Vive la France!
Tomorrow : Make France great again!
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Viva the side chick- pic related
hey guys how do you say "check my numerical repetition" in french
"Vérifiez ma répétition numérique"
vérifiez ma répétition numérique
Whats happening tomorrow?
Explain to an ignorant burger please
"Vérifiez ma pute vierge à répétition"
The first round of the presidential elections in France.
vérifiez ma répétition numérique
Raise your arms and give your energy to Marine!
What are the odds for Le Pen realistically?
5, 13 and 19
not much , she might win against the commie but that's all, if macron gets to the second round, it's autowin for him.
Ahura Mazkek will grant us victory
"Many French Jews can't wait for us to be in power. They shouldn't fear us, on the contrary. Our will is to fight Islamism with a strong hand and provide them (the Jews) safety. If the Jews leave France, it won't be because of Front National, but because of radical Islam."
t. Marine Le Pen, who subsequentely has had to DISAVOW HER OWN BLOOD (her biological father) Jean-Marine for being 2edgy4Lügenpresse
She has a huge to win in the first turn, but if there is need to a second turn it will be moderate winning chance and it depend who is she facing
If she face macron she win
If she face melenchon she also win
If she face Fillon it will be hard for her to win
>If she face macron she win
>If she face melenchon she also win
>If she face Fillon it will be hard for her to win
Polls are predicting the exact opposite.
Egyptian deities are not semitic/hebrew tho
>when you first thought of the NatSocs as being shizophrenic when harping on about (((Civic Nationalism))) mainly benefitting (((The Jewish lobbies))) politically or economically - rather than the native goyim amongst White Americans, native european peoples - and they turn out to be right on the matter
what ?? are you on drugs ? her only chance is to face Melenchon
poll are state-owned
a polling station will be blown up or trucked into tomorrow
screencap this
of course, but you have to be realistic.
>Fillon wins
Continuing the train heading towards White/European demographic genocide
>Le Pen wins
Jumping off of same train, but walking there instead
I am
Macron is a meme nobody want to vote him, go on twitter or speak to people you know
Nobody will vote for him, its just a meme pushed by the medias
I agree.
One of my coworkers is going to vote for Macron.
She has this
If france leaves the EU, england will finally be able to get the process of leaving going.Thats what they were waiting for, someone to leave with so they could watch it all fall apart.
A heartfelt message to all French anons.
Please let's make France great again. We can start that process by voting for Le Pen tomorrow.
We need to take our country back and it begins tomorrow.
Share this message with your friends and family.
These are desperate times and i think its time to act now.
God bless.
It sum it all
A meme
Vive la France!
May kek bless this election
>Please let's make France great again. We can start that process by voting for Le Pen tomorrow.
Except that (((Jews))) and their (((Banking System))) will still not leave you alone, given which people Marine Le Pen surrounds herself with already.
Have fun living in a Brazil-tier mongrelized France barely surviving by clinging to its abstract civic"Values" only, while Israel gets to do DNA tests on their immigrants
Is already too late though unless you take drastic changes like deporting all muslims and forbid Islam.
To be free you have to forbid, by being tolerant there will be a moment when women can´t even get out of the houses (already happening)
>Please let's make France great again. We can start that process by voting for Le Pen tomorrow.
Working on it
Marine 2017
>God bless.
Ahura Bless*
You're a kike
I'm with her
>Country "France"
Yeah, fuck cuck like you.
What if Melechon wins?
go france praise kek
>people say the right is sexist for not liking Hillary
>same people support Le Pen
get fucked commies
Make me proud Frenchman, vote for her
Shit up kike enabler
MLP craves for Jew dicks
She will fuck us up like Trump did
The way French people vote is so extra. Why they gotta announce it?
Ok, retarded.
t. schlomo
Melanchon called the jews, I will vote for him
fuck off shitkin
we don't care about the kikes
we just want you, poo skin filths, out
Famalama, he said "We will have to live with terrorism as part of our daily lives"
You should not vote for a leader that tells you to just deal with it when muslims are killing your people
French bro, I pray for your nation to make it. Please! Vote Le Pen! Maybe a political change in France will at last awaken a good number of Germans to finaly elect a new, nationaly oriented government. VIVE LE FRANCE!
We are still proud of our country (some)
Do you have that marion in armor pic. I need it.
let's see if that's still up
the majority of Portuguese de France are with Marine!
Marine will win! KEK WILLS IT!
who melanchon here?
>our country
you French mate?
I do hope France get it's shit together tomorrow. Innocent french can't keep to pay the price with their lives because of the US fuckups.
Kick them all out.
Le Pen will win
I love you bros
>who melanchon here?
fuck off globalist kike muppet
>can't even spell his name
How likely is it that you'll have illegal voting?
Are there voter IDs in France? Is there any system set up to deter voting multiple times?
With Trump, there was a massive block "rural and suburban retards" that changed the tides of the entire election in his favor. Anything close to that in the outside of Paris?
You know that tomorrow means nothing right? FN will have to face a cuck in the 2nd round no matter what, and then all the cucks will ally behind whoever cuck who won. I might not know a lot about France but I do know this:
You have more cucks (and coalburners) than Patriots.
Can you vote for Salazar?
Melenchon will win.
>implying frogs wont choose another turbosocialist
you think le pens economic policy will be any different? haahahahhaahhahahaha
keep dreaming and just short the euro
Take my rare energy!
I wish but he's dead RIP
you guys must be feeling bretty good now about the whole telling the EU to fuck off ain't it lad?
In Soumission, Houellebecq suggests that France will continue to vote left-wing despite being an increasingly right-wing country, including in 2017.
Really makes you think
Fillon is a better candidate
How is it looking France? What is the expected outcome?
Make it happen frog-bros
You have a paper to vote, you have to show you ID, and you have to sign a paper that proves you're in the place that has been assigned for you to vote
I know, I vote for him.
the don got this
fuck this cuck
expected outcome: cucked
Likely that Le Pen wins the first round, then is in a run-off with left-leaning centrist globalist Macron, then he'll win no doubt
Your election will be hacked/manipulated by EU. They CANNOT afford to let you elect Le Pen, since she has promised to leave EU. They will use ALL resources to prevent it from happening.
>France has more strict voting laws than the US
Good for you guys, but seriously, there is no reason not to do this. I can't stand Dems who oppose this.
Any history of ballot stuffing?
Absolute victory incoming!
>you guys must be feeling bretty good now about the whole telling the EU to fuck off ain't it lad?
Sim, but the cucking is pretty bad here as well.
The party who most likely will get in power this autumn cried about muh refugee children yesterday on their general assembly. They even brought over The King Cuck from Sweden and had him speak about how great and diverse Sweden was. Obviously they are pro-EU too, so they will probably make us sugg more EU digg than we already do.
I can smell the internal snackbarring.
Reminder to algerian diaspora that them being in France prooves that they couldn't handle independance and THAT THE HARKIS WERE RIGHT ALL ALONG.
get fukt.
Although I don't like France, good luck tomorrow. Save Europe.
>tfw your friend gave you his vote by proxy thinking you will vote for Macron while in fact, you'll vote for Le Pen
That's why you hide your power level, lads
Well I guess the issue is settled.
daily reminder that if you vote for anyone but Le Pen you deserve the genocide at the hands of muslims that is coming your way.
Don't forget this one
Please Kek, allow Le Pen to win? Shadilay!
Oh, behave, Francia!
Ae you here Kek?
So will Le Pen become president of France?
Will she lose then?
Kek is here
of course it's a meme, but you talked about the second round, and against the meme it's gonna be tough for her