is that a cuckmobile

your future is getting nuked biscuit head

i sat in it, jelly?


Pilot here, it's really dangerous. You don't want people having flying cars.

nice thread, now go buy one! we need money

I wasn't expecting a flying car to be literally a two-in-one helicopter and car. Why won't they make them like they are in The Jetsons?

Also is 4plebs permanently kill?

>He still thinks nukes exist

Yeah, pretty much.

dude r/futurology lmao like mass automation and flying sheeeeit

The sad thing about flying cars- Humans will never be able to fly them around like they drive cars. Piloting will always be reserved for the select skilled few. If everyone could fly it would be 911 every fucking day

Same, private pilot with IFR rating here

Can you imagine the general population having to navigate through low visual conditions?

ayy lmao

What's with new vehicles posting turbo charged V6s?

I want a naturally aspirated V8.

Why are the Jews trying to cuck me out of two cylinders Sup Forums?

Considering the average driver is a fucking idiot, pretty much this.

>The sad thing about flying cars- Humans will never be able to fly them around like they drive cars. Piloting will always be reserved for the select skilled few. If everyone could fly it would be 911 every fucking day
Quadcopter cars will be a thing the second a reliable high density electrical storage system is developed. You could do it right now with a hybrid electric gas turbine design but gas turbines automatically push it out of the price range for cars and need constant servicing.

>implying you don't need PPL to fly it

you're retarded

people have trouble keeping a ground based vehicle running

could you imagine all the dudes that would just drop out of the sky due to not doing regular maintenance not even considering piloting / bad condition handing skill at all

There's already enough retards with PPL who wreck shit

Because a turbo V6 can push out more power with a shorter lifespan/cost of production so they make perfect leasemobiles


Yeah no that meme's old, come up with something more fresh.

>Pilot here

You're an airborne busdriver and have 10-15 years left max before you're no longer needed.

>It's dangerous
Then we need them.
Trucks aren't enough you know.