Who is organizing March for Science? Is Trump really against science?
March for Science
lol go fuck yourself
I'm so glad they chose world renowned astrophysicist Bill Nye the science goy to lead this march. Only thing it's missing is NDGT
The march is starting in Denmark too in about 1 hour. I just wanted to know what this shit is about.
(((I wonder)))
Don't worry, he made a video.
Since when are Democrats the party of science anyway? I wish the Republican party was more secular, then it would be the party of logic, at least relative to Democrats. What are christfags gonna do, vote Democrat?
Here we go, indeed.
You can't make this shit up
But Bill Nye the bachelor of engineering guy told me race doesn't exist.
lol'd again
I thought Sup Forums was just being ironic and edgy with all this Zionist stuff but shit like this makes me believe
>Tfw when quantum genders incoming
Should have gone to maths.
Fucking kek what a joke
>superposition of genders
I am leaving now to get some photos from the place. (OP)
Here's a sign for the march.
Here's some more. Notice anything?
Apparently no one studied the science of how contrast works.
quick bump
>2/6 black
>1/6 chink
>2/6 spics
>1/6 Muslim
Perfect representation of the scientific community
March with a picture of a Nazi scientist.
good goym you don't want to be against our ((science))
Nope, nothing political about it, just focus on the science.
>a bunch of faggy liberal arts majors march for (((science))) aka another social media virtue signaling circlejerk
>Stem majors continue to roll their eyes and call them fags
No more oil. Support science.
Fresh meme.
what the fuck
Welcome to reality
Got invited to go to this in London today. Couldn't think of a more pointless way to waste my time.
what the fuck
i think 2017 is the year science is finally able to determine the % of human caused climate change attributed to white males
I'm going to the Copenhagen one.
(((science))) proves a decrease in global warming directly proportional to a countries ability to take in muslim refugees
I hope some muslim blow himself up at the march, would be hilarious
When did "Science" become so fucking gay? Actual science is probably alright but I hate this fucking "le EPIC science" movement
how many of the participants think science means "scientists say" articles shared on kikebook?
I can't figure out what they're marching for. They just have a leftist political sign with the word "science" and an atom slapped on it, but I've yet to see any meaning to it.
Science has a lot of problems right now. Check Lee Smolin Trouble with Physics, ghostwriting in Pharmaceuticals, the recent crisis in Psychology. A lot of careers dependent on certain paradigms, direction of funding under control and plain misunderstanding of the Scientific Method
More like social """science""" lmao. I guarantee there will be more gender studies "graduates" than STEM people.
Was it fun? I'll share some photos later today
I find it funny that it's a march for science and they base their logo off an outdated and incorrect view of atoms. Great alternative model though!
"science" as in facebook clickbait-tier research about global warming and gender...
the last real generation of scientists retired in the early 2000s. kids today are babby-tier posers.
All of them. They are totalitarian authoritarians larping as communists
Hi Ahmed
The religious righties are. They don't care about science at all and want to shove religion down everyone's throats, specifically Christianity.
Don't they just want more tax dollars for science funding?
Maybe they should grow up and stop stealing taxpayers money.
No they're not.
An example being they want to push creationism in public schools.
Just replace black with white and it'd be accurate.
Anyways what's wrong with green energy? Solar panels are a great asset for a survivalist and electric cars don't cost you gas money. Just charge at home instead of blowing your money at a gas station every week!
Okay maybe switch the chink and spic percentage too.
That's why they are organizing March for Science? Wow.. this must be real 4D chess
Is this the science of studying nu-males?
Anyone going to drop any science redpills at the march?
> Intersex People Take On Characteristics of Hormonal Rather Than Social Gender
> Brain Morphology Variance is Higher In Males, Explaining Overrepresentation in Extreme Traits
> Implicit Bias Studies Fail to Replicate
> Socio-economic Attainment is Genetically Linked and Strongly Heritable
Time to go make some snappy protest signs.
Fucking Degenerates
>Scientific evidence is true whether you believe it or not!
They say why: marchforscience.com
>Diversity makes teams better
I would like them to
>show me the data
that backs up that claim.
Diversity of perspective in many fields is generally a good thing, and people from a different cultural background are likely to have a different perspective on things.
That is the general idea behind that. If everyone thinks the same way and does the same thing, you get dominant thinking which leads to horrible choice making. It's why nuclear wars have nearly broken out in the past.
dats rasis
>the guy implied space is real
oy vey
There's a difference between recruiting qualified people who happen to come from a variety of different backgrounds, and recruiting people from different backgrounds, qualified or not, for the sake of meeting absurd 'diversity quotas'.
Scientific method has nothing to do with cultural diversity. I can't even imagine how the latter may help in math or physics or whatever else
Yep! We can't have true science if we don't have a Maori telling us his creation myths. /s
Go tell them about race realism
>There are 78 biological genders and only one race.
>Trump's hair spray causes global warming and bees to die.
>Only robots can abolish white people.
>Patriarchy causes cancer.
>Islam is the only scientifically accurate religion.
>No vaccine for heterosexuality yet. Yet.
>Jesus was a queer woman dragonkin.
>Autism cause by lack of socialism.
Totally about science. Not politics. Bill Nye will make a smoke tornado with a trash can and dry ice. Super-duper scientific.
We will do one soon here in Chile. Most people don't give a fuck about Trump but the organizers who literally are leftist gays
We just want mo money for dem programs coz here we get JUST 0.4% of the PIB on research. We truly are a banana Republic on disguise
Amerifucks are truly lost
Bill Nye the non-binary genderqueer steAm amab, xir xir xir!
Does anyone have a link to the recent official report of some European health organization about harmlessnes of genetically modified products? It was issued last year if I remember correctly.
somebody pls print this out as a sign
science is supposed to be the last bastion against ideology, but it's all too clear now that it's been infected beyond repair, too
this is the last gasp of the west
i can only hope that i die before a new caliphate or totalitarian commie state is installed
godspeed anons, it's been a pleasure shitposting with you
>Ctrl-F divers
>1 out of 10 showing
I am all in for many of their goals such as more science based political decisions and better science funding but they are trying to shoehorn too much SJW
You might be a retard
t. Retard Scientist
What is this supposed to do? Is this a failled meme or pure self-reflection
Science is a lie
"all you need to know about the march for science"
No . Fuck you