This is your final warning. If I see any of you americans in Romania, especially Brasov I will beat the shit out of you, I'm not fucking joking
This is your final warning. If I see any of you americans in Romania, especially Brasov I will beat the shit out of you...
I will personally pollute the Danube with burgers
You look like a spotty poof, you can't even fight sleep, stick to beating your meat to nigger cuckold porn
You're lucky that's in constanta and I'm not there otherwise I'll beat the shit out of you
We got a tough guy over here
If (you) met up with me anywhere, (you) would instantly be wishing for better days. ANYWHERE else.
Come to Brasov any time you want. Just tell me the place and hour. I'll put you in the fucking ground
you look like a homo
Nobody is scared of your twink looking ass.
Go style your one direction hair some more faggot.
Talk talk talk talk. Tough guy on the internet but irl you're a bitch
You have cute skin
Say that to my face
don't you have some gypsies to worry about
Ass baby of Romanian butt-rape.
Not with that weak chin, we can see your face bones. You don't even lift.
wtf i hate romanians now
Shut up, no one's going to Romania. Stop trying to get people to go to your shitty country. It's not happening.
Name a place and hour and we can sort our shit
Cplm? What`s wrong with u?
Right on brother
Get those fucking burgers out of here, throw em in trash
like anybody's going to your gyppo ridden pisshole of a country
I don't have a problem with Europeans. If a Russian or Bulgar or Belgian visits my city I won't do anything to them but if I see you I will smack your stupid face
All right that's it. Next Romanian I see here in the USA will get anal raped so hard that he or she will be unable to walk correctly for at least 3-7 business days
This guy has some strange feminine features. When i make the picture large i can't quite point to them.
That's some ID you got there, faggot: Jew Goo
Except nobody in romania goes to america so watch out. I lurk in Brasov on the streets at night
Is it true that a guy can obtain the services of a god tier teenage escort there for $8 ?
>implying people want to come here
Not even sandniggers are coming in this shithole and you think you'll see any burgers?
>I lurk in Brasov on the streets at night
Faggot rentboy confirmed. How much do you charge? Are the American punters rough on Romanian street prostitutes?
Maybe that way you'll get out your basement once in a while, Eugene
Absolutely, but no chinks allowed you look too repulsive
No one even knows it exists so i guess you're good.
If that's you, a nosejob can turn you into a 9/10 male, but your nose is fucked up. Your features are all good except that nose.
Guys, op is a communist. Leave him in his imaginary land.
Tadu asta pt mine si zi la englezu asta ca am zis asa:
Daca te prind in Brasov iti rup mainile si te bat cu ele in mortii matii de englez dupa care ma pis pe mata
let us see that nose in profile mr shekelberggoldstein
godspeed fatass
>when the romanian tourism board resorts to a mongolian finger painting website to shill for tourism
I doubt this you, but in the off-chance;
nice acne retard.
I can't speak street beggar talk, Mr Jew Goo, go rattle your McDonalds cup for some spare change
Talk about nosejob when all you know to make is blowjob
All right I was pissed before but now IM STEAMING BURGERS. Next Romanian that dare come to the US of A will be shown Garfield: A Tail of Two Kitties three times with limited bathroom breaks and burger snacks.
At least he's not a street pisser like you, Johammed
Have you helped your sister find a new muslim boyfriend today bruv?
Why would I travel to a 3rd world country when we share a border with two of them already?
Ce fata da pizda ai XDDDDDDDD
Devon Sawa?
I'm a white Scotsman, not a mudskin street beggar
Why does romanians come to Norway and live of welfare or beg for money isntead of actually contributing to society and work?
gypsies kek
In order to have yourself beat you stupid bitch
He said that if he catches you in Brasov he'll rip your fucking arms and beat the shit out of you with them, also fuck your mother's dead parents you english piss drinker
Your people are well known for public defecation and urination, i don't know why you imagine you could tar these insults to any other culture
eyy look at this tough cunt
I will fucking reck ur boipussy you little 3rd world faggot
1) youve already gotten your nose broken at least once
2) you have the facial structure of a woman. Maybe it is the hormones and why...
3) your shirt is cut to showoff your burgeoning breast tissues
You would break your hand on my chin, faggot.
10/10 would make Janissary
Fuck with this American jawline faggot.
Fuck off, gypsy.
Why would I want to go to some quaint little Romanian village when there are Romanians everywhere begging or selling the Big Issue?
Jew in ID. OP is a manlet confirmed
First is true rest is bullshit I will smack your fucking face you dick sucker
Would fug though desu.
Your people are well know for throwing themselves off roofs while fucking muslim boyholes mid-air because they're FUCKING FAGGETS
people fight with their fists, not their eyes, bruh
You have fun on me on internet but irl I can punch the shit out of you
What delusions you have, it must be all the fumes from the petrol you steal. Give me pictures of a Scottish person having sex in midair with a muslim, please, while I post more ROMANIAN BEGGARS:
relax. no need to go all white power on them. they have it bad enough as it is.
do Romanians really eat this?
Fuck off rent boy. Nobody on this board wants to fuck a street walking gypsy.
Unless she had great tits.
And I was drunk.
Romania was a mistake.
y can't we b friends
Topkek, did some American fucked your GF/mother/sister/dog?
Just stop acting like a tough on the Internet u look like some third world Sissy tranny Piece of shit
I have pictures with your bitch mom while I fucked her IN ASS
How many Wars have you lost?
OK, Jew Goo, please deliver some solid proof while I post the cream of the crop:
They think they r cool because they know more insults than me in english but irl I can really beat them
This desu :(. Fuck you tho sweden, first European country to get (((Americanized)))
Did you get the aids from fucking an american? Is that why you are so butt blasted shit flag? ;)
I'm not tough on the internet and irl a pussy. Irl I am more tough I fight all the time
come to bucharest OP
I'm pretty sure there is no good fighters In Romania
You look like an autistic school shooter faggot with some extra chromosomes
>I fight all the time
With your Cat maybe kek
I really hope you're trolling, I mean REALLY hoping you did not just unironically challenge people on an imageboard to a fight. This is exactly what an irl pussy would do.
Brasov is Hungarian clay you subhuman bitch. I can't wait for Germans to wake up from their slumber and realize you subhumans genocided their transylvanian kin and now occupy their clay thinking you're fucking tough.
Brasov is a city built and maintained by Germans for 800 years before you subhuman fucks came along.
I will come in June if I catch you on the street I will beat the shit out of you american cock sucker
Are you that guy that is always shitposting about beating up Americans? Timestamp pls
What are your stats btw? (height, weight)
with your microdick? I didn't thnks so
>Better score some virtue signaling points by supporting the local chapter of invading organized crime
To be quite honest, I wouldn't even have to type another word, all I need to do is post pictures of Romanian beggars all day, and then some more, as there is a lot of them.
This is funny as hell. Holy fuck I'm dying
T. Sadick, Hahaha only niggers call there master's school shooters
Faggot abbo we were born for war cunt,come and fight me irl ya island nigger.
ok I'll be here homie just make another thread and I'm sure I'll find it somehow
Guess that makes sense..
Is that your pic?
You look like a faggot.
lmao i'm 80% this guy is legit and the photo is him. He's dumb enough to do it. Bucharest burger, go to Brasov and fix a meeting. Kick his fucking ass!
Why do you hate americans, bro?
If I see myself in romania I will save you the trouble and commit suduko.
Please do, that's not an American but one of our parasites the kikes let in
>Pliz Tranzlat wat dis Anglo told me