Why do Americans eat so much meat?
Why do Americans eat so much meat?
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what city is that
'cause 'murica and steak and hurr durr. Go Vegan you cunts.
because we can
this looks like something out of WH40K
Because (((they))) put loads of sugar in our food which makes the food addictive.
Commiblock Mecca
veganism is fucking stupid but for fucks sake tone it down. the u.s. ate over 50billion pounds of beef last year. that shit is killing the world and creating a vaccum for oil
>veganism is fucking stupid but for fucks sake tone it down. the u.s. ate over 50billion pounds of beef last year. that shit is killing the world and creating a vaccum for oil
I am going to quote that entire post and give you a few minutes to analyze it. fuck it, I'll help you out.
>reeee fuck vegans reeeee
>but for real tho, we should stop eating so much meat.
If not even vegetarian, at least stop eating red meat. that is the biggest problem (due to massive destruction of rain forest) with the environment, not fossil fuel emissions
That's one holy city, no god's creation in sight.
no country will ever be entirely vegan
but as a nation, if we could switch our diet to being predominately vegitarian or just fucking eat way less meat, we would be better off
veganism is pretty stupid. producing eggs uses far less oil than steak. vegetarian protien is very important.
whatever. you get it.
there is a difference between eating meat for dinner four times a week and consuming a mega fuck ton of meats for every meal every day
veganism is not really a viable option for anyone, i mean, were fucking omnivores, man.
>i mean, were fucking omnivores, man.
while being true, humans are better suited with a properly planned herbivore diet. just because you can eat bacon it doesn't make it healthy or in any way adequately nutritious.
If you want some more info, I can sauce you (no homo)
Tastes good.
>no country will ever be entirely vegan
>no country will ever be entirely white European
hey, at least we should aim for the goal, amirite?
>veganism is pretty stupid. producing eggs uses far less oil than steak. vegetarian protien is very important.
whatever. you get it.
there are plenty of vegan protein sources like beans, legumes, dark green veggies, gluten, etc. and if you really don't want to be fully vegan, you can always be vegan from monday to friday and then have an omnivore weekend.
t. Low t weak beta.
You wanna grow you gotta consume that meat. Fish, chicken, steak, eggs. All of it. Stop being babies, the future is already doomed
Literal faggot
meat is tasty
dumb nigger spotted with no arguments. care to explain why the need to consume dead animal? please tell me something about muh protein or muh b-12, I'm ready.
I feel weak, cold, and sickly if I don't eat enough meat for too long. My brain gets foggy, too.
I need my fucking protein, and it's incredibly difficult to get enough from nuts and beans without going way over my calories for the day.
protein powders and gluten could work.
if you're feeling weak and cold, that could be an iron issue. as for brain fog, that could be the reduced levels of creatine.
fuck you retard
quit stuffing your face with burgers for three seconds and look up at the sky
its polluted
we will run out of oil if we continue to consume like this
I want to climb everest some day
wrong again. also,
>trusting (((Mainstream news)))
have you learned nothing?
looks pretty blue to me m8
this isnt an argument about veganism
idealism will get you nowhere, so drop your preachy cult shit or fuck off
the idea is to be moderate and to bring balance back to people
polarizing it further will only serve to feed the entrophy
i'm waiting entomophagy i want some tasty cheap as fuck mealworms and crickets that aren't contaminated with god knows what because i picked them up from a pet store
look harder
that is a fucking brilliant idea
Would scrapple be placed in the meat column?
crickets are easy to grow in mass scale,
what will you feed them?
I've heard you can grind up dried crickets to make protein powder that is more digestible than eating them whole.
Also why not grow rabbits if you are trying to have a sustainable protein source (and fertilizer for your crops)
>this isnt an argument about veganism
fuck it, thread's derailed.
>idealism will get you nowhere, so drop your preachy cult shit or fuck off
as far as I know, cults lack argumentation and rely on faith alone. so far you have not presented a single (1) argument against vegetarianism/veganism.
>the idea is to be moderate and to bring balance back to people
but that is not possible at the current population growth rate. every single time you buy meat no matter how little, you are continuing the existence of an industry that is destroying the planet. if you really want to look deeper into the effects of agriculture on the environment I suggest you watch the documentary Cowspiracy.
if everyone in america ate half as much meat, the industry would grow half as fast
maybe that would leave just enough room for something else to sprout roots
you could possibly convince most of america to eat less meat
you could not convince most of america to be a vegan
also, consider that a vegan industry around the size of the current meat industry could be similarly toxic
or convince americans to become responsible for their own food (good luck)
what makes rabbits more sustainable than chickens? cows?
Real Americans are not the problem. We consume a lot, but have dutifully reduced our birthrate to temper the environmental impact. Why the fuck would you want to be a huge nation of grass-eaters instead of a smaller nation of grass-fed-beef-eaters? We just need to stop them from flooding us with illegals.
In the meantime, the meatening will continue. Literally ate meat every day this week, not stopping. I blame genetics, my ancestors were literally as carnivorous as wolves and bears.
read you don't have to go vegan overnight
meat is the shit
we should figure out how to prevent the companies that own all of the meat from killing the world
>you could not convince most of america to be a vegan
a single person (gary yourofsky, not a fan of his btw) turned 5% of (((Israel))) vegan in less than a decade.
>also, consider that a vegan industry around the size of the current meat industry could be similarly toxic
it could, but then again it would be far preferable to NOT have the excessive methane emissions, the massive water waste, and the rainforest/ocean destruction.
Anyone who advocates for eating insects is a fucking barbaric subhuman.
Only retarded tribesmen in the Amazon or Southeast Asia eat insects. White people are better than that.
stop trying to convince me to be vegan, you fruit.
unless you can get a guy in office imposing vegan ideals on americans, you are nothing more than a barely audible annoying voice of anxiety on a polish sausage picture plank.
veganism is too extreme and idealistic to reach the people who are responsible for creating the problem.
so what else can you do?
underrated with a genuine chuckle
cheap af
Brainwashing from advertising. The feeble-minded believe that eating meat (grain-fed beef tastes best!) and driving oversize gas guzzlers are a sign of prosperity and strength, and that "faggots" eat salad and drive economical vehicles or don't drive.
wow, the most prolific vegan ever managed to change a whopping 5% of the population in 10 fucking years
do you see the problem here? the oil usage here is actually increasing exponentially
gary shouldve aimed towards cleaner meat
I'm looking forward to vat-grown meat becoming available. I haven't eaten the flesh jew for many years but I really miss that delicious meat.
rabbits are easier and they breed fast
you need a lot of land for cattle to graze on, i'd recommend goats if you want a grazing animal
this increase is pretty significant considering veganism in the mainstream wasn't a thing 10 years ago.
also, you didn't read one of my earlier posts. ok so some some people will never go vegan. they can still start reducing meat, having meat-free days, start with every breakfast being vegan, etc.
yes, I am aware that some people will never go vegan. once again, doesn't mean any step towards it isn't a bad idea
good as hell, good as shit
srsly you should all go vegan motherfuckers. u arent a libertarian if u support killing and using living beeings!
>, i mean, were fucking omnivores, man.
we are not fucking idiot
Vegetables other then potatoes taste terrible and going pure fruits would probably drive me insane. Chicken biscuit for breakfast and steak for dinner
significant increase or not, its not enough
getting several million people to go partially vegan while eating wendys on the weekends is not enough
what the fuck are you going to do?
There's cattle on my land. I kill them and bone them myself. They are great in BBQ.
Fuck all you wall mart steak eaters. You have no right to eat it if you didn't kill it.
>he uses anything he didn't produce himself
Top kek, I bet you don't use a home made computer.
at that point, and if times are desperate, a tax on meat could work (not in favor of this at all because am ancapistani) as well as massive buy-outs of industrial-size cattle ranches and farms, kind of like australia's gun buyback program where farmers sell their farms to the government and then decommission them.
>tfw American trapped in Japan
How do the Japs live like this? It's all rice and noodles and if you're lucky a tiny slice of fish/chicken/crab/squid.
Not watching your shitty infotainment video, although I do think it's funny how you ignored the crux of the comment for the one inconsequential phrase that triggered your little rat-brain list of youtube thinks.
I think that's a myopic view, meat isn't killing the world nearly as much as other things. But it's easy to fix. Start small, I'm on first name basis with the rancher I buy my cows from.
because your're so retarded you don't realize the problems that arise in sustaining a population on grass-fed, so I had to bring you back to reality. I too find it funny how you didn't even want to listen to the argument to at least give an input on it. but yeah, meetz maed us smarts :]
No it's not stop lying what is your RDA for calories?
youre being presumptuous. meat is killing the world.
joe rogan #750
2020 fishless oceans
its rice from here on out
what do you do for water?
>bone them myself
I gots a big belly and an even bigger appetite!
The only problem with it is that niggers, spics, and chinks keep having too many kids. I can think of a number of other solutions for that besides cutting out meat. It's not like we need tons of people around, especially as automation ramps up.
Fucking vegan drama queens.
Because the meat industry has conditioned and brainwashed people for decades to do so.
Just like the cigarette industry,clothing industry,alcohol industry and every other industry that has figured out the basic psychology of human beings.
The thing with meat is that it's systematic abuse of living beings and the planet.
tldr; it makes certain groups of people extremely rich, they have no morals or souls when it comes to the meat industry.
fuck you.
why is a box of ritz crackers more expensive than 2lbs of sausage?
What you describe there is called capitalism
This is not a Sup Forums thread because diet is not political. This is a vegan shitposter thread.
All not/pol/ threads should be purged. Vegans are Antifa shills for the most part.
Brand name recognition. Stop being stupid. Non-Ritz clones cost far less. If you are too retarded to shop wisely, KYS.
Future ground zero.
fuck off
sustainability is a political topic you fucking alien
ok. so then why is a box of knock off crackers the same price as a hamburger? hamburgers are much more expensive to produce, right?