
They pretend to be some revolutionary communists, yet in practice they are foot soldiers for the ZOG establishment.

They're also mostly self-loathing whites, drug addicted and will definitely not have any children or any kind of future.

They're the worst humanity has ever produced. I mean above ISIS, Al-Qaeda, Mexican Cartels, everything. If they had it their way, there would literally be no white people.

And what is their rallying cry? "Goodnight, white pride." They hate themselves. They hate their race. The fucking niggers and Jews have convinced them that they deserve to be ashamed of their heritage, a heritage far more illustrious than any of their detractors'. If the shitskins and the kikes and all the others who can't match the accomplishments of the West aren't able to build themselves up, they're content to break the caretakers of modern civilization down. And these antifa, these weaklings, these absolutely pathetic sacks of race-betraying shit actually believe it. They have been brainwashed to the point that they are not only no longer proud, but they are willing to use violence to rob others of their pride. They deserve to be shot for their treachery, and their puppeteers deserve far, far worse.

Antifas are literally the most degenrate retarded rage-driven uneducated narrow minded fucks I've ever come to deal with.

The irony here is that these people are probably the first ones that would be sent to the gulags as elitist exploiters and ruiners of the working class if a Bolshevik socialist Revolution came to America.

Every Antifa is a Neo-Communist or a Jew, every time, without fail.

This is why nobody likes them. They hate one system of governance and greet it with violence, while advocating for another form of government that's killed more people than Ghengis Khan.

They are (((communists))) disguised as "anti-fascists" to gain sympathy.

Other urls found in this thread:



But revolutionary communists are and always have been foot soldiers for ZOG.
Lenin, Trotzky, who the fuck do you think they were?

Damn op
Have a (((((you)))))

Antifa's are genuine scum, indeed, there's not a single redeeming trait about them.

First World, right ?

An army of battle hardened liberal arts students. I'm still not understanding why anyone takes them seriously. If you looked even half way capable of defending yourself they'd scamper.

a shame they didnt kill the antifa cucks

When I was trying to find bikelockguy, I was reading through some of their reddit accounts. The males are truely beta males. One guy was talking about how he was trying to be grateful for being friendzoned by this girl....

It really is just something we all know deep down but its nice of you to actually say it

That's a nice face defence on the I wouldn't want to sucker punch that guy.

You got it right. They are the useful idiots of the Oligarchy. That's why Soros supports them. That's why when patriots are protesting against shit like neo liberalism they are always on the scene diverting from the message that the people are angry. That's why they hate the working class. That's why they want to shred the constitution.

Antifa=Useful Idiots.

Pretty sure I killed someone that looked like that on fallout 4

In Catalonia, in the small county of Terra Alta and just a few months ago, we were doing a tribute to 34 local innocent peasants executed by the Anarchists during the Civil War. This peasants weren't "fascists" nor part of the "francoist" army, they simply didn't want to see their farms taken from them in a forced collectivization. Remember this murders of innocents when some dumbass talks you about the Anarchist "paradise" of Catalonia, this is what "Antifas" do when they get to power.

(you'll have to translate from Catalan)

Worst thing about them, and all these leftist NGOs is how many of them are working with children and youth in general.

That's the scary part, because looking at these monsters one can't help but think to himself "thank god they can't procreate".

But that is why they're so adamant in becoming teachers and professors and work for NGOs that get promoted in education,
they're slowly but surely brainwashing alpha's kids into becoming little beta losers like themselves.

If any of you bastards ever get lucky enough to have a family, homeschool your kids. Seriously.

I just love how they look like these bandits I shoot in the Fallout Series.

I fucking love it

They're not even whites, they're all kikes. That's why they're so butthurt about Nazis.

>Playing Bethesda's fallouts

I can forgive Lenin. No one had ever tried it before. And his country was in a pretty desperate situation.

There's no excuse now. Anyone that's actually studied history knows how it will play out.

can't wait for our coons to clash

we'll show the world what a proper riot looks like

a Punk, not an antifa
you chink face
Norvegians are fake whites

Not anymore, not since we elected another white male president

Just like alt-right, trump supporters are unknowingly neo-con cucks to the globalists...

yes, the white/conservative base is taking their country back

too bad none of your countrymen have the same initiative or pride, fucking spic

Jimmy Saville with the beatings

All Antifas are subhuman scum.

They are 100% useful idiots to the elite

He-Man gets me every time

>that swift kick in the bitches ass at the end

Applying nose rings to their members should be a mandatory practice

>Every Antifa is a Neo-Communist or a Jew, every time, without fail.

NO. Antifa hate jews. You heard me: antifa hate jews.

The working class comrades of Palestine have suffered long enough.

Its time to rise up against the Israeli fascists.

Join ANTIFA today.

Its time to kill yourself

If you concern troll any of their subs, make sure you let them know we not only have their names but also the hacking capacity of the NSA and CIA. In fact, once upon a time we were refered to as 'hackers on steroids' :)

>The Shadow Brokers (TSB) is a hacker group originating in summer 2016.[1][2] They published several leaks of some of the National Security Agency (NSA) hacking tools including zero-day exploits.[1] Specifically, exploits and vulnerabilities[3][4] targeting enterprise firewalls, anti-virus products and Microsoft products[5], tied to the Equation Group threat actor,[6] NSA's Tailored Access Operations (TAO).[7][8][9]

Leak 4:

Leak 5:

>Vault 7: CIA Hacking Tools Revealed
Part B:

>Today, Tuesday 7 March 2017, WikiLeaks begins its new series of leaks on the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency. Code-named "Vault 7" by WikiLeaks, it is the largest ever publication of confidential documents on the agency.

>The first full part of the series, "Year Zero", comprises 8,761 documents and files from an isolated, high-security network situated inside the CIA's Center for Cyber Intelligence in Langley, Virgina. It follows an introductory disclosure last month of CIA targeting French political parties and candidates in the lead up to the 2012 presidential election.

Surprised they had time from their full occupation throwing the bones of nuns about in streets.

>In fact, once upon a time we were refered to as 'hackers on steroids'

Fuck off newfag

Do you remember the last and "final" EU vote we had in 1994? I was involved in a youth club aligned with Blitz back then. Everyone was strongly opposed to the EU because we'd give away our sovereign rights and be ruled by the evil globalist elite in Brussels.

These days the same people are pro open borders, pro globalism, pro everything they were opposed to 23 years ago. The only thing they didn't do a full 180 on is racism, which has only turned into a buzzword in the same way "fascist" has been a buzzword since the late 70s.

Useful idiots the fucking lot of them.

weird how they always turn out to be doing porn or something


I'm being serious. You could meme this, but no you just want communism to take america then cross the sea to turn you into a communist futuristic eutopia like NK

Jim'll fix it!

no bc you just need to grab a piercing a you can rip a whole in his face

antifa is just a fun thing to do and to feel morally superior

there's no deep thinking behind it

male antifas get to show off to the women and be violent

Spic got a are acting like Chimps

If people try and hit you with bottles and bike locks, all bets are off. We can't all execute them with chainsaws, Gonzales.

Because we're actually fighting back? Go be a cuck somewhere else

The Eldar created many beautiful things and lived long lives and when they died, their spirits returned to the Warp. Slowly, the pride of the Eldar overcame their caution and they became ever more proud and arrogant. They had long since outgrown the need for physical labour as their society provided all, leaving them with only their own desires to satisfy. Even military conquest was waged by their machine creations, and many found themselves without purpose.[1]
Many gave in to their hedonistic desires and cults sprang up over the Eldar lands dedicated to the different aspects of arcane knowledge and sensual excesses. Gradually, the Eldar society grew more and more divided by the different cults. The people became more and more corrupt, delving into vicious practices, verging on sadism. Sadistic killers prowled the streets in search of victims, attempting to find new ways to satisfy their needs. It became harder and harder to satisfy their decadent desires, so these acts became more violent. Soon the streets were running with blood and the bestial roar of the crowds could be heard throughout the Eldar empire. Law and order broke down and some Eldar left their worlds as refugees, seeking a more peaceful existence.[1]
However, the degeneration of the Eldar did not go without resistance. Derided as fanatics obsessed with self-denial and suffering by a hedonistic society, many Eldar free from the corruption plaguing their society - from raving madmen to genuine survivalists - fled their homeworlds in assorted spacecraft. After battling numerous dangers in space, and disaster at the hands of natural predators and Ork incursions these 'Exodites' (named from their 'Exodus') settled untamed worlds far from Eldar space, at the fringes of the galaxy. Life was difficult for a people unused to physical labour and self-denial.


>These days the same people are pro open borders, pro globalism, pro everything they were opposed to 23 years ago. The only thing they didn't do a full 180 on is racism, which has only turned into a buzzword in the same way "fascist" has been a buzzword since the late 70s.
I remember all the anti-globalism protests as well I'm sure they were going on as late as 2000

For the record, this is Blitz. AntiFa since 1982.

Yeah sure, just for 'fun'...