation is only a thing in non white countries
Shit, close the borders! Isolationism is the only way to survive now.
Look what happened when a few million tried to enter Europe.
An entire political regime is on its way to be destroyed as a result.
What do you think happens when 100s of Millions try to enter Europe?
Anything short of Genociding such a mass migration would fail to keep them out.
If you think it is bad now.
Just go to London and you'll see the future.
Don't most germans live stacked on top of each other? lol.
RIP Europistan if Le Pen doesn't win.
Mass Sterilization is the only way.
Why even bother bringing logic here? You very much know that this will never happen because "Muh rights and equality for everyone"
If it really comes down to it we'll have to move to Antarctica
White man thrives in harsh cold, we can make it work
It seems the globalists wants a ww3 to reduce population
maybe they're not so bad after all?
if only the entire middle east were glassed, and certain parts of africa