he looks more and more like a hobo each passing day. whats his endgame
Is varg starting to lose it?
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too much blackpills
He came out as anti mgtow so fuck him
He never had it to start with.
>Stop going your own way
This is what happens when you live the city and become a rural and suburban retard.
He lost it when he lit a 1100-year old church on fire.
>snownigger cosplaying as roman
even more pathetic than if a turk tried to cosplay as a roman tbqhfamily
>MGTOW numale cuck
You have to go back.
like a drug dealer that starts using his own wares. this is what will happen to everyone that follows his retarded advice.
his new vid is encouraging being a hobo
Well it could always be worse, at least he's not in Sweden Sven.
>his new vid is encouraging being a hobo
Don't most of his videos do this?
MFW there will be a hobo master race after western civilization falls
But baba that is not Roman armor
The `surviving' parts of western civilisation will be remote villages that are able to grow their own food and are too far from anything else to be continually raided by the horde.
>he looks more and more like a hobo each passing day
>whats his endgame
He took the trash pill.
are car youtubers so embarassed about their living conditions they film themselves in a car? why not go outside in a beautiful park or something.
Varg is a funny character and makes based music (sometimes) but that's about it. He really needs to chill a bit and come out of his bubble of self-importance. But then again I'm a half-moor Catholic southerner, what would I know about the complicate minds of the pure Norwegian masterrace?
Implying there's anything that distant, in western Europe. Implying whatever villages/farms are there won't be raided anyway.
go be a subhuman somewhere else you muzzie shit
Point out on the doll where the priest touched you baby boy.
Race war
>go be a subhuman somewhere else you muzzie shit
Stop trying to get even more muslims to move fucking kraut.
>He [Carg] really needs to chill a bit and come out of his bubble of self-importance.
He's been like this since his teens. He said in one video he sat around looking out his window with his knife collection in his room in the late 80's waiting for WW3.
He sat in his room, looking out his window with knives waiting for a world war.
Should tell you something about the guy.
you're a retard. you realise northern euros actually had their own armour right?
Oh and uhh, where do you think Romans got their coolus, galea and imperial helmet designs from?
Pre-existing italoceltic and later gallic helmets. You dumb shit.
I am sorry.
ADHD? Paranoid Schizophrenia?
start a family and force yourself to grow up
make white babies
All boys do similar things, though. All my friends and I bought knives and such things.
Hes thirsty for blood I think
>You dumb shit.
Expecting a muslim to know/give a shit about anything non-islamic. mfw. Why do you think the islamic world is the way it is?
Varg is the stuff of legends, he will become the new Santa Claus and revive the original traditions before Coca Cola and Christianity ruined it with their degeneracy.
that is roman chainmail you autistic fucks. well, i wouldnt expect varg fans to have any notion of history or historical artifacts
Beta faggot go kill yourself
french is an invented construct. wut, varg wants to back to 300 BC?
I don't think so. He's not schizophrenic. His logic didn't go "I think there will be another war, I'd better prepare for it"
It was more like "I fucking hate Jews and Christians and Americans and brown people and I don't want their shit in my country, so I'm gonna collect weapons and hope another war breaks out".
You're from Serbia though.
Why does he look so old? Isn't he in his early 40s? Looks close to 70
Jesus fucking Christ.
The worst part about that is not that he actually did so, no, it's that he felt the need to tell us he did it. The pure, undiluted edge of it all!
why is he wearing a hat if he's inside a car?
>i'm a little manlet, short and stout!
ok but he's norwegian
Good goy. Don't continue your genetic line.
2bqh it seems very clearly embellished in a roman design
What do you mean by this?
This is Roach education.
Why do you when you go to the synagoge?
Raghead aside I just wanted to vent about the Romans.
Their entire civilization was built upon plagiarizing the Greeks and Celts. They could at least have had the decency to keep those pre-existing languages in common parlance instead of introducing their own shitty tongue.
The earliest coolus helmets, which were very widespread in the Celtic world, were very simple, yeah.
However the two primary innovations of the brow ridge and cheek flaps were still Gallic in origin, not Roman inventions.
Now that you mention it yes. I was mostly looking at that helmet. But that Lorica looks really roman
that's why he has a million children. he knows he's going to die soon.
it's a jewish thing
is it a european thing to wear hats inside a car?
Silly Romanian! That is Celtic Gallic armour.
He's legic autistic.
He is becoming more and more leftist
At first he was just against civlization, but now, he is openly saying that we deserve non-white invasion cause we bully "muh earth" and he is against Le Pen
He is a leftist
Even found proof.
>muh Le Pen
>not even the hot one
Is Varg autistic? Let's find out!
In case the sprinklers go off.
Nordic autism at it's finest. Scandinavians and finns are like that.
Honestly, when was the last time we saw him in his house? Does he even still live there?
>roman lorica hamata
You deserve non-white invasion because you are allowing it to happen. If you want to rule, make it happen or stop complaining. If you are superior, be superior.
except it's a roman lorica hamata it was used until the 1st century where it was getting replaced by the lorica segmentata
A hobo doesn't buy reproduction SS camouflage clothing.
He's fine, and showing the way toward what we'll need to do sooner or later. Learn from his extreme message. Be prepared.
That is not a lorica hamata bitbong.
Celtic maille and Greek linthorax comprise the design elements of the lorica hamata.
Helmet and shield are derivative of Celtic design.
Once again, nothing of Roman originality.
I guess so. It tends to get fucking cold in Evropa.
His endgame is the end of civilization. He's quite open about that.
>sits around collecting weapons while anxiously waiting for WWIII
Varg was proto-Sup Forums
He wont support any right wing candidates, he is so fucking delusional that he believes that their will be a societal breakdown.
>starting to
Not only Varg but everyone involved in the norwegian and swedish black metal scene actually were waiting and preparing for WW3. Not in a paranoid manner but more like they wanted it to happen so they could legitimately kill christians and posers.
its European tradition to be hairy
>what is his end-game
1.getting money from youtube with sharing the knowldge.
2. Save the omney for later so he doesn't suffer a painful death
3.Live in his car for the rest of his life
4.Not watching porn
6. Die
Fucking sweeden already killed him by sentencing him to 21 years in jail.
The man lost his life
>He lost it when he lit a 1100-year old church on fire.
Why didn't they just build it out of stone like the third little piggy?
Varg is best meme
Excellent post
Is there really evidence he did it? I remember in one of his videos he stated he didn't blaze churches dindu nuffin.
Come on, lad.
He's working, repairing, cleaning after a long winter. Spring is the most busy season for people who own properties, farm and so on, you lazy roach.
So did Varg kill Euro for being a communist faggot? I don't buy the "he was gonna kill me" story and it doesn't make sense to kill somebody who owes you money.
let me add a note here to your underlying statement:
The church => power that currupts man => the idea of a organized religion came from Judaism => old religion of satan.
Jesus and Mary => were reeincarnated spirits from higher dimensions (and are still alive) => came here as MESSENGERS (not personal saviors) from THE SOURCE (MESSENGERS!) => totally AGAISNT organized religion
think for a second what if it is true?
Why having a picture of jesus crucified as their main symbol? Why priests go nuts and corupt and abuse the most innocent of beings on earth? children.
It's because CHURCH (or roman church) CORRUPTED jesus and mary message and took control of it.
JESUS HATED ORGANIZED RELIGION AND PRIESTS because he knows the source (god) is in our hearts.
Jesus ain't gonna do SHIT FOR YOU.
you can pray to him but you are wasting your time.
Only YOU can find "God"/source in your heart.
inb4 >cringe religious theory
sorry for not beeing edgy but when you know it and live it...you also feel the need to plant some seeds of knowledge
are you mad that he thinks Turkey is a subhuman culture?
You mean the same church that was built in the ruins of a more than a 1100 year old paganist temple that was burnt down by christians?
fight agaisnt white genocide and ORGANIZED RELIGION.
Just ignore churches, let it die off.
Fight the church establisment, god DAMMIT! xD No man, women, child or animal needs church in his life.
There is a legend that some time ago, when the portuguese templars had the holy grail that it was not an object but the TRUTH. THE END OF VATICAN and the FAKE CHURCH.
Fight by criticizing, quetioning, questioning how many times the bible was told and if it was even made after jesus death. to corrupt the meesage with strange metaphors, hipocrisy and a giant book most people don't even read besides the 10th page.
Fight fire with fire.
According to Varg and others in the scene, Euro planned to knock Varg out, take him into the woods, tie him up, and torture him to death while filming the entire thing. He had even bragged about his plans to others.
>don't even read besides the 10th page
>Fight fire with fire
w e w
The Crusades were only possible because of widespread illiteracy. The masses got their religious understanding from the Church. You cannot use anything in the Bible to justify the Crusades. Fundamental Christianity is a pacifist religion. I'm a "cultural" Christian and I know that the Crusades were totally justifiable as a reaction to Muslim conquest. If you want to "fight fire with fire" then the last thing you want is people reading their Bibles.
I know, I just don't buy that story. Has anybody else confirmed that story? It seems like everybody kind of acknowledges that animosity existed between them, but I haven't seen anybody outrightly say "yeah he was gonna kill Varg" aside from Varg himself.
He later acquired ammunition, explosives and probably weapons.
MGTOW cucks are just inept to get women. Real alpha males see through all the bullshit women do but still get a wife/fuck girls because it's fun and you might find a girl that's worth marrying.
You're delusional if you think there won't be.
I think that's because of the fundamental difference in the way he exists, compared to other people who focus on themselves.
He's practically going his own way too and doesn't give a shit about the societal norms, but at the same time he's a welfare leech who's only purpose now is to have white kids.
He also benefits from the money he gets from those kids.
So him going his own way, is basically having kids and larping as a self sufficient peasant. That's what makes him happy, but the ideology of doing your own thing is roughly the same.
Also he has nothing to lose, so of course it's easy for him to tell everyone to drop what they're doing and be like him.
Let's say he was a functioning part of society and he was focusing on his music, trying to build a career that way.
I'm sure he'd agree that settling down and having kids or a relationship in that situation is fucking retarded and wouldn't advice it for anyone.
>I don't buy the "he was gonna kill me" story
Well apparently this guy has a tendency of changing his story every time he talks about the murder and the church burnings, so who knows what really went down.
It might have even been something like creative differences. Varg seems to have a tendency of having to be absolutely right all the time and has no patience for differing opinions.
Combine that with a super edgy teenager hail satan phase and you have a pretty unstable individual.